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In-n-out Burger Anyone?


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So, theres this guy I know, whom I tell when in vegas he should stop at an in-n-out burger because the food is excellent there. However, he thought i was trying to set him up in a "Jack-in-the-box is the best yo!" kind of way. I can't seem to convince him exactly what it is he missed out on. Could anyone please chime in with thier $.02 worth on this place. I told him it was uber fabolicioussly delicious. He seems to compare this place to white castle because of the name in reference to a bowel movement. Please help with the best character of details please, as he frequents this board and will read up on this. Thanks.
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IN-n-OUT burger is the shit!!! I had it when I flew out to Cali to meet up with a friend in the Marines. He's like, "Dude, you gotta have some IN-n-OUT burger." I had the same reaction as your friend. That shit's gotta be like a west coast whitey's. I was wrong. Great little place to eat.


IIRC, they only had like three meals to order: Hamburber, cheeseburger, or double cheeseburger.

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Guest BlackBimmer

In & Out is the funk! I've contemplated buying a ticket to Cali just to eat one recently! I can't wait till I go back out to see my buddies mostly for In & Out and if I meet some hot Cali girls some more In & Out.....gitty gitty!


In all seriousness though, your buddy doesn't know what he's missing. When I was in Vegas I paid like $20 for a cab ride out to In & Out.....it was worth every penny.

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The burger reminded me of Wendys or Steak and Shake, the fries tasted pretty good. I think they use peanut oil or something cuz the fries had a very distinct flavor. Other than that I felt the place was a little over-rated. Maybe the Silicone Vallen In-and-Out isn't the best one to base my opinion on.
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In-n-Out Burger is the BIGGEST thing I miss from living in California.


Nothing out here compares.


Northern Cal In-n-Outs are better than southern Cal because the ones up north are run by ex-hippies. The ones down by LA are run by assclown B-Hollywood reject wannabes. Up north they taste like Wendys in the same way as Rosanne Barr looks like a supermodel.

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Guest mudbutt
mm. It is a heart attack on a bun.So good but so bad for you. Reminds me of the food at a small diner. Everything is fried, even the bread :) You can also get as many pieces of meat and cheese you want. Friend of mine ate an 8x8. Yes 8 pieces of meat and cheese. Hurts my stomach to think about it.
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