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Computer tech at Best buy?Worth applying for?


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Well if anyones interested in a job at Best buy. There opening one up in Grove City. I'm applying for a computer techician job(NOt geek Squad) and I'm curious if anyone has ever worked there before and knows what the pay is like?


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I did both sales and merch while in college. The pay, as Alex says, is crap, and that's assuming you can even get through their automated telephone interview (which they forced me to take one summer, despite having worked there two christmas seasons and one summer already... that was the end of my Best Buy career, as they had "... other, more qualified applicants." There wasn't a single technical or sales question on there!)
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Damn....well I went for the interview anyways yesterday.It's for geek squad, I didn't know that's what the whole pc dept was called. So I told them I'm wanting 11-12 bucks an hour. So if I hear back from them this week for the 2nd interview I guess we'll go from there. But there not opening the store until aug.12th so...I've got time.
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I worked there in high school sold pcs first then moved to tech (pre geek squad) they paid me $13.xx dont remember the change, not a bad job, when i worked there they actually told you not to work on stuff but to send it away to the service center. I helped the customers though and they shitcanned me. The discount is the Win for sure
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