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going to get my temps

Chad is Dead

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..................for the 3rd time!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm a lazy piece of shit and still havent got my license because my bike is illegal.............so im tryin to think of some of the questios i was asked the multiple time before...........i've passed twice b4 w/out reading tghe book but now i when im tryin to reember some questions it seems I can't remember.............so if anyone had some of the questions I'd apprectiate it because 2marrow im goin to get my temps for the 3rd fuckin time............i really need to just get my license so i stop throwin money down the drain,,,,,,,,,,,,,so ya any questions you guys can think of would probably help me out because if I failed my 3rd time that would sudk.................especailly cuz im broke as shit.............so ummmmmmmmmmmmm.................im done Thanks in advance
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