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Anyone ever drive to Oregon?

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just fly, it might even be cheaper if you search for a deal. Gas there and back plus tolls, and the possibility of a flat tire/something breaking/wrecking is worth it to me. Plus not to mention all the hotels/food you'd pay for while driving, just take the 4-5 hr plane trip instead of the weeklong drive, LOL.
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I always died forging rivers, my family wasalways long dead from disease. :p


Flying would be cheaper for me, but consider:

*Gas will be split between two people. Two tickets = More then gas

*Getting around in Oretgon = rental car = money

*No hotels needed, we drive hardcore. Powernaps in shifts.

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I knew someone that drove out there. They had to replace their transmission on the way. I think it took them 4 or 5 days but they stayed at hotels at night. Also, isn't gas more expensive on the west coast? And if you are worried about transportation when you are there...they have pretty good public transportation.



But, Oregon is awesome!!!

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I made it from San diego to Columbus in 3 days basically you take 80/90 and once your past IA speed limit is 70 but at night we were doing 95 100 and getting pasted by semi's. Nebraska is painful to drive through there is nothing but open field with the actual cow. It should be a 4 day drive if you do 800 to a 1000 miles a day.
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My brother moved to Oregon a few years ago. My sister and her husband followed him out there and helped take his stuff. It is a LONG drive. I remember them saying that it was something they are glad they did once, but would never do it again. If you really enjoy driving and have a reliable car then go for it.. But also consider into your decision the days you are losing with the drive.
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If you really enjoy driving and have a reliable car then go for it.. But also consider into your decision the days you are losing with the drive.

ehhh I ngot one of those, the love of the drive. I have considered the total 4 days (of 9) lost driving, that sucks. Anyone here 25 years old, with a questionable driving record? Whats it cost to rent a car? :)

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i drove to oregon, then down to cali


it was a fun drive, except paying for gas

i was in a motorhome - a smaller one



there's plenty to do along the way

my goal was to go to the rainforests in washington/oregon


but i ended up having the most fun in the badlands

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The drive isn't bad at all. Man a lot of you must NEVER do road trips.....


I took the trip for like 6-summers straight (Texas-to-Iowa-to-Oregon and back) when I was younger. If you have two drivers, it's even easier. :D


I would recommend renting a car so you don't have to take your own. That's some serious mileage to rack up and if your car isn't in good shape, it isn't worth it. You can rent a car for between $200-300 for a week with unlimited mileage. Make sure you get the unlimited mileage... ;)


If you plan your trip right, you can see a lot of cool stuff on the way. I would also recommend getting out to the Oregon sand dunes and renting some 4-wheelers. That's a fun time launching the dunes....

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