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Need 4awg wire

Wicked FaSSt

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Damn Picky... just kiding. That's where I'd usually go. Try Home Depot or Lowes maybe. I've bought a spool of 12awg speaker wire there before for pretty cheap. No idea if they have power wire that big, in a style you would want, but they have a ton of spools of wire (you can buy whatever lenght you want too). Go back to the automotive section in walmart. They have stereo wiring kits for the cheapest I've ever seen anywhere. You could probably get a kit with extra stuff in it for less than what you are talking, but who know if it will be red (probably?). I got a FULL wiring kit (RCA's, power wires, everything) for $25!!! that said it supported up to 1000w (something weird like 5gauge wire, 80 or 100amp fuse) recently when doing a buddies stereo. They jacked the prices up some since then. I know they also had a 'power' wiring kit about that size for pretty cheap.


You can always go to any car stereo store, I'm sure you know this, but you'll pay more than that.

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Another idea to check would be Circuit City or Best Buy. Call back to the stereo installation bay and they normally will sell stuff right out of there for you. I woundn't have a clue how much they would charge. Also check Radio Shak, but I doubt you will find 4awg there. And like someone else said, check Wal-Mart. I got one of there amp install kits for like $20 a couple years back. It doesn't push much in my wife's car, but we have had no problems in 2 years with it.
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