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Never buying TYSON chicken again!


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Be mad at the union, not Tyson...

“This is not a religious accommodation,†the statement added. “Rather, it is a union-initiated contract demand.â€

Sounds like the Union wanted it.

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This is a slippery slope we're starting upon by giving in to a Muslim minority.

What REALLY amazes me is it happened in Tennessee, of all places?!? :eek:

You realize one of the founding principals of our government is protecting the minority from the majority right?

Majority rules does not work. That's why we're not a pure democracy and we have that little thing called a constitution. What does them being Muslim have to do with anything? Would it be different if they were Christian?

You do realize there have been MILLIONS of Muslims in the US since before 9/11 don't you?

I'm betting that like a lot of others it became an issue when you started to believe what morons like those at Fox News and other sources wanted you to believe. Welcome to being someone's tool.

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Yea! We should all go to Somalia and infiltrate one of their key industries - anyone like to pick bananas?

No if we are going after bananas I'm going to Costa Rica. It's gorgeous down there, the weather is perfect and the women are hot.

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+1 on Costa Rican women

Hell, any *rican woman works for me.

I'd be right there with you on that one if American didn't also end that way. After my trip to King's Island and a visit to the water park, Boomerang Bay, this weekend... I'm going to pass on that one.

An easy 80% of the people there were definitely over weight...and they didn't care. *shivers*

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You've not been to Europe lately, have you?

West Midlands, UK, two years ago...



Been all over Europe and can't really notice any difference in body types than what we have here. Granted, King's Island is gonna have a lot more fatties as that's where they probably tend to go. More of an economics thing than anything else.

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Tyson having a vote on the issue was a good idea and if the majority agreed to it then sure it should be alright that is what makes the country great. However our nation bending over backwards to accommodate every new immigrant legal or not is what is the biggest problem. The immigrants that founded and sub sequentially built this nation worked hard and except they were in a new country and had to adapt. The learned english to try to be an american citizen, not because they had to but they wanted to. They still practiced their own religion and could still be part of this nation. Today immigrants coming into the country and ones already in the country expect us to accommodate them in just about every way. If their employer, landlord, or whatever doesn't yield to there demands they could be brought to court in a lawsuit. They don't even try to be an american or be part of this nation. They left their own country out of fear or oppression because they know they can get away with a whole hell of a lot here. Why work in somalia 7 days a week for 80 hrs when you can come to america and get government checks for sitting on your arse. Not all immigrants are like this my uncle is and immigrant and took all the steps to becoming an american citizen. This country is going down hill because we don't know what our values are anymore. We have so many laws to support people that are unwilling to even work to earn there keep. This country has become so soft to everyone. We are still trying to make up for so many things that happened so long ago. Things like affirmative action that when started worked towards and amazing goal of everyone being truly equal, however it is so screwed up now that it makes sure someone is getting screwed over in some way shape or form. Things have been taken to the extreme and no longer focus on the goal they were originally created for.

As for the war in Iraq yeah the official reasons we went over there may not have been the best but after see the pictures and videos my brother who served over there brought back, I have no doubt that we are over there doing the right thing. Seeing the way they treat people over there and true happiness on peoples face after a city has been freed from the control powerful few and given back to the people is a good thing. When someone is beaten for simply going outside or even speaking, taking the people that would do that out or power is a good thing. All the people that we are helping over there is definitely worth it just for that. Yeah you can say we shouldn't stick our nose in other countries business but that's like asking you if you would help someone that was being beaten in front of you? what about a block away, or two or three, If you see that it's going on but you feel you are to far away will you just walk the other way or go help. Yes I know that is a gross generalization but the point is similar. If we were there for oil well the hell is gas still almost $4. We felt we needed to show terrorists that we will come after them not just continue to take it.

American has gone down hill but we only have ourselves and law makers to blame.

Sorry for the long rant.

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I didn't realize a single Tyson's chicken plant was our nation. You mad because they switched a paid holiday (Labor Day) at a single plant for this or because they are Muslims?

They didn't switch.. Labor day is still reckonized and paid as a Holiday. I was pissed at first, but when I realized that they still honor Labor day, I don't think anything really changed at the plant except the workers don't have to call off on there own holiday.

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You've not been to Europe lately, have you?

West Midlands, UK, two years ago...

*clipped for space*

Been all over Europe and can't really notice any difference in body types than what we have here. Granted, King's Island is gonna have a lot more fatties as that's where they probably tend to go. More of an economics thing than anything else.

Yeah there are definitely quite a few over there as well. Last time I was in London though there was no where near the number you find here. Over the years though I think areas especially in western Europe are Americanizing and catching up. I had a friend come back 5 months ago from spending a couple of years in the Philippines, China, Japan and South Korea; one of his first comments was about how fat Americans were.

Area's all along the Caribbean have large populations of low incomes and you don't see fat people wandering the streets there like you do here.

Economics is a casual excuse for people being fat. Even in higher income areas a majority seem to be overweight it's just a lower percentage than other areas.

Here it is for you...eat less, be less fat. Proven over and over and over. Exercise with that will let you be even less fat.

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They didn't switch.. Labor day is still reckonized and paid as a Holiday. I was pissed at first, but when I realized that they still honor Labor day, I don't think anything really changed at the plant except the workers don't have to call off on there own holiday.

Labor Day is no longer a PAID holiday at that plant. It was replaced with the new one.

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I'm betting that like a lot of others it became an issue when you started to believe what morons like those at Fox News and other sources wanted you to believe. Welcome to being someone's tool.

Jeremi......Since we've gotten kinda friendly, I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt in that you didn't mean that to be as belligerently insulting to me as it comes off

I've stated before that a good debate is how you learn the other person's side......But when the name calling starts....That's when it gets personal & out of hand. And if anyone's a tool....It's those Tyson employees who apparently got played &/or manipulated to give up one of their established National Holidays to appease the Muslim immigrants

I don't like Muslims because they don't like me.....Period. In fact....the radical part of their religion HATES me....as attested to by the Trade Center Bombings & Osama's multitude of hate tapes he's sent us since then, promising to kill more of us! I also don't like people coming to America to live......And then trying to make us change to accommodate them. You chose to move here....DEAL w/ it & assimilate or GO BACK HOME! It's not like we recruited/begged you to come here

That's the major difference between this new immigration & the old one 100 years ago. Our ancestors didn't come here expecting to "Press 1 for English" or have bilingual road signs, be treated politically correct, etc. They came here & busted their asses not expecting ANYTHING to be handed to them.......And LEARNED ENGLISH & OUR OTHER CUSTOMS AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE!

There's a table/graph I read on another site within the last year about how the percentage of Muslim population historically dictates how agressive they start getting in their demands & attempts to take over local government. I'll have to see if I can track it down again, as that's what I meant by starting upon a slippery slope.......

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I read the few posts trying to say that new immigration is different from old because of the level of accommodation (both from cattmouch and Fonz) and I'm not disagreeing that the immigrant this country was founded on were hard-working, bustin' ass everyday to acclimate themselves into the established culture.

The difference now is that we're a lot more educated (supposedly). Back in the day, everything was done with hard labor - now, we're predominately a service culture. Education precipitates this transition from manual labor to knowledge labor. So, what does this have to do with current immigration? We've learned that the best thing to do is to REASONABLY accommodate (i.e. be tolerant of) others' cultures and beliefs rather than become an isolationist nation. Cooperation is 100x more effective than stubbornness.

Besides, we can't preach how great America is, our great human rights deeds, the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution when we want to suppress minority groups within our own borders. Pot meet kettle.

We don't make sports cars with leaf springs anymore because that's the way our grandfathers made sports cars - we've grown, become wiser, adapted, and accepted there are new, better ways to do things than how they did them in the past.

This is in no way condoning those that don't earn their keep, but is it really that much of an inconvenience to listen for 3 extra seconds of Spanish on a telephone call? And, people tend to generalize these isolated cases, even when they don't have an affect on their lives. Why should it bother me whether the muslims in a chicken factory take this day off, or another day? As long as I get my chicken when I want it... no harm no foul. Pun intended.

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Labor Day is no longer a PAID holiday at that plant. It was replaced with the new one.

Damnit, I actually misread that.."Thrown on the defensive, the company issued a statement Monday saying: “Contrary to recent reports, Labor Day is still a holiday at Tyson Foods. The issue concerns only the plant at Shelbyville.â€

Well, at least it's not the entire company and only that perticular plant..

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I don't like Muslims because they don't like me.....Period. In fact....the radical part of their religion HATES me....as attested to by the Trade Center Bombings & Osama's multitude of hate tapes he's sent us since then, promising to kill more of us!

how many muslims do you personally know? i think its a stretch to say that 1.5 billion people dont like you.

osama and the fanatics? yes they hate you. id bet dollars to donuts that jerry falwell, brother jed, pat robertson or any other number of radical chrisitians hate you too...

like i said before, osama bin laden is to islam as pat robertson is to christianity. they are both loons who are not representative of the whole.

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how many muslims do you personally know? i think its a stretch to say that 1.5 billion people dont like you.

osama and the fanatics? yes they hate you. id bet dollars to donuts that jerry falwell, brother jed, pat robertson or any other number of radical chrisitians hate you too...

like i said before, osama bin laden is to islam as pat robertson is to christianity. they are both loons who are not representative of the whole.

Pat Robertson & Jerry Falwell, while extremist, never sent their followers to kill thousands of innocent people John....and continue to do so to this day. Your comparison doesn't wash

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Jeremi......Since we've gotten kinda friendly, I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt in that you didn't mean that to be as belligerently insulting to me as it comes off

I've stated before that a good debate is how you learn the other person's side......But when the name calling starts....That's when it gets personal & out of hand. And if anyone's a tool....It's those Tyson employees who apparently got played &/or manipulated to give up one of their established National Holidays to appease the Muslim immigrants

I don't like Muslims because they don't like me.....Period. In fact....the radical part of their religion HATES me....as attested to by the Trade Center Bombings & Osama's multitude of hate tapes he's sent us since then, promising to kill more of us! I also don't like people coming to America to live......And then trying to make us change to accommodate them. You chose to move here....DEAL w/ it & assimilate or GO BACK HOME! It's not like we recruited/begged you to come here

That's the major difference between this new immigration & the old one 100 years ago. Our ancestors didn't come here expecting to "Press 1 for English" or have bilingual road signs, be treated politically correct, etc. They came here & busted their asses not expecting ANYTHING to be handed to them.......And LEARNED ENGLISH & OUR OTHER CUSTOMS AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE!

There's a table/graph I read on another site within the last year about how the percentage of Muslim population historically dictates how agressive they start getting in their demands & attempts to take over local government. I'll have to see if I can track it down again, as that's what I meant by starting upon a slippery slope.......

Not meant as an insult but a statement in general. Most of your information you're being fed about Muslims is slanted and sometimes blatantly false.

For example:

I don't like Muslims because they don't like me.....Period.

That's not true in the least. Muslims don't hate Americans in general. You're letting radical views of a minority slant your view of the majority. That would be a generalization of a group, a stereotype, a logical fallacy. That would be like lumping all Christians with those that bomb abortion clinics, Fred Phelps, and those who act out of hate against other groups.

In fact....the radical part of their religion HATES me....as attested to by the Trade Center Bombings & Osama's multitude of hate tapes he's sent us since then, promising to kill more of us!

Guess what. There are radical Christian groups that hate you too. There are radical groups of all types that hate you, me and everyone else. I'm not going to lower myself to their level and stereotype the larger group because of them.

Osama used Islam and his hate for America to attack America. I think I would be a little more pissed that the hijackers were mostly Saudi IIRC.

That's the major difference between this new immigration & the old one 100 years ago.

Don't know many immigrants do you? I'd recommend taking a cultural diversity class or two.

Our ancestors didn't come here expecting to "Press 1 for English" or have bilingual road signs, be treated politically correct, etc. They came here & busted their asses not expecting ANYTHING to be handed to them...

I'm sure our founding fathers didn't even consider it because things change overtime. I'm also willing to bet they are rolling in their graves over comments like that.

You might also want to consider the fact this country wouldn't be were it was today if it weren't for the slave labor of Africans (you know...where Somalia is) and even the Irish. People like the Chinese have given more to this country than most "whites".


Ummm that doesn't make sense. They were English. They brought the language and customs with them. They promptly slaughtered the natives who had different languages and customs than them.

There's a table/graph I read on another site within the last year about how the percentage of Muslim population historically dictates how agressive they start getting in their demands & attempts to take over local government. I'll have to see if I can track it down again, as that's what I meant by starting upon a slippery slope.......

First "slippery slope" is a fallacy. Just because one thing happens doesn't mean another will.

Second...take a look around at the persecution complex and "aggressiveness" of a good number of rather large Christian groups in this country. They are constantly trying to assert their views and beliefs into everyone else's lives and the government. They do it through school boards and politics. They are more than willing to shit on the constitution in a moments notice. I believe they would even become violent in a heartbeat if they could. They can't though, because American society would stomp a hole in them for it.

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While I know ALL muslims don't hate me & aren't gonna kill me......The problem is we have no idea until it's too late, which ones are implants here, as part of sleeper cells, just waiting for their cell phones to go ringy ringy......And then all the sudden the guy you thought was OK is now screaming at you in Arabic about being an "American Pig"

Maybe they sent you guys the official State List of which guys are which, but I just distrust all of them at this point.

Racial diversity classes......Taken plenty of 'em Jeremi. Worked in banking for 8 years.....Trust me....You don't get any more PC/stuffy than that ;) Having worked for the railroad 3 1/2 years....I'm also fully aware of the contribution the Chinese & Irish made to this country.

And again.....Extremist Christians.....Last I knew, Jerry Falwell, Fred Phelps, & Pat Robertson haven't implanted "Sleeper Christian cells" over in the middle east just waiting for Pat's secret wink/nod/signal word on the 700 Club to start taking hostages, blowing up innocent people, etc

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