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Never buying TYSON chicken again!


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I've never seen a christan person saw a persons head off and record it, then send the video back to america.

Radical islamist have done that, christans have never done that. so yeah, they are worse.

what about burning women at the stake because they were "witches" ?

or the Inquisition, where many methods of torture were employed such as the rack, or a head vice, or being broken on the wheel... the list goes on...


throughout history there has been many a head severed in the name of jesus.

osama and his crazy people have said, that we must convert to islam, or they will kill us all, christans dont kill people for not converting to their religon.

osama is to muslims as jerry falwell and pat robertson are to christians.

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What you seem to be forgetting Nick, or ignoring is that this country was founded by foreigners. The foreigners that founded this country took it from the Native Americans. So unless your last name is Running Water or Soaring Eagle then YOU are of FOREIGN descent yourself and if it not for YOUR ancestors leaving the "old country" you would not be here today practicing your right to free speech. You are entilted to your opinions, but don't expect everyone to agree with them, then get mad because they don't.

Yes, I know that, and WE TOOK IT from them. So I don't care that the indians were here 1st, we own it now. Also, they came here and set-up shop and over time we started to develop laws, government, etc. What matters is that those foreigners that found this nation aren't around anymore. The people who were BORN here is what matters.

I like how when you go to other countries they have English on the shampoo bottle to accomodate me. Wait...they don't. But we'll cover everything in the stores in spanish here in the US of fucking A.:slap:

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No, the official reason we went to war with Iraq is to find WMD's. Even if it was to hunt Osama down - tell me how long Osama was in Iraqi? From the history I've read on the whole situation, the US placed Saddam in power and gave him weapons to overthrown the Iranian gov't (we needed a monkey on a leash in that region to keep an eye on Ayatollah Komeini (sp?)) and when Saddam quit being our patsy - since he no longer believed in the "Western" directives - that's when the bad blood started.

I think you were closer with the "steal some oil" comment, I'd be less agitated if this were the real (and admitted) reason, but we're not even doing a good job at that.

And @ Nick - what morals and values are being denigrated exactly? I mean, we were a 'mutt' nation to begin with - an amalgumation of lots of different ethnicities and religions. The only difference is it's not the white catholic or protestant immigrants (Irish, Polish, German, British, Italian) like in the 1900's - now, it's the hispanics and the muslims. Same idea, different time. What identity are we losing?


Where did you read this history?

The British set up a monarchy in Iraq called the Heshemite's, they were overthrown in a coup and SH later came to power.

We were only his ally durring the Iran/Iraq war. A war in which the Iranian's backed by the Russians would have gained control of the majority of the worlds oil.

Hussein was a Hitler, and we should have "removed" him after the first Gulf War.

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what about burning women at the stake because they were "witches" ?

or the Inquisition, where many methods of torture were employed such as the rack, or a head vice, or being broken on the wheel... the list goes on...


throughout history there has been many a head severed in the name of jesus.

osama is to muslims as jerry falwell and pat robertson are to christians.

Oh don't forget the 3 crusades and millions slaughtered.

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Where did you read this history?

The British set up a monarchy in Iraq called the Heshemite's, they were overthrown in a coup and SH later came to power.

We were only his ally durring the Iran/Iraq war. A war in which the Iranian's backed by the Russians would have gained control of the majority of the worlds oil.

Hussein was a Hitler, and we should have "removed" him after the first Gulf War.

This is closer to accurate. As far as I recall we did help the British.

It was the Taliban we put in power.

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I wish you would've provided links, but from the quick googlin' I just did, it appears I was wrong in the fact that the US did not install Saddam (as I previously wrote they did - I was wrong on that point). But, everything else I said checks out.




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This is closer to accurate. As far as I recall we did help the British.

It was the Taliban we put in power.

No, the Brits asked us to help reinstate the Shah of Iran, who was deposed by his son.

We didn't put the Taliban in power, however, we would have been on their side in their fight with the Soviets, but there is no proof that we ever aided the Taliban.

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I wish you would've provided links, but from the quick googlin' I just did, it appears I was wrong in the fact that the US did not install Saddam (as I previously wrote they did - I was wrong on that point). But, everything else I said checks out.




No way! Someone on the internet did not just admit they were wrong!:D

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Ok, I'm going to jump in here.

When I first read this story DAYS ago, I was a little upset. BUT, I took the time to read the WHOLE story from several sources.

Did you happen to read the part where this was voted in by 80% of the employees?? UNION employees i might add? And I believe the Muslim population of the plant was around 20-25%. Again..let me repeat this...the UNION APPROVED THIS. The UNION (again, there's that word..union) said it was their responsibility to provide their members with opportunities like this....REGARDLESS of their religion. See, the union (in this case) isn't just for Christians...or whites...or black..or asians..it's for people who are working at this particular store, regardless of race of religion. It so happens that a big percentage of these employees are muslim. So, is the union supposed to ignore them just because they aren't Christian? by the way, before you answer that...do we have an official religion? Get back to me on that.

I would have a problem if this was something that was forced on people without any say...but this was voted on by 80% of the UNION (again, there's that word). 8 out of 10 people agreed with this choice!! Majority rules! Most everyone is happy!! What's the deal?

Don't get caught up in cow-towing to muslims. This is NOT one of those cases. Read all the facts before getting your panties in a bunch.

Kudos to Tyson.

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:lol: Boy did I start something here...LOL.

I'm about to leave work and won't be online tonight anymore here in 20minutes. I bet there will be ALOT of crap to read in the morning in this thread to catch up. :lol:

It's good to have some healthy debate... at least it's entertaining me since I can't sleep.


and @ Fusion - I have no problems admitting when I'm wrong. That's how you learn. I just appreciate someone to PROVE me wrong or at least do some research, that's all I ask. :D

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...I like how when you go to other countries they have English on the shampoo bottle to accomodate me. Wait...they don't. But we'll cover everything in the stores in spanish here in the US of fucking A.:slap:

You're comparing VISITING another country to LIVING in one.

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I know where i work they wouldnt vote to change a holiday but if they added a few i would be good with it.

something in march/April.

its a long sombitch from new years to may

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and @ Fusion - I have no problems admitting when I'm wrong. That's how you learn. I just appreciate someone to PROVE me wrong or at least do some research, that's all I ask. :D

I was just giving you crap. :D

It's all too easy for people online to never give in to having been wrong so it's rare to see it.

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Yep, it's "IN" our nation. This is the only forum that has softies and people who support catering to other people who believe in a different nation/countries beliefs more than this one. I've posted this on other forums and this is the only one with supporters, and they're bike forums too. We will self destruct this nation in time because we keep going further and further down hill from what we were built up from. It won't exist, but be a land overtaken by foreigners who LIKE the USA, but don't SUPPORT the USA. They want to bring THEIR nations practices here. If they love their old country so much then don't fucking leave it! The time will come, maybe not in my lifetime, or maybe in the next 50 years, but we will fall. It's a shame. Maybe there should be a war started on this land between the people? Just a thought. It may be that time.:dunno: A civil war, but this one be to bring this nations morals back to what it should be.

You're absolutely right. It will fall. But not because of some privately owned businesses changed their company policy because of a union. It will fall because of a destroyed currency, a shattered economy, neglected boarders, an overextended military, and an uninformed and uninterested people. It will fall because of people like you shouting "AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!" any time you feel the need to be "patriotic", but at the same time turning a blind eye to the egregious abuses of power by our own government.

Catering to a minority on private issues? Shit, we best get out the pitchforks and torches and lynch us some un-Amuricans. But hey, when our pals at the Fed continue to destroy the value of the money in YOUR POCKET in order to bail out the very people who are sending you bills every month, then that's ok. Because, hey, if the Government does it, it must be a good thing, right?

Distracted, disinterested, lazy citizens that allow a rapidly expanding and broken government to destroy our currency, invade our privacy, steal from its people, imprison its own citizens, and start illegal and unncessesary wars will destroy this country. Multi-culturalism, open-mindedness, and a true belief in FREEDOM will not.

Read some books, stay up to date on world events (and not by simply trusting in talking heads on Fox News and other "news" sources), get a good sense of history, and GET INVOLVED if you want to be a true patriot and a good citizen. Question authority. A government "of the people, by the people, for the people" is an impossibility if the people are too distracted and lazy to even bother thinking for themselves.

If you aren't outraged, you havn't been paying attention.

P.S. I'm deeply curious as to what morals this nation "should be brought back to".

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^ :plus1:

A civil war? I think that is a ridiculous and extreme notion. As Harb said above me here, it's a matter of Americans getting off their lazy arses and start doing something about the massive amount of government corruption and distrust as opposed to scapegoating and complaining without action. This government knows very well that todays society can easily be duped and controlled due to it's inability to unite and stand up for itself. Take a simple look at the constant fear tactics being used by the government, press, etc. Can anyone say "Terror Alert?!" ...and with the current policy on wire-tapping and the spying on American citizens for something like them talking poorly about this government reminds me a lot of a Dictatorship...oh wait, but it's all for our own protection Bush says!

I think Benjamin Franklin sums it up the best:

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both."

As Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, "The only sure bulwark of continuing liberty is a government strong enough to protect the interests of the people, and a people strong enough and well enough informed to maintain its sovereign control over the government." Unfortunately we have a government that is more concerned about it's own interests than the peoples', and a society that mostly chooses not to stay informed and is too lazy to take action.

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equality is THE quality which makes our nation something to be proud of. there are plenty of groups that don't even have that yet, but they stick around with the hope that maybe one day they'll achieve the ability to walk down the street without [proverbial] stones thrown.

when i initially read the thread i thought you were giving props to tyson, but maybe just accidentally threw in some wrong words. maybe i'm just a little left of center on battles for tolerance, acceptance, and (maybe eventually) equality, since i fight my own daily :supergay:. so, it really kind of freaked me out how upset you were about people in our nation voting to include and embrace others.


This is a slippery slope we're starting upon by giving in to a Muslim minority.

What REALLY amazes me is it happened in Tennessee, of all places?!? :eek:

it may be a slippery slope, but perhaps the slippery slope towards equality of mankind. problematic as it may seem, it may be worth the test drive.

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