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Bush heckles reporter about sunglasses


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i just cant stand those rediculous bastards and yes im talking about the government period....


I have a hard time with them as well.


i am so against corruption but they say thats how the world works.....


Unfortunatly your right, but I'll never stoop to that level.


oh yeah i am a idiot but im not a follower


and yes i am ignorant when comes to shooting off of the mouth but again it is my opinion.....


Everyone's entitled to have one.


and i do listen to others opinions and take them in stride..not trying to be a :asshole: im sorry to come off that way.


Not that it means anything, but you just regained some respect with me.


i bet to hell that bin laden is caught right before election for presidency for 08... if not caught they will have found him yada,yada,yada... it just seems obvious to me thats all...


Anything is possible, but I like to think that it won't play out that way. That would be the straw that broke the camel's back for me........


Don't you just love political threads!!! lol

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(1) Any subjective raiting such as "worst" is a matter of opinion, but so are most things we say about everything else. I am not saying he is the worst because of not getting OBL or anything like that. I believe that he is the worst because he is completely unqualified for the job. The President has basically two duties. 1, to be a figure head for our country (i.e., represent our "strength" and intelligence, and class to the rest of the world) and 2, to speak eloquently to the public and keep them informed of all goings-on with our country both at home and abroad. On both counts he fails miserably. He is a piss-poor speaker on his best day. He cannot think on his feet to save his life, and he exudes stupidity and a "shoot-from-the-hip" mentality that makes us look like "wild west" bafoons to the rest of the world. Believe me when I tell you, when you travel all over Europe, it is not a proud moment when you are recognized as an American, mainly because of "W". That's a separate issue though, the more important one is your second question.


(2) The most obvious and easiest issue to elaborate on is religion. The Christian Right-Wing has so much power in this country, it's starting to become scary. The main problem is not that people believe "the Christian way", it's the reasoning or lack thereof that they go through to reach that state of "belief". People give the "faith" argument which is a bunch of crap. Without boring you or others (I have actually done many papers on the subject so I can be long-winded), it basically comes to this. One has no good reason for believing that God exists, not to mention it's logically impossible for the Christian God (as the Bible describes) to even exist. However, one has VERY good reason (i.e., tantamount to the same good reason for thinking that if you jump out of a plane, you will fall to the ground and not magically hover in place) for thinking God does not exist. yet in spite of all of this, people still follow "his word" with "blind faith" and make decisions upon it that affect all of us. Like I said, I could go on for hours and go through all of the arguments, from Aquinas' "5 Ways" up until the modern day Ontological Argument for the existence of God, but that is another story.


Hope this helps. Basically my point is, people do not question what they are told and decide for themselves, for if they did, they would probably not have the beliefs that they do currently.


Thank you for the explanation. Very well put. I couldn't agree more. :thumbup:

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The President has basically two duties. 1, to be a figure head for our country (i.e., represent our "strength" and intelligence, and class to the rest of the world) and 2, to speak eloquently to the public and keep them informed of all goings-on with our country both at home and abroad.


I think there's a little more to it than that, and perhaps he is more qualified than most in those areas. I can only pray that's the case. I do believe he leaves a little to be desired when it comes to public speaking and foreign relations.

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revoked really!!!!!! :eek:






In other words, vote for someone who stands for nothing.


Thank you

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In other words, vote for someone who stands for nothing.


Thank you

Leading the country has nothing to do with standing for anything. You want a stubborn child running the nation?


Uphold and obey the law

Do whats best for the bulk of the population, not the upper 3%

Dont send troops anywhere without damn good reason

If you fuck up, do what you must to make things better dont "stand your ground" and make things worse.

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Leading the country has nothing to do with standing for anything. You want a stubborn child running the nation?


Uphold and obey the law

Do whats best for the bulk of the population, not the upper 3%

Dont send troops anywhere without damn good reason

If you fuck up, do what you must to make things better dont "stand your ground" and make things worse.




No offense, but you forgot one:


Make decisions based on the latest poll numbers. :)

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Leading the country has nothing to do with standing for anything. You want a stubborn child running the nation?


Uphold and obey the law

Do whats best for the bulk of the population, not the upper 3%

Dont send troops anywhere without damn good reason

If you fuck up, do what you must to make things better dont "stand your ground" and make things worse.


benz your right its for the people by the people!!!!!!!!!!!!

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In other words, vote for someone who stands for nothing.


Thank you



By this logic, you are saying that only the extremists actually stand for something and that as you work towards the middle, the actual "substance" of a person's beliefs diminishes. I would claim that the opposite is true. The farther out to one extreme you go the more fallacious your beliefs become and "standing for a false set of beliefs" is not good for yourself or anyone else. However, if you take what you perceive to be the best from both sides ending up somewhere in the middle (i.e., a moderate position), you are much more likely to have a true set of beliefs which IS something that can help you and your country.


Be careful with the "all or nothing" fallacy. Just because you are not at an extreme, does not make it the case that you have nothing.

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By this logic, you are saying that only the extremists actually stand for something and that as you work towards the middle, the actual "substance" of a person's beliefs diminishes. I would claim that the opposite is true. The farther out to one extreme you go the more fallacious your beliefs become and "standing for a false set of beliefs" is not good for yourself or anyone else. However, if you take what you perceive to be the best from both sides ending up somewhere in the middle (i.e., a moderate position), you are much more likely to have a true set of beliefs which IS something that can help you and your country.


Be careful with the "all or nothing" fallacy. Just because you are not at an extreme, does not make it the case that you have nothing.


Syllogism FTW

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