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And again.....Extremist Christians.....Last I knew, Jerry Falwell, Fred Phelps, & Pat Robertson haven't implanted "Sleeper Christian cells" over in the middle east just waiting for Pat's secret wink/nod/signal word on the 700 Club to start taking hostages, blowing up innocent people, etc

now, if they thought they could get away with it, that might be another story.

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That's not true in the least. Muslims don't hate Americans in general. You're letting radical views of a minority slant your view of the majority. That would be a generalization of a group, a stereotype, a logical fallacy. That would be like lumping all Christians with those that bomb abortion clinics, Fred Phelps, and those who act out of hate against other groups.

The Islamic faith is similar to the bible in that the both say fight those that oppress you and cast you out. However once the fighting is ceased hold no transgressions toward your once enemy. It is in both cases that the extremists take their sacred word out of context and use it to justify their purposes.

oh and a large portion of the Irish spoke Gaelic when they came over also, they may have been of European dissent but that doesn't mean they speak English. It was there hard working nature that helped build the country and not expecting a hand out. Whether it be hard labor or intellectual isn't the point, it's that they wanted to be American and not expect a whole nation to change for them.

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Whether it be hard labor or intellectual isn't the point, it's that they wanted to be American and not expect a whole nation to change for them.

Quoted for truth & conciseness

Just to be clear here.....I have no problem with pride in your heritage...As long as you are proud of being American first. If not.....Go back from whence you came

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I'd be right there with you on that one if American didn't also end that way. After my trip to King's Island and a visit to the water park, Boomerang Bay, this weekend... I'm going to pass on that one.

An easy 80% of the people there were definitely over weight...and they didn't care. *shivers*

Oops I should have mentioned my disclaimer ..

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Good point was made on one of my other boards.......Instead of removing a National Holiday like Labor Day, how 'bout trading Id al-Fitr for Christmas or Easter since they're also religious holidays?!? ;)

BTW, If you'd like to tell Tyson how you feel about this subject.........


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While I know ALL muslims don't hate me & aren't gonna kill me......The problem is we have no idea until it's too late, which ones are implants here, as part of sleeper cells, just waiting for their cell phones to go ringy ringy......And then all the sudden the guy you thought was OK is now screaming at you in Arabic about being an "American Pig"

Maybe they sent you guys the official State List of which guys are which, but I just distrust all of them at this point.

Fonzie, I understand where you're coming from in "not knowing who's the enemy, and who isn't". However, living amongst the "enemy" is just a chance that you/we all have to take. It's not like we can just "kill" them all, for that would be genocide. Not to mention, since we don't know WHO is an Islamic extremist, and who isn't... The individuals who may be Muslim, or even just from a Middle Eastern country are often unfortunately mistaken and mistreated. I was a Sr. in College during the attacks of September 11th, and many of my friends and classmates (some Muslim, some not) were mistreated and harrassed on campus. What's crazy is that students were targeting ANY student that looked ANYTHING like the media's description of a terrorist. It didn't matter if you were Indian, Pakistani, or even Egyptian. It was a really sad and disheartening state of affairs. There was that whole "Look what your people did to us" mentality, and thus the innocent were unjustly persecuted. I feel the same way when I would talk to my late grandparents about racism and "reverse racism". The fact that they could sometimes not like/trust caucasians because of what happened in the past bothered me. It's not like the kid in my neighborhood who came over for dinner was the one who turned on the fire hoses and sic'd the dogs on you... Neither did his parent for that matter.

I'm not saying that you, or any of us are to forget what was done... All I'm saying is that we always preach: "You're innocent until proven guilty", so let's start practicing that.

As far as not trusting ANY of "them" is concerned... Well that's kinda like a caucasian woman clutching her purse and crossing the street whenever she sees an African-American male in her path (especially one between the ages of 12 & 40). Just because some people are living foul doesn't mean that the entire race/religious sect will follow suit. However, who you place your trust in is ultimately YOUR prerogative.

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Not to be an ass or the hijack the thread, but you did notice there's a war going on, right? A war we started pre-emptively because our beliefs didn't coincide with their ex-leaders... 'Christians' are just as bad at forcing their beliefs and customs on other religions as other religions fight to have their beliefs be recognized by a predominantly Christian country.

And, while I'm indifferent to where and who I purchase my chicken from - I'm not going to make a point to purchase Tyson), I think I agree with Fusion's line of thought. Although, I don't want to promote any religion over another - regardless of the religious affiliation of the employees - I don't know why they just don't give every employee a set number of 'Floating Holidays' that they can take as they see fit. Or, just tack on extra weeks of vacation for people to use as they see fit and offer NO holiday's off. Then no matter what deity you beleive in... you make your own choice to honor or not honor a religious holiday or any other holiday. If you don't believe in Memorial Day, or Independence Day, you should have the right to choose to take the day off and honor those holidays, or not.

Trust me, the people that need to conform, will conform just because they'll end up being socially ostrasized if they don't do as everyone else does.

Hi-Five brother! I couldn't have said it better myself.

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Union officials said the two Somali immigrants on the union’s eight-member bargaining committee had been eager to make Id al-Fitr (pronounced eed-al-FIT-tr) a paid holiday. The union agreed to do so at the expense of Labor Day in part because it did not want to trade Christmas, the Fourth of July, Memorial Day or other existing paid holidays, and in part because Tyson has usually required the plant’s employees to work on Labor Day anyway. (Employees received a holiday premium for working that day.)

“We had worked 23 Labor Days in a row; it wasn’t like it was a day to spend with our family,†said Randy Hadley, a union representative who helped negotiate the contract.

I just re-read the article... It seems as if "Labor Day" was just another day at the Shelbyville, TN Tyson plant. So it's not like it was ever a PAID holiday. It was just a day where everyone was required to work, yet they probably received time and 1/2 for their labor.

I wonder if that will continue during Id al-Fitr?

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding something.

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+1 on the "Floating Holidays". We have them (Personal Choice Holidays), and truth be told, I think they're great. Everyone gets a set number per year (outside of regular vacation days), to celebrate whatever they want. It's good if you want to celebrate "Good Friday"; or perhaps celebrate the life of a lost loved one. Hell, you could even use it to go shopping the day after Thanksgiving if you really want to, and it's no big deal.

With an ever-increasingly large multicultural contingent within the workplace, I don't think that it will be long before the majority of our large corporations will move to this type of vacation structure, and it will trickle down to smaller companies from there.

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Sorry Fonz, I'm reading WAY too much generalization, and abhorrent prejuduce in this matter to take you seriously...

I'm going to have to side with jrmmiii and fusion in this matter...

Falwell and Phelps might not have sleeper cells in iraq/iran wherever, but they are sure bombing the hell out of abortion clinincs here aren't they?

America was founded on the idea of equality, it started off WAY WAY off base, but it's working towards a goal, and I can see how it's constantly improving. If the people want to vote and make 1 holiday paid instead of another one, who cares? Honestly...

I think you're clouding the issue with religious prejuduce in this case...

if they voted to make April 20th a paid holiday instead of memorial day, would that be a crime? Would that be something unacceptable? you guys are acting like they took away independence day or something (american holiday) It's just labor day guys, a holiday started by labor unions...

no significance to make it "american" over any other holiday...

Don't cloud the issue with religious prejuduce, remember all religions are just fairy tales anyway...what makes your fairy tale any better than anyone elses?

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Fonzie, I understand where you're coming from in "not knowing who's the enemy, and who isn't". However, living amongst the "enemy" is just a chance that you/we all have to take. It's not like we can just "kill" them all, for that would be genocide. Not to mention, since we don't know WHO is an Islamic extremist, and who isn't... The individuals who may be Muslim, or even just from a Middle Eastern country are often unfortunately mistaken and mistreated. I was a Sr. in College during the attacks of September 11th, and many of my friends and classmates (some Muslim, some not) were mistreated and harrassed on campus. What's crazy is that students were targeting ANY student that looked ANYTHING like the media's description of a terrorist. It didn't matter if you were Indian, Pakistani, or even Egyptian. It was a really sad and disheartening state of affairs. There was that whole "Look what your people did to us" mentality, and thus the innocent were unjustly persecuted. I feel the same way when I would talk to my late grandparents about racism and "reverse racism". The fact that they could sometimes not like/trust caucasians because of what happened in the past bothered me. It's not like the kid in my neighborhood who came over for dinner was the one who turned on the fire hoses and sic'd the dogs on you... Neither did his parent for that matter.

I'm not saying that you, or any of us are to forget what was done... All I'm saying is that we always preach: "You're innocent until proven guilty", so let's start practicing that.

As far as not trusting ANY of "them" is concerned... Well that's kinda like a caucasian woman clutching her purse and crossing the street whenever she sees an African-American male in her path (especially one between the ages of 12 & 40). Just because some people are living foul doesn't mean that the entire race/religious sect will follow suit. However, who you place your trust in is ultimately YOUR prerogative.

Good post Kruel, and while I understand the points you're making.....I still feel they fall under the "old rules" of race/discrimination. This is a new enemy we're facing, and they're very deceptive in their hate for us & think it an "honor" to kill us....or die trying.

I think we all probably remember where we were 7 years ago....except maybe for the really young on here. Your memory/concern is of how your friends were being treated.

I vividly remember being scared to death of what the hell was going on already that day, how the rest of the day would unfold/how big this attack really was(If you recall.....Speculation was that the Sears Tower in good 'ol Midwest Chicago was next), getting to school to pick up my kids so that our family was together....no matter what happened, and how I was going to protect my wife & 3 young children who were looking to me for protection & answers as to what was going on, why, and how bad was it going to get as the day progressed & night came. For much of the afternoon & into the evening, I had this sense of dread...."Is it really over....or is there more coming tonight?!?"

As bad as it was....Think about how lucky we actually got. 2 quick hits with a couple stolen jets, & one that was foiled, managed to bring down our world markets & biggest US city for the better part of a week. That's very scary to me, and a sign of how fragile/tenuous our society really is! Had their attack been a bit larger in scale.....It could have gotten very, VERY ugly here

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While I know ALL muslims don't hate me & aren't gonna kill me......The problem is we have no idea until it's too late, which ones are implants here, as part of sleeper cells, just waiting for their cell phones to go ringy ringy......And then all the sudden the guy you thought was OK is now screaming at you in Arabic about being an "American Pig"

Maybe they sent you guys the official State List of which guys are which, but I just distrust all of them at this point.

Racial diversity classes......Taken plenty of 'em Jeremi. Worked in banking for 8 years.....Trust me....You don't get any more PC/stuffy than that ;) Having worked for the railroad 3 1/2 years....I'm also fully aware of the contribution the Chinese & Irish made to this country.

And again.....Extremist Christians.....Last I knew, Jerry Falwell, Fred Phelps, & Pat Robertson haven't implanted "Sleeper Christian cells" over in the middle east just waiting for Pat's secret wink/nod/signal word on the 700 Club to start taking hostages, blowing up innocent people, etc

I'm not talking diversity and sensitivity classes from a company. I work in Technology and Management Consulting (IT) and deal with people all over the world; I too have taken many of those classes. I'm talking a real college level course where you actually study it.

You may not want to believe it or not but if those groups thought they could get away with it they would be committing those types of acts. There's no way Pat and Jerry (just Jerry now I guess) would come right out and say it. Shit would hit the fan and they would be gone after in a heart beat.

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Sorry Fonz, I'm reading WAY too much generalization, and abhorrent prejuduce in this matter to take you seriously...

And I'm reading WAY too much youth, naivete', & idealism in yours to take you seriously

Falwell and Phelps might not have sleeper cells in iraq/iran wherever, but they are sure bombing the hell out of abortion clinincs here aren't they?

I'll admit to not paying much attention to the news on a general basis......So when was the lastest abortion clinic bombing??? I thought that was passe' .....Late 80's early 90's protocol

Not to mention.....If we total up ALL the clinic bombings over the last couple decades, do they even compare to how many were killed in one morning?

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While I know ALL muslims don't hate me & aren't gonna kill me......The problem is we have no idea until it's too late, which ones are implants here, as part of sleeper cells, just waiting for their cell phones to go ringy ringy......And then all the sudden the guy you thought was OK is now screaming at you in Arabic about being an "American Pig"

Maybe they sent you guys the official State List of which guys are which, but I just distrust all of them at this point.

true, you never know someones true intentions. but by that same logic you dont know who the next timothy mcveigh is either...

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true, you never know someones true intentions. but by that same logic you dont know who the next timothy mcveigh is either...

Or Hitler. He was German right? The Holocaust killed how many? There are Nazi parties still. You should avoid Germans as well just in case. Who knows to what extent they take things next time...

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I'll admit to not paying much attention to the news on a general basis......So when was the lastest abortion clinic bombing??? I thought that was passe' .....Late 80's early 90's protocol

according to wikipedia, 3 arson attempts last year

April 25, 2007: A package left at a women's health clinic in Austin, Texas contained an explosive device capable of inflicting serious injury or death. A bomb squad detonated the device.[15]

May 9, 2007: An unidentified person deliberately set fire to a Planned Parenthood clinic in Virginia Beach, Virginia.[16]

December 6, 2007: Two unidentified persons set fire to a Planned Parenthood clinic in Albuquerque, New Mexico.[17]

My point is not that the religion is the cause of such violence, it's just the justification used to execute these violent acts...

just because these people used their "christian" perspective to justify their actions doesn't mean all christians share their views, or even that the christians that might share their view would condone the actions taken by the few radicals...

You can't say all muslims hate america, you can't say all muslims share views and ideals held by al'quaeda, or even the majority do...

or is it safe for me to say all christians are just like the KKK? And all christians hate jews (or even most of them)...

I honestly hope you get to talk to some muslim people and become friends with them, just so you realize they are just people, like everyone else. Thanks to the media, their religion has been given a bad wrap as a whole, and they have been alienated...it's nothing more than prejuduce, and is based on characatures drawn by the press...

muslim, hindu, christian, atheist, jewish, pantheist....

religion is just a snippet of a person's personality....it CANNOT define them

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Or Hitler. He was German right? The Holocaust killed how many? There are Nazi parties still. You should avoid Germans as well just in case. Who knows to what extent they take things next time...

Hitler never came to America or attacked us here

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according to wikipedia, 3 arson attempts last year

April 25, 2007: A package left at a women's health clinic in Austin, Texas contained an explosive device capable of inflicting serious injury or death. A bomb squad detonated the device.[15]

May 9, 2007: An unidentified person deliberately set fire to a Planned Parenthood clinic in Virginia Beach, Virginia.[16]

December 6, 2007: Two unidentified persons set fire to a Planned Parenthood clinic in Albuquerque, New Mexico.[17]

My point is not that the religion is the cause of such violence, it's just the justification used to execute these violent acts...

just because these people used their "christian" perspective to justify their actions doesn't mean all christians share their views, or even that the christians that might share their view would condone the actions taken by the few radicals...

I must've missed it in your examples above Duane....Where exactly did it say these so called "bombings" were done by Christians??? "A package left", "An unidentified person", "2 unidentified persons"???

muslim, hindu, christian, atheist, jewish, pantheist....

religion is just a snippet of a person's personality....it CANNOT define them

Based on your comment above about all religions being "fairy tales" and now this one.....I'm gonna assume you're atheist, or just non-religious Duane. A person's religion is a HUGE part of who they are/what makes them up....Muslims included

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Hitler never came to America or attacked us here

Yes they did. They even declared war on us. They never made landfall, but they certainly sunk ships off our east coast within view of beaches. They also had several covert entries into the US.

And let's not forget the Japanese attacking Pearl Harbor during the same World War.

The Muslims however never have.

An extremist that wanted western interference out of the middle east did and used a group of easily influenced young men to do it.

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I must've missed it in your examples above Duane....Where exactly did it say these so called "bombings" were done by Christians??? "A package left", "An unidentified person", "2 unidentified persons"???

You can tip toe around the issue all you want, you know it was a "christian" as well as I do...

Based on your comment above about all religions being "fairy tales" and now this one.....I'm gonna assume you're atheist, or just non-religious Duane. A person's religion is a HUGE part of who they are/what makes them up....Muslims included

your first thought is correct, I dont subscribe to any religions, I find them intillectually dishonest (in my case)...

So by your account, if you believed in a different god/goddess than the one you currently do, you would be a completely different person? You'd live your life differently? treat people differently? Honestly?

I don't care what religion someone subscribes to, if any. I do my best to treat everyone with the same respect and give them a clean slate as an individual...

I'm not perfect, I DO have prejuduces. Some are based on statistics, others aren't based on anything rational, but I do my best to work past them...I mean, I gave you a chance, and you're a squealers fan...:p

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I think the biggest misunderstanding here is the fact that the 9/11 event was blamed on "muslims" instead of "al'quaeda"

as I've said, you can't blame all christians for the actions of the KKK...

Some muslims ARE americans...

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