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FS: (2) 21" Dell Trinitrons $50 each


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Like the title says. 2 Dell trinitrons i have had for a while. They both work great. They have the sub15 pin normal connector for video cards. I have been using these as two monitors for one desktop. they are defantly kick ass. I am leaving for the military dont really have anywhere to store them.

On ebay that model is going for around $40 and then another $50 for shipping. so this is a pretty good deal. Here is a picture of what they look like.



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lol i guess you dont remember me telling you ben on your bday. lol Im going in the army in Jan to be a blackhawk pilot. I will be going back in from the air reserves as a E-3. Have to redo basic and ait (flight) training. I will be pretty much gone for 8-10 months after jan.
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You will not pilot anything as an E3.


yes you are right. i have 6 month downtime between basic and ait. I have to keep my noise clean and i will be transfered to the Warren Officer program. I have already tested into it and as long as i dont screw up (do something stupid) then i will be set.

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