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Guest crx34

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Well I am looking at putting a hole in the foundation of my house. So I am looking for some concrete gurus. I need to cut a hole about 14" wide and 8" Tall. I think the foundation is 10" thick, not sure, what's the standard? The top of the hole will be about 3' below the top of the foundation. But above part of the hole there is a closed up window, top of window is the same level as the top of the foundation and the bottom of the window is 1.5' above the top of the planned new hole.


My biggest concern is well obvisouly if it is safe to do. Will this last over time without cracking the rest of the foundation??? Will it cause any structural damage??? I also plan on supporting the hole with thick steel plating.

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Your best bet would be a masonary cut-off saw, preferrably with a diamond blade for a cleaner, nicer cut. This will get you your main cuts, however, it will not get the corners (round blade, square corner). For this, the proper way to do it would be to use, what looks like a chainsaw, but has diamond tipped teeth on it, to cut out the corners, nice and straight. The cut-off saw you could rent from just about any equipment rental place. The Diamond toothed chainsaw is more of a specialty item though, and you'd probably have to call in a a contractor to do that. Best bet would be to have a pro. do it from the get-go.


Another way I can think of would be to get out your handheld demo hammer and chip away what's left of the corners. This would suck though. It wouldn't be as clean and would take forever.



You also might consult with Sam on here, as he is in the concrete business, as well as a few other on here. Also, IIRC, Wnaplay works for a concrete cutting company, so he might be the man for the job. I work at a equipment and tool rental place, and this is just the best way that comes to my mind. Might not be the absolute best way though.

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Let me know when you want to do it. I have chainsaws with cutting depth of 18" and blades capable of cutting 30''. I cut openings all day long.




That would be cool. I doubt you want to come to Chicago though. How much do you guys charge for something like this? Say if I was in Columbus still...... What about the integrity of the wall?

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holy crap alex where have you been hiding


I moved back to Chicago about two years ago now. I'm always on this board tough, I just never post. The only reason I wish I still lived in Columbus is so I could afford a nice car to cruise in. Cost of living here is double what it is in Columbus so I don't have a cool track car anymore.

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