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One of the greatest pictures of all time...

Guest onomatopoeia

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Guest onomatopoeia
umm its jfk jr. It was at kennedys funneral, how someone could make fun of that is sick. His dad just died in front of everyone in the USA.






I really hope people knew who that was :nono:

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great pic but I don't think best of all time. One of my favorites and still maybe not the best is the firefighters raiseinf the flag at the world trade center. I think that said a ton about us as a whole and at the same time was a bit of a finger to binladin.


If we ever catch him that will be the best pic ever when we find him and he just happens to have a m16 round in the forehead (damn wonder how that happened :D )

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We Will Go To The Moon In This Decade And Do The Other Things, Not Because They Are Easy, But Because They Are Hard.

Cuban Missle Crisis. He stopped WWIII when almost everyone else wanted us in it. If there had been a shooting war with the USSR none of us would be here today beacuse, at best, our folks would have never met and fucked. Win or lose, the US would not have survived a war with the USSR.

And some call him a coward.

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Guest onomatopoeia
Yeah it looked like he was at a funeral or going stripping :thumbdown :asshole:







WTF are you talking about you.... go back to freshman year social studies you fucking idiot

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