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I HATE Notre Dame!


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I was reading ESPN.com today the Heisman watch polls. It has Troy Smith at #1 as it should be. Brady Quinn is at 3 which higher then he should be. I will get more into that in a sec. I keep watching Sportscenter and all of their analyst keep talking about all might Notre Dame. I cant stand it they are so overrated! Their offense is ok at best Smarga (sp) their WR is the best player on the team. But they supposedly have the "best offense" in the country. That offense could barley score against Georgia Tech. The offensive line couldnt hold a block to save their lives. Everyone on ESPN then makes excuses on why they didnt score as much. Notre Dame is always put up to this level that they NEVER live up to. Ohio State last year at the Fiesta bowl showed Notre Dame for the school that they are. NOT THAT GOOD the score was alot closer then the game actually was. Notre Dame will lose against So Cal and Michigan. Then for some reason they will still be ranked in the top 10 which is a shame. I got the most mad when I read the article on the Heisman watch this is what their writer wrote. http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/heisman06/index
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From that article:


I vote based on how I project the season to turn out and not what happens from week-to-week...


How does this making any fucking sense? Why have a weekly vote then? That's like saying the AP voters should rank the teams based on how they think they'll end the season and not how they played in the previous week.


So, essentially, after reading that quote, I could pretty much discredit everything else that moron put in print.


As for the Notre Dame publicity machine, well, it is what it is. Not that I don't love to see Notre Dame lose, but I don't necessarily go out of my way to hate on Notre Dame for simply being Notre Dame.


And now I'm reminded of an email sent to me by a friend (who, coincidentally, was a referee in the Penn State game last Saturday) that lists several rules that all Buckeye fans are obligated to follow. One those rules read something to the effect of this:


-You are never permitted to root for either Michigan or Notre Dame at any time, ever. If, on occasion, Michigan plays Notre Dame, then you shall root for both teams to lose.

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I do agree that Notre Dame is overrated. They are probably top 10, but not top 5.


I do not dislike Notre Dame as a University or a football team. I do dislike the fan base simply due to the fact that a VAST majority of them have never attended Notre Dame, attended any school of higher learning, nor have even set foot in the same state as the campus, yet they are some of the most blindly loyal, rabid, and opinionated people on the planet. Sounds alot like the Michigan fan base too, doesn't it?


Just like the Dallas Cowboy "America's Team" moniker, "God's Team" is simply bullshit.

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If Michigan beats them ND cannot be in the top 10 because Michigan is 10th in the AP and 13th in the USA Today poll. I will be surprised if ND loses to Mich, they did pretty well last year against Mich. Are you Buckeye fans rooting for the team up north to win a game? :o
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forget bitchagain, penn state will probly beat ND this saturday. the fiesta bowl was an all out rape last year. the 612 yards we put up against them was the most ever allowed by that team. i actually hope they go undefeated this year just so we can own them in the fiesta bowl again.
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I do agree that Notre Dame is overrated. They are probably top 10, but not top 5.


I do not dislike Notre Dame as a University or a football team. I do dislike the fan base simply due to the fact that a VAST majority of them have never attended Notre Dame, attended any school of higher learning, nor have even set foot in the same state as the campus, yet they are some of the most blindly loyal, rabid, and opinionated people on the planet. Sounds alot like the Michigan fan base too, doesn't it?


Just like the Dallas Cowboy "America's Team" moniker, "God's Team" is simply bullshit.



so now since you live in ohio you must be a buckeye fan?????? I'm not a buckeye fan but i'm not one of these people you are talkin about b/c i have not lived in ohio my entire life, but i think that what your saying is b.s. just b/c a person likes a team doesn't mean they have to have gone to that school.


Take drag racing. If you live in ohio you must like soemone from ohio in drag racing?? kinda crazy if you ask me but just my .02 worth. flame on

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Notre Dames problem is its catholic U, and not just the fact its catholic its anti everyone that isnt a notre dame catholic.


Side note, Brain May from ESPN could chock on his on saliva and die and saturdays would be much more pleseant

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Jesus goat'fucking christ you winey little girls, can't you find something important to get bitch about? Fuckin hell, you're bitching about a pack of mooks on sports center talking up some team that isn't even a threat. I swear to Jesus Sheeba Odin you OSU fans are the most cocky, pathetic, loud, cocky, belligerant, winey, cocky, and over zealous fan base in the entire sports world. Jihadists dont love Islam as much as you tits love this fucking team.



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I will be surprised if ND loses to Mich, they did pretty well last year against Mich. Are you Buckeye fans rooting for the team up north to win a game? :o


See following quote.


-You are never permitted to root for either Michigan or Notre Dame at any time, ever. If, on occasion, Michigan plays Notre Dame, then you shall root for both teams to lose.


Side note, Brain May from ESPN could chock on his on saliva and die and saturdays would be much more pleseant


Completely agreed. And I though Trev Alberts was obnoxious.


what does Marijuana and Notre Dame have in common??


The both get smoked in a bowl


This made me LOL. It's funny because it's true.

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Jesus goat'fucking christ you winey little girls, can't you find something important to get bitch about? Fuckin hell, you're bitching about a pack of mooks on sports center talking up some team that isn't even a threat. I swear to Jesus Sheeba Odin you OSU fans are the most cocky, pathetic, loud, cocky, belligerant, winey, cocky, and over zealous fan base in the entire sports world. Jihadists dont love Islam as much as you tits love this fucking team.




You shut up, because your family roots for the enemy!

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I'm sure GT watched all the film from the bowl game last year and saw that Quinn gets rattled easy after getting his bitch ass smacked around a bit. Their O line better step up against the big ten teams this year or they can easily lose 3-4 games (along with USC).
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