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Parking Ticket


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So Sunday I was at work and took a lunch break. I rode to a store to grab some grub. When I parked my bike it was a non handicap spot. I come out and one of the local cops was parked behind my bike. As i approach my bike carrying a small plastic bag a helmet and my coat, He asks me is that your bike (Nope just a cautious driver). I said yes. He asked me for my ID registration and Proof of Ins. I said what did I do. At this point I am very respectful. He said my DRIVER SIDE mirror is hanging over into the handicap spot. WHOA exactly which side is the driver side on a bike????!!!!! So at this point the level of respect is rapidly disappearing. After informing him of the Definition of parking and the fact that my tires were not in the handicap. I was able to talk my way out of it and get a warning. Obviouslly this guy must own a HD and does not respect to "Evil Ways of us YOUNG KIDS" considering I was probably older than he was. Any one else getting riff from the PD?

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I love the fact that they will parallel you from the next block just to see if you do anything remotely crazy. If the speed limit is 25 and you are doing 24 on a bike you are a suspicious rider. If you are doing 26 you are speeding. Small town cops and rockets don't mix

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Sure they do. As long as you don't live in the small town and know the roads get up and go. The cop hasn't seen that much action in years and you'll be 2 miles down the road before he blinks again.

Or you'll get busted...either way it's a good story for us.

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Sure they do. As long as you don't live in the small town and know the roads get up and go. The cop hasn't seen that much action in years and you'll be 2 miles down the road before he blinks again.

Or you'll get busted...either way it's a good story for us.

:lol: I do what I can to amuse you all

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Wow total f'king asshole there! That reminds me of back in the highschool days, there were some kids this one cop was always harassing, they ended up figuring out where he lived, and vandalized his cop car, and house and stuff, pretty crazy! But yeah, that cop is a prick.

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A couple of weeks ago I was in Pickerington going down 256. I was planning on turning down Diley road ( I think ) to go to a friend's house. I turned onto the road and it was closed so I did a U-turn. Copper in the charger lit me up. He told me that U-turns aren't allowed. (after looking around, I didn't see any signs) I told him that I didn't know the road was closed and asked what was I suppose to do. (Run through the road closure signs?) His response was that the road had been closed for a while. I told him that I didn't live in the area and he then asked what I was doing in the area. I did not respond. He took my DL back to the cruiser then comes back to tell me to have a nice day.

So what the hell was I suppose to do? Sit there and wait until the road opened???

Ok, end of cop rant.........

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Gosh, I used to park on the sidewalk all the time. The only time I got a ticket, I was hiding the bike behind some shrubbery next to a brick wall, on the OSU campus, lol. Didn't care, I kept parking there anyway.

While living on campus, a big story about a ticket got around. Guy on Chittenden or similar, would turn, go up the curb, cross the public sidewalk, up his sidewalk, up his front stairs, and park on his front porch. He got a ticket. Duh, we used to do that stuff all the time, always wondered why they picked on him. Maybe we looked first, to make sure the coast was clear.

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Yeah, the cop saw him do it. That kinda makes it easier to figure out "who" to give the ticket to.

Come to think of it... about that same time, somebody had run from a stop, by going between houses and getting away, in that same area. Maybe they thought it was him. Maybe they were right.

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