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Girlfriend blew .085


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Coming home last night from a buddy's going away party-he is in the Army and has been in Germany for a year and came back to visit for 2 weeks, leaving for germany for another 18months this morning- We are driving south on 71 her in her integra and me on my buddy's Ducati cuz I'm taking care of it for him while he is in Germany. Anyway, I see a cop behind us and then he gets infront of me and puts his lights on to pull her over. she got pulled over right before the N. Broadwaty exit. I pulled off at weber and waited for her to call and ended up waiting a good half hour to learn I needed to pick her up cuz she was charged with an OMVI. Also, he charged her with littering cuz she threw a cig out the window and something like crossing lanes or swerving. Swerving was the initial reason he stopped her.

She was very very cooperative with the officer and she said he was very nice to her. Even gave her advice and this is the "funny"/ weird part. He straight up told her to plead "not guilty" to the charges and that he would be in the court on the 30th. From what she was telling me, it sounded like he was saying plead not guilty and I will get the judge to charge you on one of the other chrages-littering or swerving/wrecklessness. He didnt straight say this but the way she explained it to me, this is what i got outta it.

So my question is, they have the proof of the .085 BAC so when she goes to court she said she would feel weird about saying not guilty when they obviously have the proof. I tried explaining to her how the system worked and that if she enters that plea-not guilty- then they will most likely HOPEFULLY try to do a plea bargain and just charge her for the other two offenses, this will save them from doing the long process of a trial. From what the officer told her it sounded like he was going to try and help get the OMVI charge dropped. Thats just what I think anyway. What do you guys think??? Sorry if something sounds confusing. I got NO sleep last night and I had to drop her off at work and still make it to my work by 6:30am. THANKS for all help!! If there arre any questions just ask.

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get a laywer. only way to lessen her conviction.


i hate people who through cigerettes out the window!!!

hopefully she will learn her lesson on driving drunk and throwing dang cigs out the window when she is locked up or with out her licesnse.

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She had three beers. She just didnt eat much for dinner. Youre telling me you have never had three beers and then driven. I dont know of too many people who can say that.


Yes, there are plenty of people that can say that... Iam one of them, cuz I DON'T drink... ever.


Quit making asshole excuses, she was driving drunk, end of story. Personally I hope they get her with OMVI and a $500 littering ticket to boot.

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I'm not trying to make excusses, and whos being the Fucking Asshole here. I have not said one disrespectful comment. Thanks for throwing your 2 cents in man it did a lot of good. I hope you have fun fucking your hand tonight! :jerkit:
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3 in 3 hours wouldnt put her over at all

Body loses about 1 drink per hour (rough average depending on drink), so after 3 hours and 3 drinks should would be only at 1 drink. She would have to weigh about 50lbs to be a .08


If thats all you saw her drink you either... didnt pay attention enough, or she was sneaking some in.

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Yes, there are plenty of people that can say that... Iam one of them, cuz I DON'T drink... ever.


Quit making asshole excuses, she was driving drunk, end of story. Personally I hope they get her with OMVI and a $500 littering ticket to boot.


Keith, some time in your life you will make a bad decision. When you get the book thrown at you or the worst happens, please don't ask why, just take it like a man. It's comming, trust me, Karma is real.

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She finished her last beer right as we left. I dunno might of been less than three hours. I guess We were there about 10:30 to 1ish now that i think about it. Little less than three hours. Oh well. I guess I will just have to see what happens. Thanks John, I really appreciate it!!
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Holy fucking Christ, settle the fuck down people (READ: Desperado, you fucking retard). This guy isn't saying his g/f isn't guilty of DUI or whatever, he's asking for feedback/opinions on what the cop purportedly mentioned and how to address the situation from here. So save the fucking "you're a jerk and she's a jerk and anyone who drinks is a jerk" shit - I don't feel like reading MADD pep rally material every time I refresh this thread.


yotaman, I'm not sure what to make of what the cop said. From what I know of the legal process, the cop himself would have very little to do with the charge being reduced or "dropped." Instead, once he's issued the citation, it's in the hands of the prosecuting attorney (and the presiding judge). Sure, I guess that, if the cop was called to testify, he could indirectly affect the outcome by not showing up or testifying that he didn't do the test properly or whatever, but that seems unrealistic to me for several reasons (e.g., if I were a cop, I wouldn't perjure myself, or risk looking unprofessional on the stand, to simply help - no offense - some broad get out of a DUI). So, in sum, it's my opinion that, at this point, the cop can't be expected to have much impact on the outcome of the case. Besides, given the zeitgeist, we know that DUI's rank right up there with, say, armed robbery, so, again, IMO, it's not the easiest thing to get them reduced, tossed out, or whatever.


The best advice I can offer is for your g/f to contact an attorney. I can give you the name of the attorney I have used for traffic stuff in the past; PM for that information if you are interested. Attorneys that specialize in this area of law know what maneuvering (e.g., plea bargaining) can occur, and I think, with something as potentially damning as a DUI on your record, they are worth the money.


Good luck with it.

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Keith, some time in your life you will make a bad decision. When you get the book thrown at you or the worst happens, please don't ask why, just take it like a man. It's comming, trust me, Karma is real.


I am 34 yrs old with a 17 yr old son. Do the math, I was 17 when he was born. His mother is on the top ten list of mort usless fucks on the planet.


I was young and stupid. Your GF's DUI pales in compairison to my folly. I make no excuse for it, other than to be funny,,, siting that teenage male horomnes is A POWERFUL THING....


Now please understand, I don't consider my son to be a mistake. Only that I will have to deal with his fucking mother, and see how she treats him for the rest of my life. I deal with it weekly, and I do take it like a man.

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I dont like it when people litter either, Ive written a couple of those tickets lately.


Man, I am glad someone does. I see people littering all of the time and it makes me mad. You should see the burn marks I have on my bumper from where cigs have hit it.


Not to mention when people do that when I am on my bike. Screw that.


As far as someone not drinking and driving. Yea, I don't drink and drive and I can name a whole ton of people who don't.


I would suggest getting a lawyer for this case..

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Guest 614Streets
Yes, there are plenty of people that can say that... Iam one of them, cuz I DON'T drink... ever.


Quit making asshole excuses, she was driving drunk, end of story. Personally I hope they get her with OMVI and a $500 littering ticket to boot.


Is your name captain jackass. Personally I think it is.

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I'm not trying to make excusses, and whos being the Fucking Asshole here. I have not said one disrespectful comment. Thanks for throwing your 2 cents in man it did a lot of good. I hope you have fun fucking your hand tonight! :jerkit:


Look, I am Darth Vader when it comes to driving drunk. I have ZERO tollerance for it. (BTW, you were with her, and you ellected to let her drive, so some of this sits in your lap too) there is NEVER a reason to drive when you are under the influence of anything, other than bad judgement. Am I an asshole about it, yes, and real proud of it. So all the rest of you can point and call me an Asshole and I will sit here and appericate every comment, like I said ZERO tollerance.


As far as banging my hand... na I got it last night, so tonight is not gonna happen anyway.

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Thanks Tilley! Sounds logical. I am going to try and figure out the lawyer situation. Money is an issue though of course. I definately agree about it being worth it though. The money spent now will save her some cash in th future. THANKS!!
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