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I am at a failure to understand why it is that when ANYONE see's someone do something stupid in a car that the dumbass is a member of this board. There are several posts, one about two split tail bitches in a Suby driving like cunts, and it's assumed they are members here. WTF? Not everyone that owns a car in the city of Columbus is automatically a member here, thank God. Especially the two cum slurpers in that post. And as far as the guy on Morse road in a White Camaro.... Fuck man, go count the number of white Camaros that go up and down Morse road in a day, better yet go count sheep, you need some rest. And the next time someone see's a fucktard do something dumb in a car, and you consider posting about it, go count the grains of sand on a beach, and take the time to consider that not EVERY fucktard, douchebag, nut sack and retard with a car is a member of this board, again thank God, we got enough of em already! We don't need any more.
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So do you actually know these two girls? Have you actually seen them driving around the Thrift store? You lead me to think you do/have. Calling them names, like the child you are. You have nothing to contribute, other than your outlandish perspective shared by none. Before you try to tear one of my threads apart try reading it. If you had then you would have saved yourself the embarrassment of me pointing out, that in that thread I said


"I don't even know if they are on here". "If they aren't, I know someone on here knows them and can relay the message".


This is on the first page. If you weren't so anxious to spew your unwanted opinion, and actually read the thread you would have known that.


I don' think I need to point out that through out the rest of the thread people saying that they do know of the driver.


So if people post stuff like this on here; in the kitchen none the less, why are your panties in a bunch? I think one could assume that the idiot in question could be a member here. After all, we have you on here.

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You work for the FCC? If you don't like these threads STAY THE FUCK OUT OF THEM. Police yourself.


I am glad it is posted so If I show up at the thrift store and I see this vehicle I can be mindful of it. Thanks for posting about it.


Funny though, if "the fucktards" are not on here almost all of them are known by someone on here.....


Where's the Drama Lama when you need to post it?

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  Mojoe said:


"I don't even know if they are on here". "If they aren't, I know someone on here knows them and can relay the message".


Right,,, how silly of me. I am assuming that anyone that knows them is gonna drop everything and call them up and scold them for driving stupid in the parking lot. I can hear the call now.....


Ring Ring.




"Hi, I just read on CR that you were driving in an unsafe manner the other night at the Thrift store. What do you have to say for yourself?"


After a brief pause,,, "What the hell are you talking about, I always drive safe, who said it, you tell em I said fuck off! They don't know what they are talking about."


"Uh, well it was some guy on the board that posted about two girls in a Suby."


"I DON"T CARE, I WAS NOT DRIVING UNSAFE, I DRIVE LIKE THAT ALL THE TIME!!!! You tell who ever it was that sid I can't drive to go to hell, they ain't my dad mf mf mf mf blah blah mf mf mf blah blah blah...."


And tell me that this wouldn't be the reaction, at some point in your 32 years you have had to have commented about a womans driving. And this IS how they react, other than the obligatory 10 muthafuckers that come out of their mouth. Yeah, I want to make that phone call.


I ain't disagreeing that the bitch should be on her knees taking a stiff one in the throat and not ricing around a parking lot full of people. But you ain't the only one that has made a post like this. I have seen people with a post count of 3 in here bitching about someones driving. It's just old,and the idea that someone here, would admit to knowing them, and then actually go talk to them about it is just funny. You want to deal with this shit right, follow their asses home if they seem to be under 18 or live with their parents and beat on the door. When their parents answer the door, tell em what you seen. I have done this more than once out here in Johnstown and have always had pretty much the same result, the kid gets to test out their walking abilities for quite a while. Most parents figure that if you are going to make enough of an effort to come tell them their child is driving like an asshole, then it's true.

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  NTHER91 said:
i dont have a beach btu i started counting the grains of sand in my little sand box i got to 13 and quit, why would anyone do that?!?


It's a joke, if they are counting the billions of grains of sand and thinking about it, they ain't on here posting stupid ass shit. And, if they are actually dumb enough to do it (some might be) by the time they get done, they will be to old to care any more.

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Dont underestimate the networking abilities of CR members. there are quite a few people that read this and never post. It's not CNN, but enough people get on here, read this, tell their freinds, who tell their freinds, who tell their freinds, etc etc and there's a solid chance that this shit will get out. It's happenedmany times before. Members of other boards hearing "they're making fun of you on CR". Next thing you know, we have a new mouthy piniatta to E-beat around. It's a beutiful thing.
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There are a number of times people spot cars, and they are members/members know said cars.


I was driving my roomate's C5 a few weeks ago, and someone spotted it. He rarely posts here, and never about his car, and I never mentioned it on here prior to that. Low and behold, it was noticed and posted about.

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  desperado said:
Right,,, how silly of me. I am assuming that anyone that knows them is gonna drop everything and call them up and scold them for driving stupid in the parking lot. I can hear the call now.....


Ring Ring.




"Hi, I just read on CR that you were driving in an unsafe manner the other night at the Thrift store. What do you have to say for yourself?"


After a brief pause,,, "What the hell are you talking about, I always drive safe, who said it, you tell em I said fuck off! They don't know what they are talking about."


"Uh, well it was some guy on the board that posted about two girls in a Suby."


"I DON"T CARE, I WAS NOT DRIVING UNSAFE, I DRIVE LIKE THAT ALL THE TIME!!!! You tell who ever it was that sid I can't drive to go to hell, they ain't my dad mf mf mf mf blah blah mf mf mf blah blah blah...."


And tell me that this wouldn't be the reaction, at some point in your 32 years you have had to have commented about a womans driving. And this IS how they react, other than the obligatory 10 muthafuckers that come out of their mouth. Yeah, I want to make that phone call.


I ain't disagreeing that the bitch should be on her knees taking a stiff one in the throat and not ricing around a parking lot full of people. But you ain't the only one that has made a post like this. I have seen people with a post count of 3 in here bitching about someones driving. It's just old,and the idea that someone here, would admit to knowing them, and then actually go talk to them about it is just funny. You want to deal with this shit right, follow their asses home if they seem to be under 18 or live with their parents and beat on the door. When their parents answer the door, tell em what you seen. I have done this more than once out here in Johnstown and have always had pretty much the same result, the kid gets to test out their walking abilities for quite a while. Most parents figure that if you are going to make enough of an effort to come tell them their child is driving like an asshole, then it's true.



I think you need a heavy dose of the :chill:

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  Nitrousbird said:
There are a number of times people spot cars, and they are members/members know said cars.


I was driving my roomate's C5 a few weeks ago, and someone spotted it. He rarely posts here, and never about his car, and I never mentioned it on here prior to that. Low and behold, it was noticed and posted about.


Um that was me too. :cool:



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  BIG SHAFE said:
I think you need a heavy dose of the :chill:



Dude, seriously, have you ever commented about a womans driving, or anything else for that matter in a negative way. It's like sneaking in the gorilla cage and kicking the biggest age in the sack, it just goes bad that quick.


Just thinking about it, all I can hear in my head is "Oh NO MFer, you didn't just talk about the way 'I' drive. And those other little Mfers,,, on the 'INTERNET'.... Where's my MFen computer, I got something for these Mfer's..... "


You get the point. And no it ain't being whipped, it's being honest....

That old song about 'You don't pull Supermans cape, you don't spit into the wind, you don't pull the mask off that old Lone Ranger and you don't mess around with Slim", well that Slim shit should have been you don't tell a woman NOTHIN negative about her drivin....

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  desperado said:
Fuck man, go count the number of white Camaros that go up and down Morse road in a day


Go count the number of White COMEROZ that have the liscence plate "CROSSUSJ"....oh wait...just one...

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  desperado said:
Dude, seriously, have you ever commented about a womans driving, or anything else for that matter in a negative way. It's like sneaking in the gorilla cage and kicking the biggest age in the sack, it just goes bad that quick.


You get the point. And no it ain't being whipped, it's being honest....

That old song about 'You don't pull Supermans cape, you don't spit into the wind, you don't pull the mask off that old Lone Ranger and you don't mess around with Slim", well that Slim shit should have been you don't tell a woman NOTHIN negative about her drivin....


I tell my wife she can't drive worth shit every day. She doesn't say a word because she knows I am right and can't argue. She uses more minutes driving than I do all month long. Grow a pair, if you can't be honest with you wife or girlfriend then you are wasting time.

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My wife isn't the issue, she just gets mildly pissed. I am talking aobut some girl that you barely know, and it seems the worse a woman drives the more attitude she has and the better she thinks she drives.


Either way, it's just funny that when some asshat does something dumb in a car, it gets talked about here. Yeah, the rule of 7 applies (every one knows everyone else in a depth of 7 people) and they may hear that they were driving like a douchebag. But does ANYONE really believe that some one is going to suddenly start driving in a proper manner because their antics got discussed on CR.

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  NTHER91 said:
i dont have a beach btu i started counting the grains of sand in my little sand box i got to 13 and quit, why would anyone do that?!?



Okay, that was the funniest fucking post I've seen in a very long time.


Oh yeah, Keith ftl. This thread is fucking retarded without:

A) pics of hot chicks

B) pics of decent chicks

C) hell, any pics of any chicks


Who cares of women can't drive? We all know it. We all avoid them on a daily basis. We just want to see them naked.

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  Satan said:
Okay, that was the funniest fucking post I've seen in a very long time.


Oh yeah, Keith ftl. This thread is fucking retarded without:

A) pics of hot chicks

B) pics of decent chicks

C) hell, any pics of any chicks


Who cares of women can't drive? We all know it. We all avoid them on a daily basis. We just want to see them naked.


Post up some pics then homie. :cool:


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