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Bought some Absinthe..


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My wife brings it home from slovakia all the time I might be even able to sell some of it. I think we have a couple of bottles laying around. We just can't tell her!! I'm not a fan ,But my brother-in-law makes some mean apple moon shine.I drink that shit anytime, I can get some one I trust to watch after me.Next time you guys plan a big shin dig I'll bring it "moon shine" I 'll have to ask my wife about her stash!!

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So totally fucking down


I use to have favorite fifth parties when I had a big house on campus. You hve all your friends bring their favorite fifth of liquor and you would be amazed off all the different drinks you can make! Those were my favorite. Not sure if it was the drinking, or waking up next to random drunk ladies the next morning. Favorite fifth parties were always the sloppiest! :lol:

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  • 1 year later...
So I have always been curious so I made a purchase tonight. With my girlfriends birthday coming up in a couple weeks I figured we would celebrate so I ordered two bottles of Absinthe from www.absinthe.fm

The bottles I ordered are:

Absinthe Mansinthe: Marilyn Manson's new brand

saw this in Esquire and was in Playboy too I hear as one of the best to buy


Absinthe Abisinthe Amer 72

Who knows could be complete shit but I figured I would try it. Will be here by the end of next week :D

Anyone here had any experiences with the stuff?

So did you ever drink it? My friend has a bottle he wants to split with me soon , did you follow these directions: http://www.wikihow.com/Drink-Absinthe ??

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what a good friend!!! hes had this bottle 2 years, brought it back from amsterdam, and is waiting to drink it with me lol

Brian:But we do need to drink that absinthe at some point

with the spoon

and sugar

i wont crack the seal on it

until you and i drink

thats a promise

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I've had real thujone absinthe in Canada. Back in the day I was into hallucinogens quite a bit, and the green fairy didn't impress me much. It's a different kind of buzz for sure; I liked it as far as alcohol goes, but don't expect to trip or anything. Get some shrooms for that. :)

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so did you light the sugar cube on fire? or poor cold water over it? whats your method exactly?

50/50 mix with cold water. Poor a little absinthe on top of a sugar cube, which is accross the top of the glass. Light on fire, pour water on it, and stir it up. Fun stuff.:p

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I have a bottle of Lucid brand absinthe. It does taste like black liquorish. It is definately a wierd tasting drink. I did not see strange things, but did get drunk. I would rather drink Firefly vodka or the now legal Junior Johnson brand Moonshine. My last trip to Canada, some beverages are sold premixed with vodka. I have a few cans of Rockstar energy drink mixed with vodka.

Another Canadian brand is called Vex. Almost like a wine cooler, they make flavored drinks, mixed with vodka.

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It has a pretty terrible taste. Sugar is a must!

agreed....but I hate black licorice and thats the closest comparable thing

The whole "green fairy" thing is comical but you won't see fairies. For some reason the color green sticks out a lot. I suggest going to a football game or somewhere with a lot of grass (though this time of year it is hard) because its sorta trippy. Other than that I don't think its worth the money or hassle to get it here

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there was this one time, back in High school, this guy I knew....certainly not me...that had some pot that was the same neon green color....described the trip as "everything went cartoon, and there was a whole army of Lilliputians with ropes towing me around".

Coincidence? :drink:

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