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I was banned from Slowmotion's board today for calling people out. Since when is it not ok to call out newbs to race?


Here is what happened, I made 4 or 5 friendly call out to a few new kids on the forum (cars that should be making decent.) Nothing obnoxious was said just something to the effect of when your car is ready you should race me for $20. This was said in a few different ways but all similar. Then my posts were deleted. So I start a new thread asking why are my posts being erased and retype all of my call outs.



My new call outs were erased again with no answer in my thread. So I reposted and for a third time and josh finally answers me about my post being erased. He said they were probably erased due to a flagrant call out which they were not and said he did not erase them.



So what give TC how about you race me since you don’t want anyone else to? What is the point of banning me for one hour?

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I was banned from Slowmotion's board today for calling people out. Since when is it not ok to call out newbs to race?



Don’t feel bad. I got banned from Race Club since Powers doesn’t not like a dose of the truth. Real racers like you and I be damned I guess


Pussy shit. Sometimes it seems you cant avoid it.

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