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Sometimes I feel sorry for cops


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But at the same time, I can understand why some people hate them.


I was over at a friend's house in Westerville earlier working on my project in his garage. Around 10:45, as we start to drag the axle back underneath it a cop rolls up, stops in front of the driveway and gets out. We're all like wtf? He comes up and says someone called in a complaint about loud music, and asks if we were playing music loud.


Now, the garage has no stereo in it, and the only vehicles parked outside with stereo's were all locked with the windows closed. I had rolled out to DQ with Rick in Marc's El Camino, which is rather loud, but it's not exactly music, and he wasn't exactly revving it, he was just giving it enough gas to get through the neighborhood.


So, we were all nice to the cop since we weren't doing anything wrong. He gives us some shit about having our worklight out, and a bit of the light was shining out of the garage into the neighborhood, so he had us move it so that it wasn't shining on anyone's house.


I feel bad that cops have to respond to BS like that, he came from the other end of the street, and since he made it to where I was at he obviously did not find the cause of the complaint. My friend has had cops called on him for BS in the past, like leaving his trailer parked on the street even though it was sitting legally. I can also see how people dislike cops. My friend claims to have looked up the Westerville law on lights at night, and said that pretty much if you can see a light source from your property, it is illegal, so about half the houses on his street are breaking the law. Yet we get hassled because the cop feels the need to bitch at someone since he didn't find a legit reason for the complaint, and assumes that we had something to do with it.


I blame shitty neighbors though. Mind your own fucking business, if we want to be working in a garage after dark, it's not your damn problem.

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I feel exactly the same way. You may have been in Westerville, but I think Reynoldsburg Cops may be worse. I am actually thinking of selling my home b/c I can't deal with the cops anymore. I love all my neighbors though. When I was married my husband used to park his race trailor on the side of our home (sits on a corner lot) in front of our neighbors. We discussed it with them first. The were fine. Mike, has your friend tried actually communicating with his neighbors so they don't feel like they has to be such jerks??? What the police did was uncalled for. I would like to see a cop come over to my house late at night and tell me to turn out lights that are on my property. It's not like I rent!!! Anyway...I think I may be on my soap box again about police. Only the suburbian policia though. CPD has been just fine with me.
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I feel exactly the same way. You may have been in Westerville, but I think Reynoldsburg Cops may be worse. I am actually thinking of selling my home b/c I can't deal with the cops anymore. I love all my neighbors though. When I was married my husband used to park his race trailor on the side of our home (sits on a corner lot) in front of our neighbors. We discussed it with them first. The were fine. Mike, has your friend tried actually communicating with his neighbors so they don't feel like they has to be such jerks??? What the police did was uncalled for. I would like to see a cop come over to my house late at night and tell me to turn out lights that are on my property. It's not like I rent!!! Anyway...I think I may be on my soap box again about police. Only the suburbian policia though. CPD has been just fine with me.



A couple of his neighbors he talks to regularly and is cool with. He can't figure out who is calling the cops on him. He thinks its the old woman across the street, because she has trouble backing out of her driveway without hitting anything parked on the street. But who knows.

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Someone called the cops on my dad when we first moved into our house because he had his race trailer stored in the backyard, its total bullshit. Their excuse was "it was disturbing the view" or something gay like that.
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Someone called the cops on my dad when we first moved into our house because he had his race trailer stored in the backyard, its total bullshit. Their excuse was "it was disturbing the view" or something gay like that.


hah now thats some funny shit :p

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Someone called the cops on my dad when we first moved into our house because he had his race trailer stored in the backyard, its total bullshit. Their excuse was "it was disturbing the view" or something gay like that.



Ya alot of subdivisions make u have permits for stuff like that. Some people are just so miserable they need a reason to complain and make others as miserable as them. :D

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hehe yeah the cop told me its okay to park in the street and that they overlook trailers nearly all the time. Unless of course someone complains. Julie talked to the neighbors today and the cops talked to the kids across the street to about making to much noise. That must be why it took him so long to come over. The problem is we didn't hear anything and we were standing out BSing and trying to work supper down so we could crawl back under the zuki without eating it again.


I try not to be annoying, but I'd at least like to get complaints when I do something really wrong.



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People complaining about Reynoldsburg cops??!!! Some of you may recall the saga with my neighbor, and the number of times she has called the cops on petty things (like reving the car checking my new exhaust WHILE SHE WAS MOWING HER YARD) to things that weren't true at all.


R-burg cops have been cool about it every single time. Now that a friend of mine is one, and they know it, the calls have magically stopped. :D It's too bad too, since she pissed my buddy off as well.


Now the broad called zoning out when I had my boat parked on the side of the house. I have discovered in Reynoldsburg you ARE allowed to park whatever you want out back as long as it has current plates. :)

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i live in a pretty nice subdivision, and there's a really strict charter about what you can and can't have on your property. One of the things people have problems with is overelaborate fences (i.e. to contain dogs, etc). A lot of people have spent thousands of dollars putting in fences because they're too damn ignorant to know what they're getting into when they buy a house here, then they bitch because they have to spend more money removing it or hiding it with decent looking agriculture/shrubs. I know its uptight and stuck up, but law is law and if you're too damn ignorant, that doesn't make you exempt.
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country neighbors for the win




I used to throw burnouts in front of my house and all kinds of other dumb things. Never once has a cop been called out to my house. In the country people just mind there own business and what ever you do it is your own problem if you mess something up.

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