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The Q phone


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because its a data device. all of them have issues, its the nature of the beast. if you have something that runs windows, youre going to need to have it fixed at some point.


btw, why didnt you buy that from me? i hope you got a good deal! <grin>

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My windows based phone has some pretty weird quorks that make it work. If all else fails reboot it. Mine functioned flawlessly for the longest time. Then little glitches started happening. I still like it though.
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I just bought one of the new Q phone's from Verizon wireless & just wanted to say that it is a badass phone. I would recomend it to anyone thats looking to upgrade to a new phone.


I got mine the week it came out. It really is a nice phone, definitly baller status as far as phones go but there are a few quirks i've noticed.


1. I'm almost positive this phone will not receive calls when in a WiFi area. As stated before it's a data phone and operates on verizon's WiFi network most of the time. I was in panera once and missed 3 calls in 20 min. If you have wireless internet at your house you might want to test it out before you settle on it. i dont so its not a big deal for me but i know alot of people who do.

2. Buy the data package, its like 40$/monthly but if you dont and you look at internet porn... i mean the internet on your phone you will be raped with charges.

3. If you have an unlimited text package make sure it transfers to the new phone. i called customer service about an unrelated issue a few days after i bought the phone, she informed me that its common when switching to a data phone that the unlimited text package wont transfer over to the new phone (dont ask why, i dont know), from what i understand its just a common mistake. But Unlimited text messaging is available on this phone.


Again this is just what i have noticed since owning the phone for the past month. If there is anyone here from verizon that might have a fix to some of this stuff, feel free to comment.

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not a bad deal.


harry, for the record, neither the phone, nor verizon, use wifi. if youre speaking of the "ev-do", then you are speaking of verizons broadband internet service. with a range that equals the range of a cell tower, it blows away the ~100 foot range of wi-fi.


if you are in an "ev-do" area, then you should have phone service. the phone WILL NOT ring while you are connected to the internet, however. hope that clears it up a bit.

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not a bad deal.


harry, for the record, neither the phone, nor verizon, use wifi. if youre speaking of the "ev-do", then you are speaking of verizons broadband internet service. with a range that equals the range of a cell tower, it blows away the ~100 foot range of wi-fi.


if you are in an "ev-do" area, then you should have phone service. the phone WILL NOT ring while you are connected to the internet, however. hope that clears it up a bit.


yes that is exactly what i was thinking. i just got my terminology mixed up. i still get sketchy service when im at my desk at work... mostly dropping calls,i spoke wit our IT guy and he said its very likely there could be some sort interferance with the equipment at work, but he was quick to say it was just an assumption. So is it possible that i wont receive calls in a wifi area? i wasnt on my phone at all when i was at panera last yet i sill didnt receive calls.


btw i posted this from my phone.

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no, being in a wifi area should have no effect on your reception. what may be happening is that after you get done surfing via the phone, you arent going in and disconnecting from the ev-do service. just closing the web page does not disconnect you from the internet. while you are connected, you are going to see missed calls.
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no, being in a wifi area should have no effect on your reception. what may be happening is that after you get done surfing via the phone, you arent going in and disconnecting from the ev-do service. just closing the web page does not disconnect you from the internet. while you are connected, you are going to see missed calls.


Man and I thought I was a good trainer.. leave retail come be a trainer! yeah right you dont want that my hours suck!!!


But anywho Orion pretty much answered all the questions gotta love fellow knowledgable Verizon Wireless employees...


But yeah Motorola phones are how shall I say this nicely P'sOS ;)


It's either you get a good one or you don't I usually steer anyone away from anything made by Motorola but please please pay the extra 5.99 a month for insurance.. you will thank me later


Orion how is management? PM me because I'm SERIOUSLY thinking of applying to be a manager at a store because I want to move back home and I'm getting tired of the call center BS!..

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no, being in a wifi area should have no effect on your reception. what may be happening is that after you get done surfing via the phone, you arent going in and disconnecting from the ev-do service. just closing the web page does not disconnect you from the internet. while you are connected, you are going to see missed calls.


This might explain some of my reception problem's. So far i have gotten no where with store employee's and i have heard that data phones are notorious for dropping calls. Would you mind if i PM'ed you some question's about the phone/service?


l36tols, i had a motorola before this phone and i hated it, it was my 4th phone of the same style that i had returned mostly b/c it just sucked. I was a bit iffy on getting another motorola, we'll see how this one goes.

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