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New PC Pics (BIG PICS)

Mr. Jones

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just click on his sig pic


you'll get all the info you need ;)



lol acutally, the database on our server finally bit the dust. Weve had to make Whempys.com redirect to Chris_F's Confirm Page. Our new site should be up about a week before the next party. Contact me on aim with any questions.


SN: MegamanEXEv2

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What are your benches? The neons must be giving it 10fps easy ;)


I used to run water cooled on my last rig - I'll post a pic of it sitting in pieces on my printer. Too loud. Now I'm running an aircooled setup:


AMD 64 X2 4800 dual core (oc'd a tad - cooling off a frankenstein'd thermaltake)

Gigabyte mobo (forget model off top of my head)

2Gig (secret brand) dualchannel mem (active cool)

Two BFG nVidia 7900GTs in SLI (forget the numbers but both oc'd and a.m. cooled)

1 380Gig SATA HD as primary (shares fan with below)

1 200Gig SATA HD as secondary

1 140Gig SATA HD as, well its just on there

1 80Gig EIDE HD because, see above

1 DVD lightscribe 16x drive primary

1 DVD HP reader for game duty

1 Ginormous PowerSupply

Oh and the case acts as a heatsink.


Quiet as a mouse.


I'd be curious if a Pent. xx oc'd will outrun it. I went with the AMD X2 only because of their easier powersupply requirements than the Extreme Editions, which are pigs. Regardless, I do know at full tilt it will take my office from 70degrees up to 82degrees in just over an hour if I close the door. Ugh.


Far Cry, bah - bring on Crysis!

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Yes, my proc. overclocked is insane on power draw & heat. Ergo the dual radiator rig.

This thing is approx. 200w+ cpu now. lol.


If you have your 4800 o/c we'd prob. be on par. I"m usually benching on par or a smidge better than a fx-60 & the 965EE.



You have me beat in the graphics dept. (until my other gtx gets here bhwuha)

but, My hd score would kill you ;)



I am a budget man though... For $100. there really isn't any other choice in chip right now. You can hit 3.6-3.8 on decent air cooling most of the time. (I ran 3.5 on the oem cooler until the bigwater got here).


You wouldn't believe how cheaply I built this. :)

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Games are sucking right now. If you want some tits visuals go for F.E.A.R. or Oblivion or GRAW (but GRAW is really a throwback in terms of gameplay).


The real reason I went with the new system was the noise of the cooling in my previous rig, it sounded like a jet taxing on startup. HD scores to me don't really matter anymore since I have enough mem I never really hit the HD during gameplay. One thing I don't like with my rig is the onboard sound. I will probably put my hercules XP soundcard back in (I'll never go back to a Creative sound card again - too many issues with them too many times). But there's no point since my Koss headphones went tits up and I haven't got a new set ordered. If you've never used a fullsized set of Koss headphones, do yourself a favor and get one. Nothing can touch them, period. Not even sets costing several hundred dollars. Nothing comes even remotely close on bass response.





Orion - what do you think is filling that 80gig drive?

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hercules XP soundcard
i had one of those in my old puter, and that thing was awesome. i need to spend some money on my puter and bring it up to date. not running games on high settings for the lose.


recommendations welcome.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I miss my x800xt (tears)


Intel P4 systems are geting cheaper by the day, I dunno why every one feels the need to sack ride amd.


I am surprised jones that you went for the Nvidia over AtI truly superior technology :-)



Ati drivers are bloated.

They don't get the level of attention that NV does.

Just out of personal experience I prefer nvidia.


ATI's ability to render HDR & FSAA is nice..


But the x1900 series only runs cetain apps faster, losing by a large margin on others. I almost got a 1900xtx but Ehh.



I recently traded in the 7900gtx for 7950GX2..It truly is sick.


When it gets old qual sli baby.......


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