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I grew up in the perfect beaver cleaver family and sometimes wish my family wasnt so nice to me cause i was a asshole between ages of 16-21 and had no reason at all to be.


Thankyou for admitting it. I hated kids like you in HS. Then again, it isn't high school anymore.


Born and raised in Long Island NY. After my father passed away when i was 9 my mother (with all 5 of her kids, me being the youngest) met a nice jewish man from columubus. After a few stabbing's and violent crimes occured down our block, she decided she wanted to sell our house and move. All happening within a year.


My family has always tight. The tribulations we've gone through have only made us closer. i've seen my bro get in more fights with assholes than anyone would care to see and every time it's been b/c of someone trying to fuck with my family. I look up to him b/c (most of the time) he's stood up for whats right when no one else could or would. No body's perfect and we all make our mistakes but if anyone of us were on the line we'd all be there to help. I have a strange appreciation of life and the little, simple things.


I have more skeleton's in my closet than anyone could ever guess, and i'll take them to my grave. I don't think i could ever truly completely trust someone enough to marry, Ive come to grasp with the realization of being alone for the rest of my life. I fear only one thing that i dont understand, addiction. To alcohol, drugs whatever it may be. I dont understand it, therefore i cant control it. B/c of this fear ive never done drugs.


I'm 22 and never claimed to be smarter or better than anyone in anything, and while i think ive lived enough for two people, i get reminded of people who have it far worse than i and realize i've only just begun

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4 days after my 18th birthday i was arrested at the little brown jug race in delaware and ended up having to pay $750 in fines and do 80 hrs of community service. My friend was arrested for the same but was a month younger than me so he was considered a juvy. He paid $250 and only 30 hrs for the same crime.


downside to being 18, always tried as an adult.


Also people say im an asshole but im just truthful :p

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I am the youngest person to ever win Grand Champion at the Ohio State Fair.

I was in the 4th grade and was too young to show in the 4H shows. So my parents took me down to the State Fair and registered in an open class with my 32" tall miniture horse. Took home Grand Chapion in the open Halter Class

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not to mention a known doucebag.


(This would be one of those days)


Would you care too enlighten me? Considering you have no idea who i am, and Most likely have never meet me , or havent been around me long enought know either way...The only doucebag here , well.. that would be you.

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amateur radio ---KC8RIE

AMA(academy of model aeronautics)---yes i'm a geek and fly RC planes and heli's

SME(society of manufacturing engineers)

some ASE certifications

wasted a shitload of my parents money going to 2 schools for 5 years and only getting an associates degree. I've played with an irradiation machine that Kent State owns half of and its freaking cool. i've superglued (CA) my eye shut and had to have it cut back open. i didnt learn my lesson with my 1st gen dsm so i bought a 2nd gen off a girl i USED to date....it crankwalked 8 months later. being named brian and owning a 2nd gen unfortunatly aquired me the name "Spilner" and UNOH.

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Haz-Mat technician,


Eagle Scout,

AMA Member (Academy of Model Aeronautics),

ATA Shooter (Amateur Trapsooting Association),

Member of 6 different trapshooting leagues,

1 bowling league,

2 archery leagues,

Avid hunter in my free time,

Graduated 8th of 247 in my HS class,

Scored 760 on the math half of the SAT's

Went to college 3 years and never finished,

I have found you don't need a degree to make money, you just have to work your ass off.

If you find a job you love to do, working your ass off can be rewarding.

Living in the country is far better than the city.

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i once shot two geese with a single shot.


i screwed up the thanksgiving turkey 4 years ago by deep-frying it too long and it was very dried out.


ive broken my nose 3x, but no other bone in my body.


ive got the second fastest naturally aspirated 01-06 hyundai elantra on any of the forums im on at 15.297 (and only lost that #1 spot by .043 seconds)


i once had sex with a girl 2 hours after i met her at a friends party, then after the fact, realized she was way to young to be doing what she was doing, and dropped her like a bad habit

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My godmother was Pearl Bailey. I did the third to last trap landing on the USS Lexington (in an A4 that was retired the same week). I've sat in the Commander's seat of the Columbia. I designed the first pass orbital approach plan to Mercury for the D.O.S. Amigos mission (cancelled). And I've crossed the international date line 7 times, which means I'm living in your tomorrow. Woooo. Oh, and I'm sure I've flown a lot more places than 10xworse, easy.


EDIT: I'm also incredibly immature for my age as I'm posting this here

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Guest silversn95
where at in Granville? I work right beside hoggys.....i always get coffee on my lunch break :)


Going east on 16, get off at the 37/661 Granville exit. Turn left across the overpass, turn right on first road (River Road). We're the third drive on left. Let me know who you are. I'm there wed - sun.

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Forgot this one.


I broke my pinky finger at one of the carpeted poles at the Bowling Palace when I was around 18-19ish.


I missed ONE strike for $36,000. Turned around Punched the wall. That was fun. Hand swelled up like a balloon. Took my half cast off the next week and bowled in the championship game in our league (we won too).

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Guest FooFooMaru

Speaking of pinky. I cut the tip of mine off, bone and such at Honda fitness center my junior year of HS. I went into school the next day with a can trying to raise money to pay for the stupid Ambulance ride. SOooo much $$$$$


and I was bitten by a Great Dane....and my Name IS Dane.

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Once i got half my finger ripped off by trying to get a fishing line out of a tree (fish hook in, they ripped it out)

A red-tailed hawk landed on my knee once.

I had to perform in a musical/opera/play where I was a LEAD with bronchitis. I had to sing.

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