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World Cup Travesty

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No. Chuck Norris does his own revengin.


Chuck Norris, watching the world cup on the other side of the planet from his Diamond encrusted throne of Gold (the Norris bathroom), could not correct the Italian in person, so, using his gift of mind control, took over the beard stubble in Zidanes 5 o' clock shadow and thrust his cranium upon Materazzi.


Materazzi is later quoted as saying he is lucky Chuck was taking a dump at that moment or he would have jumped to Berlin and roundhouse kicked his ass in person, which would have been much worse.

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And when I say watching it, I don't mean to imply Chuck Norris has a TV in his shitter. It meant Chuck Norris was imagining the game while pitching a loaf, and the players on the other side of the world were enacting out Chuck Norris's mental picture of the gameplay.


Until of course that idiot Materazzi opened his mouth. The infinitesimally minute vibrations of the earth thereof were detected by Chuck Norris thru his ass hairs.

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As seen by the Germans :




As seen by the French :





As seen by the Italians :




As seen by the Americans :




As reported by the press :


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