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I fucked up my finger....

Dr. Apex

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Somehow this morning I managed to catch a nice chunk of wood under my fingernail shoving it completely underneath it. Peice was probably the width and thickness of a popsicle stick!! So I go to urgent care and they pull most of it out, of course they have to cut about half of my nail off to get the rest out.. :thumbdown


I have to go back to the doctor monday to have it checked for infection and such and I'm told I may still lose my nail.....this sux ass!!


But at least I get good drugs now, Vicodin FTW!!!

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Fuckin ow to both of those. Years ago, my step father and I were tearing down a half built house for the wood. While walking around, I accidentally stepped on a 16penny nail. I began hopping to a place to sit down and, you guessed it, I stepped on another with my other foot.

We're smart enough not to leave wood with nails sticking out of it, but we weren't the oringinal 'tear it down' people. We bought the property with the house on it.

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Can't take the bandage off just yet, but honestly this being injured thing isn't so bad, I've been getting pampered all night and about to have me some sympathy sex!!

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I did get a tetanus shot, but they've improved those drastically since I last had one, it didn't hurt at all.


I was saying I need to get one because I'm probably not up to date.


Jesse what the hell did you do?


Here is the post I made about it. This happened last summer, a little over a year ago now.

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I was saying I need to get one because I'm probably not up to date.




Here is the post I made about it. This happened last summer, a little over a year ago now.


You should go get it, the shot itself doesn't hurt. My arm is only a little tender right now, but that's it.

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You should go get it, the shot itself doesn't hurt. My arm is only a little tender right now, but that's it.


Yeah, shots don't bother me at all. I'm actually going through classes to be on Ski Patrol right now and there is a list of five or so shots/vaccinations they suggest you get because of things you have a remote possiblity of being exposed to. The tetanus shot is one of them. I'm going to go in, it's just a matter of calling my doctor and figuring out what I'm not up to date on, and making an appointment. It's kind of a pain trying to get to the doctors office when you work at least 8:30 to 5 every M-F.


How's your finger doing, better I hope?

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