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Girlfriend blew .085


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Thanks Tilley! Sounds logical. I am going to try and figure out the lawyer situation. Money is an issue though of course. I definately agree about it being worth it though. The money spent now will save her some cash in th future. THANKS!!


My old roomate got a DUI (or omvi, whichever) and from what i understand the worse thing you can do is blow. It will give the state evidence to use against you later on in trial and believe it or not it is your right NOT to blow, you will get arrested for it, but it will be a lesser charge. Again im not an expert this is just from what i've learned from my roomate's experience.


However all of this is besides the point. Your girl probably thought she was ok and decided to blow. I would STRONGLY suggest you get a lawyer. There is nothing worse, besides a felony, that looks as bad on your record like a DUI/OMVI. Try not to look at it as a money thing, put it on your credit card if you have to borrow money from your folks do whatever it takes. look at it as saving her record, trust me employer's look at shit like this all the time and if it pops up, its a black mark. Goodluck man.

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Man, I am glad someone does. I see people littering all of the time and it makes me mad. You should see the burn marks I have on my bumper from where cigs have hit it.



How many people do you have to tailgate to get an abundance of cigarette burns on your bumper?


It's not like they fly 800 feet back.

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I agree with desperado about the zero tolerance. I think everyone who drives under any influence should get the book thrown at them. It's just irresponsible, not only for your life, but the countless lives of other people walking, driving down the road. I don't think anyone should ever be able to get out of a DUI charge. They should learn from their lessons.


I've had friends who were killed by drunk drivers at an early age. Drivers who have already been charge with more than one DUI. I believe at one DUI you should lose your license and go to jail at the very lease.

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Being someone who doesnt drink at all, I cant provide anyone with any advice on the front of what to do.


However, all I want to say is that people need to be more careful. This is going to sound a little cliche, but always have a designated driver. Always be mindful of how much you have had already, and how much time has gone by.


My advice to you man, is to just take it as it comes. Keep us posted, and we (minus me) will try to guide you through whatever can happen.

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I agree with desperado about the zero tolerance. I think everyone who drives under any influence should get the book thrown at them. It's just irresponsible, not only for your life, but the countless lives of other people walking, driving down the road. I don't think anyone should ever be able to get out of a DUI charge. They should learn from their lessons.


I've had friends who were killed by drunk drivers at an early age. Drivers who have already been charge with more than one DUI. I believe at one DUI you should lose your license and go to jail at the very lease.


All of these people on high horses about drunk driving, stop it, you may not drink at all or never drive drunk, but you have driven TIRED many times. New studies show being behind the wheel with insuficiant sleep is WORSE than driving drunk. Check the MADD banner at the front page K. You are no better than anyone else.


Don't ever talk on the phone, don't chew gum, don't listen to music.


Stay in your lane.......


I am not for Driving drunk, but I hate when the MADD thing is brought up with a holier than thou attitude. Nobody is perfect and everyone on here has endangered his or someone elses life with a motor vehicle at some point in their life....

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As far as banging my hand... na I got it last night, so tonight is not gonna happen anyway.



So you are saying your hand needs a night off?



Look, I disagree with the whole drinking and driving thing too. Here's my problem, 5 years ago this isnt an issue. Ohio used to have a REASONABLE BAC limit. It used to be .10. To me, .08 is so far from impaired that its not even funny.


I feel for you and your gf, man. Good luck. Try looking up a law firm called Koffel and Jump. Brad Koffel is very good at what he does.

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Nobody is perfect and everyone on here has endangered his or someone elses life with a motor vehicle at some point in their life....



Hmmm, thing is that every time you get in a car you take a chance. When I get up in the rafters of the warehouse, I take a chance of falling out of the bucket, dropping a tool on someone's head and even the possibility of being shocked by the wiring I am running. So I take precautions, I wear a safety harness, I rope off a safe zone under the man lift if possible, and I inform everyone that is working in that area to be aware of where I am and what I am doing, and if possible to stay clear of the area while I am doing it.


As far as specifically in a car, speeding (which does NOT cause accidents it only plays a factor in them) is the one every one want's to bring up. You consider your surroundings, pick your spots to go real fast and you minimize the variables that cause accidents. More people are killed doing under or at the speed limit every year than those going as lilttle as 5 MPH over.


When was the last time anyone took out an ad or told anyone "Hey, It's possible I shouldn't be driving, so stay off the roads until you hear from me I am home." ??? To minimize the risk.


Your argument is not valid, we take chances EVERY day, people are killed from the stupidist set of circumstances at times. But, when we take chances, we try to control the envrioment that we are in, to make it safe as possible and minimize the risk. Driving a car after drinking is NOT minimizing risk, it's a desision, and as far as the level goes. I will buy the I was too fucking drunk to know better routine from someone that's really shitfaced. Someone that is close, still has enough presents of mind to know better.


If I sound harsh, well I mean to. I can't applogize for how I feel nor do I intend to try. I wish that better choises were made and this girl wasn't in the situation she is in now. But, she made a bad string of choices and she now has to pay the cost.

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Drunk driving should just never be brought up on CR. There are too many people with logic/understanding and there are too many pricks whom find themselves still on their pedistool or hiding their pussy asses in mommy and daddys warm, safe, and secure basement.
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I disagree.....I was part of a test group in a marketing study this spring and was brought to .088 on a blow test via 3 drinks in a one hour period and I was buzzed. I did have a 6" sub sandwich 20 minutes prior to the testing.


Buzzed is impared. Sure, I could have driven home, but since I never have with a buz, I can't say how I would have handled a car or driven.


I can say that I feel my reactions were slower. We did some minor tests, but nothing involving motor skills and vehicles.


My habits are that if I'm out and have to drive, that I have just one drink, usually with an apetizer or at dinner. A regular drink too, like a bear,glass of wine or one mixed drink, no doubles or what not. I also make it a point not to leave for at least and hour either. One is too many as they say, but I make it about as responsible of a night out as I can.


A friend of mine who was a bartender for a while in Clearwater, FL has gone through a lot of training while working at his job and said that typically, 3 beers in one hour will buzz folks and put them above the legal limit. I believe him. Again, I've had three beers in an hour and know how I feel. I'm 5'9" and 185lbs.


Definitely have her get a lawyer. It will be money well spent and if it's a good one that's done a number of OMVI's, they will likely know the prosecutors and be able to negotiate a deal of some sort. Although I think it will be tough given the charge.

To me, .08 is so far from impaired that its not even funny.

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Couple things here.



Keith, it's unbelievably clear that everyone in this thread would be happier if you tried to microwave your next batch of hot pockets in the bath tub. This guy is asking for advice on his girlfriend's situation and you end up talking about your less-than-reliable baby momma. You may not drink or take drugs willingly, but there has GOT to be some LSD in whatever well you get water from.



Balian, the series of events leading up to you finding a cig burn on your front bumper from someone in front of you throwing one out the window would have to go something like this:



1. Your front bumper would have to be in their tailpipe. Cigs don't float through the air seeking whatever freshly dried dealership paint they can find, they hit the ground FAST.


2. You'd have to know the exact spot the cig hit your car, which would require captain planetesque superpowers.


3. The cherry or the cig would have to hit your car pretty much dead on which, given that the circumstances in this particular debate have that cig traveling at a high rate of speed and being buffeted by both high winds and something called gravity, are highly unlikely to occur enough to give you the ability to post "burn marks", plural.


4. Right after your car gets hit, you would have to pull over to the side of the road to confirm factually that the errant cig was the object that caused whatever incredibly serious trauma to your automobile.



So, in closing, you're full of shit too.




This concludes a required weekly test. You will now be returned to your regularly scheduled programming, aka "Dumb Hilljack Motherfuckers Making Shit up on the Internet." Have a nice day.

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Being someone who doesnt drink at all, I cant provide anyone with any advice on the front of what to do.


However, all I want to say is that people need to be more careful. This is going to sound a little cliche, but always have a designated driver. Always be mindful of how much you have had already, and how much time has gone by.


My advice to you man, is to just take it as it comes. Keep us posted, and we (minus me) will try to guide you through whatever can happen.



There isn't a single valid or worthwhile statement in this entire post. You even preface the thing with telling us that you're completely full of shit! Someone reduce his post count by 1.

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Balian, the series of events leading up to you finding a cig burn on your front bumper from someone in front of you throwing one out the window would have to go something like this:



1. Your front bumper would have to be in their tailpipe. Cigs don't float through the air seeking whatever freshly dried dealership paint they can find, they hit the ground FAST.


2. You'd have to know the exact spot the cig hit your car, which would require captain planetesque superpowers.


3. The cherry or the cig would have to hit your car pretty much dead on which, given that the circumstances in this particular debate have that cig traveling at a high rate of speed and being buffeted by both high winds and something called gravity, are highly unlikely to occur enough to give you the ability to post "burn marks", plural.


4. Right after your car gets hit, you would have to pull over to the side of the road to confirm factually that the errant cig was the object that caused whatever incredibly serious trauma to your automobile.



So, in closing, you're full of shit too.



You can kiss my ass too. I don't tailgate people and when someone tosses a cig up and out their window it can travel pretty far and if you consider how fast we are going on the highway it wont take long for that thing to hit your car. I have personally seen the cherry of a cig explode on my car, so fuck you. Just cause you cannot fathom something happening doesn't mean it cannot.

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I know I threatened to delete errant posts, but I can't let Jon's coming out of his shell go to waste. This thread is way off topic, and getting locked. To the thread starter - you are welcome to make another attempt, hopefully it won't go to hell like this thread did.
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