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Computer Question

Kevin R.

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I know we have some of you technical wizards round here, so I have a question.


I just got a new Toshiba laptop.


I have wireless connection in my house.


The problem:


When browsing the internet, the page will freeze. Now, it is only the page. It will not allow me to navigate it or do anything until I right click on the sight on the task bar at the bottom.


What the hell could be causing this?


It is bothering the hell out of me...


BTW..I may not have given enough details. I can go find technical shit off the box but I dont know it on hand. Me + technology = teh lose.

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$10 says you're using explorer


The truth.


But, would that really cause this?


I have Firefox on the desktop...but only because it was faster on my POS. IE doesn't bother me really, except this problem...

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first thing I would do is run all you windows updates to make sure its not some stupid hotfix that windows has. Even thou its new grab sybot and adaware and run them I would also run msconfig and clear out the the BS running at startup as well.
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