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I just want some real answers as to why gas is so high. And I dont believe with the profits these oil companies are claiming their making, that its simply because the cost of crude is up. Real answers wont be forthcoming until enough people start demanding real answers.
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high gas prices have two sides. it sucks to pay this much for gas. but on the other hand, its making people choose more fuel efficient cars and has encouraged companies to look into alternative fuels.


There is no alternative fuel source out there that has not been invented that can revolutionize(sp) the transportation industry as much as the ones that all ready have been discovered. There may be new breakthroughs in fine tuning them but we have the technology to ease the fuel prices were currently seeing. The oil companies know this and the powers that be, realize it is only a matter of time before consumers realize it also. Why do you think these oil companies are making such big profits? Its simple, the oil companies realized that americans would be worried about the war, and start searching/demanding for alternative fuel. So they raised fuel prices, sort of a last ditched effort to make as much money as possible before the become absolete as a power which we know today. But what they didnt count on is americans sitting idly by and not complaining about the high prices. Or to be able to get away with it for this long.


And that ladies and gentlemen is your conspiracy lesson for the day.

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Its simple, the oil companies realized that americans would be worried about the war, and start searching/demanding for alternative fuel. So they raised fuel prices, sort of a last ditched effort to make as much money as possible before the become absolete as a power which we know today.


I am going to have to disagree with this point. What about the war made Americans want to search for a new fuel source? Absolutely nothing that I can think of. Now, I can not speak for the entire American population here, but I do not think any American went into the war worried about fuel prices or finding an alternative source. In fact, I see the war as a crutch for these fuel companies to raise prices without anyone raising an eyebrow until 2 years later.


Funny thing to me is, gas prices were around $1.00 when we first entered Iraq. Oil prices per barrel was around $30-36 at the time. So, you're telling me that some odd mathamatics made it allowable that gas prices would triple as oil prices doubled? That just doesn't make sense. Then, oil companies see record profits and no one does shit about it? This is like international price gauging.

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The movie apparently attempts to create some conspiracy inside GM to kill anything that doesn't run on gasoline. They conveniently ignore many facts as to why their beloved EV was shelved.

True, but it is also true there there was a huge subversive effort for many years to keep these from happening.


That being said, I beleive I'll spoil the film (call it a hunch)

Who killed the electric car? You did. "You" being indirect. We let it die, through our lack of intrest and indescresion. The EV was a market flop, and guess who "The market" is?


I'll see this film.

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they want to push hydrogen too but the cheapest way to make it is with solar power and it takes one hyrdo station all day to fill up one car that can only go a couple hundred miles on a tank.


Wind is also a great source of energy but is having a hard time getting past certain groups. Studies have been done that show there is enough wind energy within the U.S. to create more than enough energy to power our country.


As far as the electric car goes, I agree with Eric. Not enough people showed interest to make it successful and I don't think there ever will be. Electric cars could be a success in urban areas, perhaps sold by rental car companies. But as a normal, day-in-day-out vehicle, they aren't viable at this point in time.

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