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Xbox 360 Opinions


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I'm waitin on the PS3, playstation owns partial rights to Halo now and it will be coming out for the PS3, so that took the whole purpose of getting an xbox 360 away for me

Wow, where did you hear that? Halo is a Microsoft-funded game. Anyway I like my 360 but there isn't very many games out yet. If you like sports games get FIFA07. If you like GTA-like games then you'd be pelased with Saints Row.

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360 > ps3


look at it like this. The system costs 600+

The technology is a bitch to code for(EA stated this)

its not really more powerful in theory potialy but time will tell.


ARE YOU HIGH Halo is microsoft owned orginaly owned by bungie who used to be a mac only company with games like Marathon.


GTA4 xbox360 is all i need say exclusive missions all kinds of shit

shit but since you doubt let me add. FORZA


look at it like this. Sony is betting on blueray and microsoft went the smart route.

tHere is our system uses standard dvd we will release addons for what ever.

Blue ray is not the standard nor is hd-dvd . The other downfall third party companys will not want to part code to a system thats a bitch and that poeple wont have alot of because the target market cant afford it.





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well, personally i dont like my 360. the only game worth playing on it so far (imo) is saints row. and one game on a $400 dollar system isnt worth it to me. and i dont like the xboxs technology.


i love the ps3 specs, but its going to be more expensive than the other two (though worth it), you can also look at it as a cheap blu ray player seeing as the ps3 is going to cost half the average blue ray player. and there is only a hand full of games coming out for it in the next couple years that even look worth trying.


not a huge fan of the wii technology, but the games coming out for it look amazing, like zelda: twilight princess, xcite truck just to name the two that i will be getting at first.


plus another thing is the fact that microsoft doesnt own the rights to the marketplace software that allows you to download updates demos and special game stuff. so you will definatly see something extremely similar (if not the same) on the ps3.


and in argument for the ps3 yes its extremely hard to code for, but so is all new technologies. and i applaud sony for being the only company to actually go with making a 'next gen' system. and also, every body makes a fuss about $80 blue ray games, you have to realize that the ps3 dosent do just blue ray disks, it does still read dvds. so most of the games released on the ps3 are going to be on dvds and sell in the same price range as the xbox360 games. plus the ps3 will actually be backwards compatable with all playstation and ps2 games. unlike the xbox360 which is only backwards compatible with the most popular xbox games, and thats even iffy.


and in argument for the blu ray, just think about the amount of information that can fit on that disk. up 50GB i believe. the kinds of things that they will be able to put on those disks will be amazing. i can see worlds MUCH larger than san andreas for games of the like, and the oblivion world will look tiny in comparison. and with the new found processing power that dwarfs the 360, and all this extra storage space you will also see some phenomenal ai an physics seen in new games. now this is all up to the developers. but the potential is there.


but as far as racing games, test drive unlimated is my favorite. but a SE version is coming out for the pc so i have stoped playing it and am waiting for that. and PGR3 sucks, no ai and alot of the car models are really off and look really low quality. save the few high poly models. its like they were trying to make everything really detailed, finished 4 cars and then realized "we dont have enough time lets just copy the original crapy pgr models".


after all that my vote is for the wii just because of the game selection. :)

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Umm Next Gen I guesse 3x3.2 GHZ PowerPC chips is not next gen? I'm sorry sony wanted to do this funny CEL Proc. The problem is the limited instructions it can compute. Yes the specs look good but if the code cant compile well enough to optimize the use of the multiprocs you will have problems . SAME REASON why pc games on a 8way pc will run as well as the 2way because of the THREADING. When a application/game does a processes (THREAD) it must run on a proc. Well if your application is single threaded then it wont take advantage of the more procs. Personaly I would prefer to code for a 3core fast ass box vs a 20 core box


and the blueray argument is assinine SPACE <>= good game. 50gigs WOW OMG how many multi dvd games have been out for PC and pc's can store way more then that. NOT MANY.


HDDVD does exist for the 360 as of early next year.


If the PS3 was not going out on so many hypes I would like it .

But as it stands I've yet to see one screen shot that was impressive to me. GEAR OF WAR!!!!!! now thats a game that looks hot on the 360.



Time will tell. with the high price I expect to see sony take a nose dive but i coudl be wrong. If they do succeed and the price comes to sub 500 I will buy one next year but as of right now


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@ ohio_wookie -

1)Microsoft DOES own Live marketplace - though like all good ideas i'm sure sony will put some junk version of it's own out


2)how can you say that the 360 ISN'T next gen technology, are you serious? the 360 and the PS3 are nearly identical in theoretical throughtput of memory bandwidth and cpu processing power...you will NEVER see a difference in the best 360 game and the best PS3 game


3)can you really think of that many xbox games that you can't play on the 360 that people want to play on it? NO....they have done a pretty good job releasing patches for the most popular games out there, and the patches work flawlessly, the only exception was Forza and they relesased a new patch reasonably quick


4)the amount of information that can be puit on a BR disc means SQUAT for games as games still don't even fill up and dvd9 disc yet, and even when they do we will just use 2-3 dvd's, the size of the world in games like Oblivion isn't what takes up that much space on a disc....it's the pre-recorded AUDIO and the one part you got right..the A.I. coding,

high density next gen discs are really meant for the hd Resolutions and the hd-Audio of High def Movies

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as far as good games to play goes....


Halo 3 next year :) Xbox only

Gears of War looks Insane (releasing next month) Xbox only

ALAN WAKE looks Awesome Xbox only

Mass Effect looks Rediculous Xbox only

Too Human looks sweet Xbox only

Just Cause looks very cool

Madden 07 is Acceptable

Condemned: Criminal Origins was good, but short

Dead Rising is Awesome

Saints Row is Awesome

gta is no longer PS exclusive, they will release the same day

Call of duty 2 is very good(if you haven't played it on PC)

Oblivion is AWESOME(if you haven't played it on PC)

G.R.A.W. is very good(if you haven't played it on PC)

F.E.A.R. was awesome(if you haven't played it on PC)

Prey was very cool(if you haven't played it on PC)

Quake 4 was pretty good(if you haven't played it on PC)


as far as the best car racing games on the 360 Test Drive unlimited is very good, but the original Forza is still the best available until the next month or two when Forza 2 comes out.

my personal favorite right now is MotoGP 06

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Thorne, as far as the cell processor goes, theres no problem with multithreading. the whole basis of the processor is multithreading, thats how its 7 spes are used. and the instruction set is actually more flexible than most because it uses the existing power based risc instruction set that the xboxs processor uses, plus the spes have their own specific instruction set. the 'slow' part of the cell processor is its actual power core but this is used more for general control of the processor which doesnt need to run fast. but the part that makes it faster than most is its spes where all the intensive processing takes place. which is where most games spend most of their time calculating speed, direction, size, ai and most of the other little things that go on under the hood of the game. the problem with though is the skill of the programmer. although the processor is fast, its complicated and can easily be made slow depending on the algorithims used. all of my opinions are based on the possiblities and not what is actually going to happen. just like the bluray discs, its all about possibilities, which usually dont get explored because people like ea run the business and they are more interested in their profits than the quality of their games. and as far as what fits on discs I understand that a good amount of space is taken up by audio, and the 'world' dosent take up much, its what goes into the world that makes it large. where a high poly golden gate style bridge could take anywhere from 8 - 20 megs (including textures) depending on the over all quality. then include cars, horses, characters, high poly trees, and any other objects you could think of that would be lying around. the size of the over all objects and textures start to get really big. then you have the actual game programs which are getting incredibly big now with games like quake 4 getting into the realm 900,000 pages of code. theres a couple of reasons why you dont see multi dvd games. one is space management, even though you and i may have near a terabyte of hard drive space the average game player has around 100 - 200 gigabytes of space, so if companies were to start selling 10,20,30,40,50 gig games that take up a good percentage of you hard drive, and the average gamer has more than 4 games installed and upwards to 10 on their computer at once theres no way that people are going to want to go threw the trouble of installing these huge games everytime they want to play them. then you have the most likely reason for this, money. companies dont want to put anymore money into games than they have to, so if they can get away with putting fewer programmers and artists on a game, they are going to do it. and if they need to make a multi dvd game opposed to a single dvd game, they couldnt sell it for more the consumer wouldnt stand for it. than thats $.75 per dvd times the hopeful couple of millions of copys sold, and all that extra time put into making the models and crazy ai that they have to pay those programmers and artists for, having anywhere from 50 programmers to 150 programmers all making $55,000-$100,000 a year and the artists doing about the same. thats is just not going to be financially beneficial for the company. and if microsoft is releasing a hd-dvd drive for the 360 Great! another thing i have to buy for my 360 thats going to cost of $100-$200 unless microsoft isnt willing to take a blow,if thats the case than its going to be even more expensive, then its starts getting into the ps3 price range and possibly higher. and personally i dont know how great that would be anyway, because unless they want everyone to buy a new 360 they are going to have to have it connect via usb, unless they modify the HD connector, or actually make it an upgrade, which i definiatly dont see.


and as for the market place, im talking about the actual software that runs it and its servers and all that good stuff. i heard that it was all 3rd party software. and if im wrong i apologize thats just what i heard.


again my conclusion that i come to so often, its just my opinion. and when i see those think of those technologies, being a junior in game simulation engineering, i think more of the possibilities in forming my opinion, and less of what the most likely outcome is going to be.

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GRAW is fun as hell!

Madden 07, sucks that it doesnt have 4 players but the 1 player modes are fun

NBA Live 06 is fun..

NBA live 07 i just got, not that impressed yet, hoping it will grow on me

Fight Night Round 3 is fun to play against friends

I still play my Halo 2 (classic!!!)

NFSMW.... if you dont have it for the regular x box

Burn out revenge is suprisingly fun.

NCAA 07 fun but once again only 2 players

Dead or Alive.... dont get it, after a week I stopped playing completely

Project Gotham..... NEEDS NITROUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The downloadable games are fun too.


Screen name xxEXECUTI0NERxx FTW!!!!!!

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Ohio_wookie, I am well aware of the purpose of the cell proc. My statement is Coders are just now getting used to writing for Multithreaded apps/games. Intern causes some grief since the cell proc fast but its instruction set is lacking so things that other procs including the 360's PPC(alost a g5) could do in say 1-2 instructions the ps3 takes 2-4. Meaning code has to be changed for this. As for you blueray texture argument,


Pc's have 256MB of just video memory meaning you can load much higher textures being that very few games take up more then 9gigs one could infer that blueray is a waste for gaming right now and probaly for the next 3 years . So the added cost of the blueray drive ends up being a complete and utter waste. Since the new standard is not set you get this and you don't even get a good usable HD PLAYER if blueray fails or if hd fails.


And btw pc's Videocards are still faster because of th eextra memory dev's have to work with .

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i honestly think the girlfriend is way more excited about this game then i am. but that is a good thing its nice finding new things that we can enjoy together.

Any recommendations for a game on the 360 that you can customize your cars quite a bit.

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