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So, post something unique about yourself.


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I'm adopted and live in a interracial family, my brother and sister are both black (Both of which are adopted). I saw somebody fall off Half Dome and die as a result of it the one day I went there, and later saw the body being loaded into a body bag and flown out.
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Cut the skull cap off of a 80+year old lady (Gross Anatomy)

Trained MMA

Barely gradutated from HS(no kidding), so I thought I would become a Doc...

I have large Elvis Collection

Went to Eastmoor HS and never smoked dope the whole time

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I have never done drugs. I really AM 27 even though I look 15


That's weird because I too have never done drugs, am 27 and look maybe 17 if you squint a little.


Also, I have been attacked numerous times by wild animals. Twice by squirrels. Twice by Geese. Once by a Buck. I am concidering carrying a shotgun at all times because, apparently, I need the protection.

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I was born in hawaii


I took Spanish for 4 years, I can still comprehend it and speak it some.


I was a green belt at age 14 ( Shorin-Ryu ) ( Can still perfrome the Kata I can remeber and 90% of the moves )


I won state DECA ( Marketing ) contest for techincal marketting 2 times in a row being the first columbus public schools student to ever do it or so i was told


I am a huge BLIND-GUARDIAN FAN November 24th in cleveland i will be there


I hung out back stage with blind-guardian



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:nono: I have this recurring dream where I'm chasing this girl down a dark alley and can never quite catch her... it pisses me off every time. :D


Seriously though, I was raised by my grandparents till I was 6. Went back to my mother and proceded to move around the US and Mexico (with uncle and aunt). For example, I went to 4 different schools in two different states in the 3rd grade. Nobody was military. This trend has continued well into my adult life. I can't get the nomad out of me.

I'm a jack of all trades, master of none. I have knack for figuring things out that none of my friends can understand. Very analytical.

My father was Puerto Rican and was killed while I was an infant. My mother Irish/Portuguese. Haven't seen her in over a decade.

My mother's side of the family ran a huge drug operation from across the states but mostly Texas and South Carolina. House was raided when I was a senior in HS. Yes, I was there and I was living with a couple roomates (Been on my own since 16, graduated at 17 w/honors). One of them was there at the time. Oops. Here's a link to one of the stories. Link This was only the tip of the iceberg. My car and computer, among other things, were confiscated and never returned. They found no evidence of illegal drug activity in my home. They almost seized my dogs due to them attacking an officer and drug dog. I warned them. My uncle Darell was killed in a car bomb about 5 yrs ago. Seems you can serve your time for the govt, but that doesn't cover everyone.

Married divorced, have a girl.

Shit, getting long, I'll stop there before the memories kick in full blast. I could write a f'n book.

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I've flown more places in this world than most of the people on this board, including a couple illegal trips into Brazil and into the Amazon. I've got an acute hatred of bees because I stepped in an underground hornet nest and subsequently had a knee the size of a honeydew. When I was 8 years old I had to undergo a spinal tap to test for meningitis; I'm still creeped out by needles of any kind. I've been in many a fight, but have never punched anyone in the face. They all ended before that was necessary. I've broken every finger at least once, and my left pinky finger is about 1cm shorter than my right because of the bone shattering and having to be rebroken to be set. Despite being a complete fatass, I was a 2nd team all-league goalie in HS. I was nearly blinded in a skiing accident where a branch sliced the top of my right eyelid, took a chunk out of the bridge of my nose, and sliced right under my left eyelid. I've got enough head injuries to make Troy Aikman wince.
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When I turned 21 I was single for the first time ever. I didnt know how to act so I smoked a lot, got drunk every night with my bitches, slept around a bit :( and that was my life for almost 2 years.


I met my husband and he changed my life. I settled way down bc I wanted to be with him and no one else. It was a whole new world after being with him and im so glad that we got married bc I didnt think that I could actually find a man that could tame me like he did ;)


Oh and ive been pulled over by the cops at least 15 times and have never got a ticket....damn its good to be a woman :)

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Due to my fathers continuing battle with heroin I went to 3 different middle schools and 3 different high schools. I scored in the top 10% of the nation on the ASVAB test and had several offers to military schools. I graduated 6th in my class and was an All-State pitcher.


All this childhood drama has made me closer to my extended family than most people. Theres nothing more important to me than my family, w/o their help i wouldnt be where i am today. That mid 90's commercial that said 'parents who do drugs have kids who do drugs' has always pissed me off.


I lost one step mom to lung cancer, one to a heroin overdose, and i've only met my biological mother 1 time (Christmas eve of my 22nd b-day).

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Guest silversn95
I know more about coffee than probably everyone on this forum. I am responsible for the lattes being carried by by the soccer moms driving the 3 ton SUV's. Sorry for that, gotta make a living. I own River Road Coffeehouse in Granville, stop by and see me sometime. I also need to learn a hell of a lot more about cars...
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