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first time laying tile


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decided to lay some tile in my kitchen.. this is my first attempt at doing it. it went pretty smoothly. about 165 sqft is what was done. ill most likely do my bathroom next. also i ripped up my carpet, and laid laminet flooring down as well. all and all its been a long 3 days and i got alot accomplished. here are some pics of the kitchen.. the grout hastn been put down yet, but you get the idea.





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thanks alot. yeah getting it level ... main thing that pissed me off is getting it square and starting. i heard so many ways to start it, i jsut dry laid alot and started where i wanted. it came out great.
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Looks good.I did the floor at my old house with help from the Father-In -Law.I tell everybody I put down tile once and that is enough for me.I hated it,it is just so boring.It looks good though and lasts,just be careful with wet shoes.
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We did tile this past weekend too...did our entry and a backsplash in the Kitchen. The worst part is I too have the bathroom's to go...I hated every minute of it. The end result is rewarding but a huge pain getting there. I'm too cheap to pay anyone to do something that I know I'm capable of doing.


How was the laminet compared to the tile...got any pictures. That's our next project.



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  AudiOn19s said:
We did tile this past weekend too...did our entry and a backsplash in the Kitchen. The worst part is I too have the bathroom's to go...I hated every minute of it. The end result is rewarding but a huge pain getting there. I'm too cheap to pay anyone to do something that I know I'm capable of doing.


How was the laminet compared to the tile...got any pictures. That's our next project.




laminet is a pain in the ass to get started.. pretty much the first 4 or 5 rows are a apain. any time you go to tap it tight it will gap somewhere else then you have to go back and tap it tight in that spot. and once you get close to an opposing wall its a nightmare. but after the initial couple of rows it gets pretty smooth, besides your end pieces you have to cut. if you need any of the tools i have them. i have the spacers, the end pull bar, and the tapping block. your more than welocome to use them. ill try to get some pics up of the laminet.

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My roomate and i put down a "floating floor" laminate in our kitchen and fake wood (finish is great though, looks real) in the dining room, it was a pain to get started but once you have a few core pieces securly in place, it was a breeze. We wondered why it took us so long to finally settle down and start the project, it only took us 2 hours to do the kitchen. Next is the bathroom and pantry, which WILL be a bitch.
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here are a few more.. grouting is down, i used a bone color. and the laminet that i just installed. havent gotten the transition pieces yet.





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yeah there is no way i would pay someone to do my home improvements. nto for the fact that im cheap.. although i am. but the fact that i take pride in the things i work on, and i like gaining the knowledge. having done the tile in the kitchen puts more confidence in me doing my bathroom.

i have tons of plans for my home.

new cabinets and tile countertop and backsplash in the kitchen.

knocking out a wall and getting a new longer vanity in the bathroom

tiling the bathroom floor and shower surround

adding a pavers patio in the back yard

tearing down the chain link and putting up a wooden fence

recarpeting the 3 bedrooms

and i would really like to put a door to connect the master bedroom to the bathroom.

so many plans so little time and money.


these are all goals i have that i want to complete myself.


eventually i will sell the house ad move to a bigger place. so the remodel will increase the value alot. we already have 30k in equity, so the remodel should make us some more money.

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I did a koi pond myself, laid a full concrete driveway, wired my detached garage for 220V and converted part of my basement to a HUGE locking closet.


Especially considering the driveway (tearing up the old asphalt with a rental Bobcat, having the concrete delivered and skeeting/floating myself), I probably saved myself a good $10-12k conservatively. It's not about being cheap, it's about being SMART with your money.


DIY home improvements R the roxors.

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