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Fonzie's Pitt Stop


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Mission completed this time!! Props to Magley for cummin' up with the witty thread name. eusa_clap.gif For MSN weather claimin' Pittsburgh had 50% chance of T-storms all afternoon.....Weather was absolutely GORGEOUS!!

I'll download my pix & write somethin' up tomorrow.....Need a shower & some Anti Monkey Butt powder right now!! :D I had just over 500 miles for the day & 3 states.

Anyone heard anything from Justin yet...Or Greg? Hopefully no more deer scares for him. Thanx to everybody for cummin' out to play today....Hope you all enjoyed the ride & had as good a time as I did! Greg, Brian, Ben, Justin....Good meetin' all of you finally! 'Nother fun day with friends to put in the 'ol memory treasure chest! ;)

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Took 2 attempts, but....Mission completed this time!! For MSN weather claimin' Pittsburgh had 50% chance of T-storms all afternoon.....Weather was absolutely GORGEOUS!!

Met up with SamBusa & Ben/Josun54 in the thriving metropolis of Williamstown this morning, then we headed over to Mansfield to pick up GoJira (the other Sam ;)) & Greg (LittleCarbsBigSmiles)

The 2 Sams on the left.....Both bald w/ 'Busas, Josun taking a pic of me taking a pic, & Greg on the right


Greg showing off his "Rookie" triangle he taped on his jacket. Apparently it's a race car tradition...Kinda like a "Student Driver" sign.......


2 'Birds, 2 'Busas, & a Gixxer 600 at this point (Hey YT....There's your billboard in the background again :cool: ). 'Nother pic of Josun taking pic of me :D


Headed out for Wooster to pick up Justin/JRMMiii & Brian/Mad Max, & then over to Hanoverton to meat up with Duane/Magley. Had a little mix up in Wooster as Brian was a few miles past the meat point, but after some phone tag, we got hooked up. He suggested hitting 172 off 30 in Minerva, as it had some nicer twists on the way to Hanoverton. Fun road if cages would just admit they are inferior & get out of our way!! lol.gif

Anyways.....took a break at the infamous Papa Joe's to admire Duane's ginormous speakers mounted on his bike that he ordered off of www.hotchicksshiddyspeakers.com, and watch the yocals do neutral drops in their bitchin' Rangers to impress us while listening to blaring white southern rap !! :rolleyes:



Here's Justin's 'Busa on the end........



After enjoying the aforementioned local talent show.....We decided to press on to Pittsburgh. Saw a TON of bikes all day today, & a lot of them right around the stadium. There was this one big, heavy, squidly guy on a 'Busa that came screamin' by us on 30, right when we were about to cross the bridge over the Ohio River into West Virginia. I half-heartedly chased after him, since none of our 'Busa guys did & I was runnin' lead, but was torn between tryin' to catch him & losin' or endangering our group. Decided he wasn't worth any negative consequences, so swallowed my ego & let him go, but still missed our offramp to get on the bridge & had to pull a Uey ;) Got to ride through a really long, kick ass tunnel too, (which of course we all had to do the obligatory pipin' in), before popping out of that onto a bridge going over the Confluence. This area of Pittsburgh is VERY picturesque/beautiful!

Here's some of the shots we took around the stadium..........


Brian, Duane, Greg, The 2 Sams, Justin & Ben (L to R)


Couple closeups of Birdy on corner of Art Rooney Ave.........



Down the row of bikes with one of the bridges in the background. There was a big 'ol paddleboat down on the river that kept blowin' it's whistles




Couple shots of the Pittsburgh skyline in the background. Sun was VERY bright today. Think some of my shots got oversaturated???


Is Maggs givin' us the "gun show".....or showin' off his Brownies T-shirt that "magically" disappeared at dinner? :confused:


Not sure what Sam's up to down there???




3 little 'Birdies....Tweet, Tweet, Tweet


3 'Busa's. If you'll notice Sam's hands, I do believe he's caught red handed here posting my sexual preference on the board at this time :nono::fruit:


With a 'Blade & Baby 'Busa to make 8.........



Sam's now infamous "Mt. Nacho". I wonder if OR could get a kickback on every plate now sold since I'm sure these pix will go worldwide ;)


Group shot after dinner, in front of the big "Bus" mural. Just to the left of this is the register/greeter station, with a big mirror in the wall behind it. Turns out that it's two way glass....the men's urinals are on the other side, so you can watch everyone coming in the front door while you're peein'! Dimly lit too...In case you see somethin' cum in that you like & wanna rub one out real quick!! rofl.gif Myself, Brian, Justin, Ben, Duane, "the Sams", & Greg down on his knees in his "tux". Seems like we always end up with pix of someone down on their knees on one of these rides!! :D


Self Explanatory group shot as we're gettin' ready to pull outta Jerome Bettis & the Steel City. The Confluence is right behind us, as is the big paddle boat. Very scenic backdrop for some more group shots, but everyone was tired of being my muse. I still think we shoulda gone for a paddle boat ride or one of those "Ducky Tours"!!


And of course I haaadddd to get some souvenirs from the day ;)........


As I said above.....Hope everyone had as good a time as I did! 500 miles & 3 states for me. 'Nother fun day with friends to put in the 'ol memory treasure chest! :wink:

Props goin' out to a few people. First off GoJira, for doin' this ride with a broken rib(s) :eek:, Josun for doin' the whole trip on a 600....He & Sam should have high mileage for the day, except maybe for Justin, who was so worried about an extra 30 miles at the beginning & not havin' been on this long a ride before, & then ended up riding with his dad & bro after we dropped him off in Mansfield around 10:30.....THEN ended up riding home to Elyria after that!! I think the long haul definately agreed with him & we've won a convert on future destination trips now that we popped his cherry :cool: To Maggs for cummin' out to finish what we started 6 weeks ago......He's the only other original participant with me, Brian for suggesting the 172 detour, and last but not least.... my trusty sidekick SamBusa for makin' it this time around......Just wasn't the same last trip without him ;)

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Next trip...Valued photog equipment for da "Fonz".


Attach Camera

Activate Self Timer & Extend Rod

Aim, Hold & Smile!

I made it back. Felt muscles tightening up as darkness fell, perforated suit, and cold air after all that extra exertion. Run down from main route as I waved god bye to group and throttle hand was in the fixed "Craw" position. So using front brakes was out.

Nuthin' really a problem, got home and thought melded to bike. Trouble wasn't until I got off. Lotsa cars to lean against and hold on to as I limped into house. "What happened?", exclaimed the wife. Sharp cookie, she is, noticed right away was hobblin' thru kitchen and finding another use for counter tops! Great FUN!! Let's do it again.

I'll leave the scratches on the bike since track day is coming. I wonder if I have enough brakes left to pass tech inspection. Good thing on all this is that the leathers don't look new. So track outing I won't glisten in the sun with shiny new leathers. AND, not likely I'll be mowing the yard today! HA!!

Sierra club sent me a thank yew card, appreciative of my efforts:

Magley: No I really didn't get a thank yew card.

Not actually Fonz's camera in the demo pics!

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Okay...things computer strike again: Here's the revised post: Didn't know the first one went online, and couldn't delete.

Next trip...Valued photog equipment for da "Fonz".


Attach Camera

Activate Self Timer & Extend Rod

Aim, Hold & Smile!

I made it back. Felt muscles tightening up as darkness fell, perforated suit, and cold air after all that extra exertion. Run down from main route as I waved goodbye to group and throttle hand was in the fixed "Craw" position. So using front brakes was out.

Nuthin' really a problem, got home and thought that I was melded to bike. Trouble wasn't until I finally got off. Lotsa cars to lean against and hold on to as I limped into house. "What happened?", exclaimed the wife. Sharp cookie, she is, noticed right away was hobblin' thru kitchen and finding another use for counter tops!

I thought it nice that an eatery in PA would name itself after a good road in Ohio, "36" nice twisties.

I'll leave the scratches on the bike since track day is coming. I wonder if I have enough brakes left to pass tech inspection. Good thing on all this is that the leathers don't look new. So for track outing, I won't glisten in the sun with shiny new leathers. AND, not likely I'll be mowing the yard today! HA!!

Sierra club sent me a thank yew card, appreciative of my efforts re: flora and fauna preservation.

Great meetin' you folks. It would seem we all travel same circles! Anytime ya want to visit the woods. I'll set up some fun loops. Maybe a cook out. You guys can mow my yard in return, since I'm an invalid now. It'll be fun,once ya hit the hillside it'd be like running an ATV, I can water the hill down and you'll slide down into the street below.

Magley: No I really didn't get a thank yew card.

Not actually Fonz's camera in the demo pics!

Most likely not Fonz in picture too (either one of the folks).

Mag's street map drawing from the restaurant's table napkin:


projecting a street map into perspective space

Great trip. Let's do it again real soon!

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Very good time yesterday! I felt like I was getting whiplash that last hundred or so miles in the dark because we were cruisin so fast! I still liked passing the chopper guys on that hill. Venison sounds intriguing for cookout food but I would definitely like to keep it maybe a 250 mile day, or someone can buy me a new seat for my "baby busa" lol.

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Sounds like a new thread in the making: "Cook Out in the Outback". If you guys are serious. Could be done! Located mid-way between Columbus and Cleveland (80 miles plus or minus). Mags, jump in here with correct mileage!

Short routes to be done iz easy once here. Just fun things to enjoy the country side. I can just use my practice roads (include the more stable county highways-or just state routes). Set up three loops to chose from (road type desired), an hour loop?

We could find a small town to take over and burn things. Or.....just dig a hole in yard and burn stuff. Sundays everything closed, so it'd have ta be a Saturday. Then ya could recoup on Sunday to go back to mundane world. Dayton? Uh, to Columbus and then add in yer hour and a half.

We have the technology to do this (matches & wood). Multiple chairpersons...organize yer neck O' de woods and travel back in time. Coshocton boys could even show up. Lotsa nice roads available.

I can limit the loops to a "Bird" tankful, for me that's a hunnert miles.

Should I rent a van and we can then do pre-runs with a group tossed in back. Haven't done that since Atlanta Runoffs. The sober guys were concerned with an old Aerostar van sliding thru turns, everyone else had a good time.

Lemme know. Coshocton, here's yer cue!

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Go Steelers. Ohios best pro team.

Quoted for the truth!! :D Should'a cum out to meat yesterday Max bonk.gif

Very good time yesterday! I felt like I was getting whiplash that last hundred or so miles in the dark because we were cruisin so fast! I still liked passing the chopper guys on that hill.

Was kinda cool cruisin' 3 wide with 30 all to ourselves in the home stretch last night! :cool:

It was gettin' hot, and i thought i had already brown-n-orange'd up all your pix....

Have you cum outta the closet yet & told your friends & family that you ate at Jerome's.....And LIKED it?!? :p

I still give Josun and MadMax props for hanging with us on their 'skinny' seats. WTG fellas.
NO KIDDIN'....Especially Josun doin' the whole trip!!! My azz was on FIRE last night when I got home & in the shower! :eek: I can only imagine what theirs felt like after that pounding! rofl.gif
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Sounds like a new thread in the making: "Cook Out in the Outback". If you guys are serious. Could be done! Located mid-way between Columbus and Cleveland (80 miles plus or minus). Mags, jump in here with correct mileage!

Short routes to be done iz easy once here. Just fun things to enjoy the country side. I can just use my practice roads (include the more stable county highways-or just state routes). Set up three loops to chose from (road type desired), an hour loop?

We could find a small town to take over and burn things. Or.....just dig a hole in yard and burn stuff. Sundays everything closed, so it'd have ta be a Saturday. Then ya could recoup on Sunday to go back to mundane world. Dayton? Uh, to Columbus and then add in yer hour and a half.

We have the technology to do this (matches & wood). Multiple chairpersons...organize yer neck O' de woods and travel back in time. Coshocton boys could even show up. Lotsa nice roads available.

I can limit the loops to a "Bird" tankful, for me that's a hunnert miles.

Should I rent a van and we can then do pre-runs with a group tossed in back. Haven't done that since Atlanta Runoffs. The sober guys were concerned with an old Aerostar van sliding thru turns, everyone else had a good time.

Lemme know. Coshocton, here's yer cue!

im in let me know

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Total moving time - 8H45min for me and Josun. Max speed is um way off. That's in km/hr, yeah thats what it is. I woudn't ever ride that fast in a group ride.

I would never ride that fast either in a group ride:D

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Anyways.....took a break at the infamous Papa Joe's to admire Duane's ginormous speakers mounted on his bike that he ordered off of http://www.motorcyclespeakers.net/, and watch the yocals do neutral drops in their bitchin' Rangers to impress us while listening to blaring white southern rap !! :rolleyes:


Yes the chick is hott, but the speakers aren't really shiddy, just kind of big for some to appreciate

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This one is my favorite (sorry, I'm partial)



Russ (Fonz), Brian (MadMax), Duane(Magley), Greg(Littlecarb), Sam(sambusa), Sam (GoJira), Ben (Josun)


Russ (Fonz), Brian (MadMax), Duane(Magley), Greg(Littlecarb), Sam(sambusa), Sam (GoJira), Ben (Josun)







And this is the shot I have on my desktop at work


Edit: Figured it out... switched from Winkflash to DotPhoto.com

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