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Ticket Q


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You Fucker! Sorry for the mispelling. :)


I'm just ranting cuz the CPD failed to properly identify, process, or do anything to the asswipe who hit me. And guess what? He failed to appear in court!



well the only upside is he lost his car. Not that its really gonna help things.

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Did you happen to hit any small children while crossing the school zone?


btw, sorry to hear about that Rotarded. He's a mexican, he can blend in to any one of the hundreds of hives around columbus. they probably dont even have a real name.




Isn't it odd that the messycans, in addition to shitting all over the floor at the warehouses they work at.. seem to not exist in the eyes of the law, yet the law protects them, as apposed to saying "Well, he totalled your car, but he's really not suppost to be here. BTW I am going to go get some coffee and a donut, if something happens to him while I am gone, well, he don't exist, so the laws don't apply. Oh, and here is my stud gun, night stick and mace... have fun"

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