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Anyone want to go to Cuba?


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Looks like Fidel is pretty sick and handed power to his brother Raul. I wonder if the border will be over-run with Cubans trying to flee the country. The US Coast Gaurd is standing by for it.


I think that the US should be a good neighbor and help these poor people out. I know I wouldn't mind going 60 miles from the US to the largest island in the carribean for some diving (not to mention cigars).



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Raul is the head of all the military ops. He's apparently a bit more....tempermental than fidel, though perhaps is he makes a significant effort to get in the good graces of..um...anyone in the world, it could be nice. The problem is, if G-Dub is in office when Fidel goes, I forsee bad things for the relationship between Cuba and the U.S.
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I think anything is better than the relationship we have now. Raul was the first to recognize the country would fold up when Russia pulled their support/funding for the nation. Raul organized free trade for things like produce and I feel that he recognizes the need for a system more aligned with China's as far as trade goes. I just don't want our neighbor to suffer under a dictator when they could be one of the most prosperous nations in the carribean.
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