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So I get this prank caller


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yep.. Just got this prank caller calling me at 12:30 in the morning.


It's a girl, and she's black (no racial deal here, I could just tell in the voice). She starts messing with me.


"How old are you"

"Older than you."


"For real, how old are you"


"for real?"



I ask who she is looking for.

"i'm looking for you... "

"ohhhhh.. ok.. right. "


"who was the last person you gave your phone number to"

"I didn't"


"Do you have a girlfriend"

"nope, I have a wife.. two kids, etc."


She asks what my name was...


"I'm God, and you are?"

"for real.. what's your name?"



She asks how old my kids are.

"12 and 5".

She asks what my sons name is.

"sorry youngin' you're on a need to know basis, and you don't need to know right now".


She blabbles on about other useless shit and asking me questions.


I paused for about 30 seconds and not saying anything. She kept saying "hello, hello".. then hung up.


She called back twice in about 15 minutes. I just picked up the phone and hung up.


I got pissed at one point and said "you're asking me all these questions.. why don't you answer mine?"


She said that i needed to answer HER questions first.


Bitch, I already did.




Fun for the evening I guess.

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I forget what the number is, but there is a number you can dial that will trace the call and get you the number even if it is blocked. It costs like $1.99 and is supposedly only available for businesses and business oweners, but we have used it before. I can get it for you when I go to my parent's house today for future reference
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Not a good idea, what if she actually does show up? Then you've helped an enemy get some head.


Then.. The cops would show up because she's like 16. Then I'd go to jail. Then when I get out my wife would shoot me.. and the girl.

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