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President Bush will be here


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Hope you fellas are ready to vote against DeWine come November. Atleast if you are in favor of keeping illegals OUT of the country. DeWine supports more immigration (legal or illegal), and has one of the worst voting records in this state (Senate or House) regarding those issues.


DeWine sucks completely, but I can't imagine any dem is going to show up and claim to stand up for the same ideas I do, and what's the chances of ever hearing about anyone running under any other party?


BTW, I have yet to even here of an opposing campaign, is there one?

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KEEP IT MODERATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree...but do you realy think you should yell "keep it moderate"? :p

BTW, I have yet to even here of an opposing campaign, is there one?


Unfortunately, I think this is one of those situations where they think that "Not that guy" is a good enough platform.

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I agree...but do you realy think you should yell "keep it moderate"? :p


honestly yes i do. :D people and the government has taken everything out of control and are digging in peoples lives too much...... all i have to say to these idiots is mind your own buisness!!!!!! ;)

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