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The Asshole On 270


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So while you have "loved ones" in the car with you, you would rather have an accident (possibly causing harm to them or you) and maybe even go to jail than just move out of the way when you are impeding traffic?






Makes sense.



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Ok, but it theoretically makes sense.


This is because, in your original statement you said that IF your family was in the car and he was riding your ass he would not have lived.


Well, your family was not in the car there either. So, what does it matter then?


So, same thing in Mensan's stated situation, just as you stated, your hypothetical family was in the car, and you made a stupid move.


You almost hypothetically killed your family. What a jerk.

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Guest drumer919
but when traffic is going any where from 55-65 and I am passing them quickly then I am sure as hell not going to get over and I am sure as hell not going to speed even more so when I already have/had an outstanding ticket.

Thats fine, but then when a shit load of people (or even just one) come up behind you and are trying to go faster than you then its time to bite the bullet and either speed up (we all know you dont want to do that) or slow down and move over, let them pass, then get back over and pass more of the even slower cars.


I cant believe I just read this thread full of you bitchin about your opinion.

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If I am in the left lane going 72 and passing people up because they are doing 60 I am not going to speed up just because you left late.


I regret to inform you that you are wrong. Please reference Johnny Bravo Code, Section 2903.15:


"Regardless of what speed at which you are traveling, if, when traveling in the left (or 'fast') lane, another vehicle tailgates you, then, by definition, you are traveling too slow and should immediately vacate that lane to the right as soon as room to the right becomes available."

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Are you fucking kidding me? This isn't Germany, we have limits. I have more problems with people rushing and swerving all over the place then women drivers on their phones. Now to continue the direction of this thread: I'll beat your ass if I don't like how you drive!


I regret to inform you that the laboratory testing has confirmed that you are, in fact, missing several vital chromosomes. Please refrain from posting until genetic engineering advances can find a way to replace your chromosomes.

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So while you have "loved ones" in the car with you, you would rather have an accident (possibly causing harm to them or you) and maybe even go to jail than just move out of the way when you are impeding traffic?


I regret to inform you that your question has exceeded the cognitive capacities of the intended recepient. Please rephrase and ask again. In illustration, consider the following example:


"91Formula, are you really as fucking stupid as what you seem?"

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If im correct, the "passing lane" is for passing. So why are we riding the left lane? I drive my white s10 with the american flag everyday to grove city Aka Grovetucky, doing 70-75 in the hammer lane alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee wayyyyyyyy




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How about you get the hell out of the passing lane unless your PASSING PEOPLE.





To clarify..I dont' mean passing people that are going 65mph...by going 65.5mph



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Johnny Bravo Posts FTW!


I am sure as hell not going to get over and I am sure as hell not going to speed even more so when I already have/had an outstanding ticket.



so you have a warrant for your arrest for an outstanding ticket and are still driving? Not to mention speeding? You sir are Brilliant!

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Personally, I drive 72-75mph and typically in the center or far left depending on where I can cruise along and not have to keep changing lanes to pass. In Cbus, even the center lane usually accomodates me.


However, I must say that my very frequent travels to NJ lend me to love one road sign I see in PA all the time...."Keep Right, Pass left, It's the Law". I"m going to bring a few of those back with me next time and place them around Ohio.


Here's a great site for those that agree with me.



I agree completely with the statement there regarding those that don't like speeders or folks passing them and thus cruise in the left lane: "Such actions taken on by law enforcement are best, those taken on by civilians only causes road rage"


I typically give folks a few seconds to look up. Most locals typically move over. If I see them glance up and not move or not glance up at all, I just swing around to the right and pass them. Nothing dangerous or stupid, I just simply let them stay where they are and move on. No need to cut them off or be a jerk, the next guy likely will do that.


What really kills me are the folks on local side roads that take forever to get up to the speed limit or heck by the next light decide to just touch it.


I had a guy on 161 today go from 0-30 in about one minute. Needless to say, I won't for that shit, I just go around and again, move on.


Passing to the right being wrong, don't care....just do it safely and move on. My thoughts...

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And for the speeders, how many times have you sped through traffic just to have that slow annoying car pass you as you are getting off at your exit. Speeding is pretty much worthles unless you are doing 130+ (which is dangerous as hell through traffic). I say change lanes, let them pass, then waive at them when you pass them later on... thats what people do to me :D
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Speeding is not about time it is about comfort, if I am doing 65-70 I feel like I am going nowhere. As long as I can do 80-90 I feel comfortable and fell like I am going where I need to go at my reasonable pace. Not to mention I am more focused at the higher speed. Although when my wif is with me I drive slower and stay in the far right lane and center lane if traffic is merging. With a pregnant wife the seatbelt across the belly is a bad thing if I have to use my very effective Brembos.


Ever walk in a mall? Do you ever get stuck behind a bunch of kids just meandering along and blocking the entire side where you can't get by and you are forced to walk much slower than YOUR normal pace until you can get by? God it sucks! That is how I feel in a car....

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Guest tiresmoker
Speeding is not about time it is about comfort, if I am doing 65-70 I feel like I am going nowhere. As long as I can do 80-90 I feel comfortable and fell like I am going where I need to go at my reasonable pace. Not to mention I am more focused at the higher speed. Although when my wif is with me I drive slower and stay in the far right lane and center lane if traffic is merging. With a pregnant wife the seatbelt across the belly is a bad thing if I have to use my very effective Brembos.


Ever walk in a mall? Do you ever get stuck behind a bunch of kids just meandering along and blocking the entire side where you can't get by and you are forced to walk much slower than YOUR normal pace until you can get by? God it sucks! That is how I feel in a car....


Thats good for you BUT, you are breaking the law. :asshole:

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its usually the idiots that slam on there brakes that cause accidents., if someone is on your ass you should let them get about 2" from you. thats good because you will gain fuel mileage. and if they were in a big car see they needed that extra mileage they were just trying to get in the draft. lol. dude seriously. if someone brake checks me I floor it. i would be glad to ram my 6800 pound yukon up their ass. hopefully they are driving a honda (Helping Our Nation Destroy America). or some other import. they fold up like accordians. what i can tell you is if yo piss of someone enough and you think your just going to jump out of your car and kick their ass. that really isint always going to work. two mexicans thought they would brake check me a long while ago when i had my eclipse. then they get out of their ranger one grabs a beer bottle. make a long story short they both needed to make a trip to a local hospital to get some bones fixed.
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NJ, Even in KY the many trips down there peole generally stick to the right lanes except for passing.


For the most part, on my last few trips through KY, I could do 120 if I wanted in the fast lane 99% of the time.


Its such a simple concept that the rest of the world (the parts worth driving) have also adopted. Its just plain common sense. Theres ALWAYS SOMEONE WANTING TO GO FASTER THAN YOU. Pass, then get back over.

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Johnny Bravo Posts FTW!





so you have a warrant for your arrest for an outstanding ticket and are still driving? Not to mention speeding? You sir are Brilliant!


I only HAD a warrant because I was not notified of the new court date until 2 days after the actual court date and so the warrant was set out for not appearing. I took care of it friday, 1-2 days after finding out I had one.


As far as everyone else, you all have your opinions. Those of you who disagree and think i'm a moron, I DON'T CARE! For those of you who do agree, I also DON'T CARE! You all saw my thoughts about it and for those of you who misread it I don't feel it is important enough to try to explain it or defend myself.

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I only HAD a warrant because I was not notified of the new court date until 2 days after the actual court date and so the warrant was set out for not appearing. I took care of it friday, 1-2 days after finding out I had one.


As far as everyone else, you all have your opinions. Those of you who disagree and think i'm a moron, I DON'T CARE! For those of you who do agree, I also DON'T CARE! You all saw my thoughts about it and for those of you who misread it I don't feel it is important enough to try to explain it or defend myself.



wow you are that stupid, you still don't get it do you. Also you obvious do care because your trying to defend yourself and your actions. Which again were wrong.

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I love catching morons like you 91 formula!!!!!! People like you are are the reason why people like me stay in business. Just let the tailgater go by might help with your stress problem and may lower your blood pressure.

Bythe way try looking up your court case on the Franlin County Municiple Court Website it would have told you when your next court date was. Helps avoid those nasty little warrants that people tend to get, that I like so much.


Oh and by the way that stupid fucking picture of the special olympics kid doing his best and you haveing it up to make fun of him for it is not becoming of you. Have you ever met a kid with downsyndrome? I have my baby sister.


Dont ever run into me I will show you no mercy.

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As far as everyone else, you all have your opinions. Those of you who disagree and think i'm a moron, I DON'T CARE! For those of you who do agree, I also DON'T CARE! You all saw my thoughts about it and for those of you who misread it I don't feel it is important enough to try to explain it or defend myself.


You are retarded. In the lowest of low. Here is some advice


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