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old dirty bastard

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The really sad part of this is that they think the guy is not crazy!

He's not. He gets "3 hots and a cot" for 3 years. When you're destitute, this is a sound option. It's certainly no worse then living on the street for a 60+ year old man. At least he wont freeze to death, and has plenty of time to read.

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The Benz Guy has it right..as bad as it sounds, would you like to see him sleeping under a bridge or in a dumpster, eating out of trash cans? It's hard enough for young people to get decent jobs these days let alone an older person who many employers feel is used up, it's more feasable for them to hire illegals for less than min wage under the table..saves them tons on their insurance premiums. and in this case puts an old man in prison. Alot of you young people on here take for granted your ability to blow money on your hobby, take 15 seconds to contemplate that Social Security will likely not be funded when you become 70+ years old and are eligble to draw benefits. Scares the shit outta me.
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