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PS3 too expensive for Official PS mag editor!


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blue ray picture quality is no better than hd-dvd

and most of sony's games are gonna be made in 720p anyways

except their "blockbuster" titles, they will be 1080p

and besides, i bet maybe 10 people on here right now have the spare cash to purchase a 1080p t.v.

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ok first of all the PS3 will have the blue ray technology. where just a blue ray player is $1000. So it will be well worth it. The picture quality of the blue ray is fucking insane!


Like the quality of HD is 'insane' (not). It's hardly worth $1000 or $600 PLUS having to rebuy all of my DVDs.


Think I'll sit back and watch the HD-DVD vs. Blu-ray circus play itself out before I commit.


Yes, I'll be pre-ordering one or two so I can ebay it - around Christmas time when they can't keep them in stock.

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This is why I will be purchasing the Wii when it comes out. I can't wait to play all the old school Nintendo games. But when Gran Turismo 5 comes out, I will purchase a PS3. But if it takes as long as it took for GT4 to come out, there will be plenty of time for the PS3 prices to drop.
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This is why I will be purchasing the Wii when it comes out. I can't wait to play all the old school Nintendo games. But when Gran Turismo 5 comes out, I will purchase a PS3. But if it takes as long as it took for GT4 to come out, there will be plenty of time for the PS3 prices to drop.

Forza 2 FTW

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