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Drug Users: didnt realize there are so many


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After making numerous career stops and arrests.. Ive come to the conclusion that there are a shit ton of people (at least on the west side) that are into drug and marijuana usage.


For your sake people, keep your drugs at HOME if youre going to use.

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My favorite ones include.........


"I SWEAR THAT BAG IS NOT MINE! Ill admit to the drinking and driving, but that bag is not mine! I would rather have the OVI than the drug charge!"


Officer xXx "We know the pipes belong to you, tell us they do and we will uncuff your girlfriend, free her from the possession charge, and let her go"..... alleged criminal "Nope, not mine" ... girlfriend continues to ball her eyes out as shes put in the back of the car.


"But officer EVERYONE smokes weed!" My partner "Officer Lippian do you smoke weed?" Me "Im affraid Ive never tried it Officer xXx "


During officer saftey pat down... Officer xXx "Whats that?" "Oh thats my baggy of weed" Officer xXx "Thanks, your making this easy for us"

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My all-time favorite reality show is COPS. I consider it one of the best comedies around.


Two funny quotes I remember:


Woman with bleeding nose and mouth with boyfriend being carried away in 'cuffs: "He didn't hit me."


Another great one was a drug dealer pedaling along the sidewalk on his bike and a police car pulled along side and yelled for him to pull over. The guy says, "I can't, I don't have any brakes!" The officer stopped his car and simply jogged up to the bike and tackled him.

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I get some good comments......"I just walked in a room where they were doing it about two weeks ago thats why I am positive."


"What someone must have put that cocaine in my drink becuase I have never done it."


The best is when they say they will never do it again. I just laugh everytime.

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After making numerous career stops and arrests.. Ive come to the conclusion that there are a shit ton of people (at least on the west side) that are into drug and marijuana usage.


For your sake people, keep your drugs at HOME if youre going to use.



Driving around smoking pot is just dumb.



Smoking pot at home is your choice.

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FUCK YOUI TWICE My parents are both cops my dad risked getting aids to save some fucking crackheads life because he got shot.



Show some fucking respect.


Hope to see you banned soon.


Your a fucking waste of human life.

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Who the fuck is this asshole and how can we arrange his Ban?

Better yet, track his IP, search his house. No one that stupid is clean.


No one should have their life ruined over weed....but then again, if you're fuckin stupid enough to get caught, you're not going to make much of your days anyways.

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FTP = for fucking n00bie ass stuntaz


RTP = Respect The Police.


I mean we may not like speeding tickets or getting busted racing but damn it . I've been let off before and im sure we all have . They are just doing there job. You only see the ticket cops ya know the same cops are the guys who create the balance to prevent some dumb fucks from robbing people because of recorse by the police. Im sure if we robbed streetkilla , Tied him up put him in his own damn trunk he would call the police.....




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Like he said they are just doing thier jobs...granted there are some asshole cops,but I know asshole,car salesmen,bus drivers,cashiers,bmv workers and garbage men telemarketers & receptionist etc. etc.Theres assholes in every profession on the planet, hands down.You cant label a group because of the actions of a few


Just over the weekend I meet a cool cop,they caught two of my buddies lining up,If she would have been there 3 seconds later they would have been racing.She just asked for id's ran everyones plates and told us basically to take it to columbus and not in gahanna and sent us on our way,ticket free.Treat them with respect and be honest and most of the time you will get the same back.


Its funny when you go to a car meet and ppl see a cop and everyones yelling f.t.p and as soon as they get within hearing distance,the peanut gallery and emo kids who never had a bad run in with the police in their life besides being told theres no skating boarding here, no longer have any witty banter.

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I have yet to work somewhere where somebody didn't smoke marijuana. And I've worked in some pretty big laboratories all the way down to 'used car salesman'. Not just lowly employees, mind you but bosses. I'm just not suprised anymore. I don't think there's anything wrong with responsible use, just like alcohol. But when people do stupid things, I believe they were probably stupid in the first place. Hard drugs, that's a whole 'nother issue.
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I have yet to work somewhere where somebody didn't smoke marijuana. And I've worked in some pretty big laboratories all the way down to 'used car salesman'. Not just lowly employees, mind you but bosses. I'm just not suprised anymore. I don't think there's anything wrong with responsible use, just like alcohol. But when people do stupid things, I believe they were probably stupid in the first place. Hard drugs, that's a whole 'nother issue.


Depending on the person it can lead to hard drugs.Pretty much why they call it a gateway drug.It happend to a close friend I "use" to have.You dont get addicted to weed,but depending on your personallity,you can get addicted to the feeling of being high.So you start out small on weed,smoke once or twice a month,or just with your friends.Then you may start doing it more often or by yourself.It gets exspensive and you build up a tolerance,which is why some ppl can smoke AlOT of weed and nothing happens and you can take 2 puffs and start to feel it,so if that person cant afford the prices he may step up to something more or just wants a stronger high.Crack can be sold for 5 bucks because its easy to make,and unlike weed you can straight up get addicted to it not just the feeling so you will come back,so even if it cost less,you will be buying more of it,more often.


Pretty much how it went for my ex friend,he started out smoking and what not and then did it all the time.Then he couldnt afford it so he started huffing and doing over the counter cold stuff.Then it went from that to coke.I still hung out with him until he broke in my house and stole from me and I had to run in his house and choke him to get my stuff back.


Also weed is one of the only drugs that make ppl think they can actually do stuff better.Never heard anyone say I can drive better when im high?Sure you can.That in itself can be dangerous.




Not everyones the same way so it all depends on your personality type,similar to if you have an addictive personality. Just like how some ppl can drink casually and never develop a habit and others cant or someone can smoke a cigg a month and some ppl chain smoke,if you think you need it then you will need it.I use to smoke it when I was maybe 14-16 and then decided that shit wasnt for me.


To each his own though,its not right to impose your will on others or tell someone somethings bad,you can only give your point of view which isnt right or wrong.

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Dragknee, we should go to the range again. I've finally got a 1911 that I haven't had the chance to try out yet.


You need to be in practice for when one of those shitbag druggies tries to fuck with you.


Sounds good actually.. havent been to the range in about 4 weeks now.. which is too long by my standards heh.



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Not to agree with the fuckwad that typed "FTP" but I have had a few run ins with jealous assholes that like to fuck up ignorant people. Fortunately I am not one of those and I play the game. So all I am saying is, power corupts and police are not all white knights. I know a few officers and respect them for the job they do. My worst experience was with a fucking crooked Ohio HWY State Patrol. I posted it on here a while ago.
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