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If we didnt play eachother, you think they would swap mich and usc rankings?


Whens the last time the we both were undefeated? I don't wanna jinx it but if nothing goes terribly wrong I don't see either of us losing.


You think if OSU loses once ,or MICH loses once, then beats the other team. Who thinks they can still have a chance with one loss?

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If we didnt play eachother, you think they would swap mich and usc rankings?


Whens the last time the we both were undefeated? I don't wanna jinx it but if nothing goes terribly wrong I don't see either of us losing.


You think if OSU loses once ,or MICH loses once, then beats the other team. Who thinks they can still have a chance with one loss?


The AP Poll has Michigan #2 - so, they really can't put Michigan any higher than what they already are. Michigan is #3 in the BCS rankings, and that's because - for some reason I can't fully understand right now - the computers think USC is #1, which is the reason why, in the BCS rankings, USC is #2. So, to answer your first question, no, I don't think they would "swap" the rankings of UM and USC since you're referring to the BCS rankings, and those can't be "swapped" per se.


I don't know the last time OSU and UM met and were both undefeated. I'm curious to know this as well. I can recall that, during the 1990's, OSU was undefeated entering that game a few times (two or three, I think) and, sadly (fuck Cooper!) lost every one of them.


I don't quite understand your third question. Do they have a chance at what? The national championship game or a BCS bowl game? I would say that, if either team loses, then neither has a shot at the national championship game, barring any collapses from other teams. However, if either team loses just once, then I would say both would still have a good shot at a BCS bowl game.

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I think depending on the rest of the field, if OSU is undefeated and Michigan has a loss going into the last game, and we lose... I think we'd still go to the title game. We'd have to have atleast everyone but USC lose atleast once though.


I'm not worried though. I think we'll be able to contain Michigan just like everyone else, I just hope our offense will put up enough to get the win.


Also, if we DO (which we wont) lose to Michigan and Troy Smith still has a great game, I think he'll still get the Heisman.



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We all know the BCS is rigged or something, thats why USC is and will ALWAYS be #1. Also I was talking about the championship.


With one lose both of us will have bowl games for sure. I just wondered, because if say OSU loses MICH is ranked 1st or 2nd whatever you wanna call it. And Vice versa with USC thrown in the mix. So if you lose one game after being ranked #1 all year, then come back and beat the new #1 team who is undefeated then what are they gonna do? Match you up against florida and let USC play WV provided no one loses? For instance OSU beat texas and now texas is ranked like #5 after WV.


I wanna see some fluke happen where everyone gets 2 losses, MICH and OSU play eachother undefeated. WTF do you do if somehow the BCS ranks us both 1 and 2 after the regular season, and the other good teams have 2 L's? This probably can't happen, but I think they would probably lie and tell us that one of us was ranked #3 even if we weren't because we already played eachother. I think there lying now and thats why USC is up there cause they know OSU or MICH will knock eachother out the way and no one can complain.


Since your a girl I wont take you to serious :-p and I'll just say this.


Maybe you can contain michigan, thats not the problem. The problem is being contained, our defense is what you need to watch out for mostly. When our offense is playing shitty they are capable of scoring points, or getting the ball in such good positioning its hard not to score.

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Since your a girl I wont take you to serious :-p and I'll just say this.


Maybe you can contain michigan, thats not the problem. The problem is being contained, our defense is what you need to watch out for mostly. When our offense is playing shitty they are capable of scoring points, or getting the ball in such good positioning its hard not to score.


Wow... using the whole, I'm a girl move. Very slick willy of you. Haven't heard that before....


And I'd take the OSU defense over MICH anyday. We have more takeaways/turn overs than MICH and we look better doing it. Not to mention, Tressel football is all about special teams and need I say.. GINN?? We put our opponets so far back they can't run the entire field to score. That's OSU football.

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yeah the bcs sucks BAD! they should do a final 32 or something like that. but i have noticed the bcs rankings are for southern and western teams...have you ever noticed that your florida teams(4) can lose 2-3 games a year and still rank in the top 20 or sometimes in the top 10????????? everybody says that these teams have a tougher conference....thats bull shit.....ask penn state. they used to be awesome and at the top every year..until they had to face the big 10. thats also why notre dame wont enter the big 10 cause they would end up with 3-5 loses in a season! im a michigan fan and i hope that osu and mich goes undeffeated to the end.. and may the best team win. we know one thing is for sure it will one hell of a game as it is every year!
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yeah the bcs sucks BAD! they should do a final 32 or something like that. but i have noticed the bcs rankings are for southern and western teams...have you ever noticed that your florida teams(4) can lose 2-3 games a year and still rank in the top 20 or sometimes in the top 10????????? everybody says that these teams have a tougher conference....thats bull shit.....ask penn state. they used to be awesome and at the top every year..until they had to face the big 10. thats also why notre dame wont enter the big 10 cause they would end up with 3-5 loses in a season! im a michigan fan and i hope that osu and mich goes undeffeated to the end.. and may the best team win. we know one thing is for sure it will one hell of a game as it is every year!


Yes, it will be a great game!

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The BCS doesn't suck, it just isn't as effective/clean/good as a playoff.


USC reminds me of OSU in 2002 - not winning pretty, but winning. Yet, I think USC will get beat at least once (by California) and maybe twice (by California and Notre Dame). If they don't lose at all, then, well, they deserve to be in the title game, I guess.


If OSU and Michigan are both undefeated when they meet, then the country will widely consider that game the actual national championship game. And, needless to say, it will be armageddon.


Anyone been able to find out when the last time OSU and UM met and were both undefeated?

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Basically USC would have to lose 2 games to be put out, and either OSU and/or MI will have to go undefeated to get to the National Championship. correct? But if we beat MI then they beat us in the national title game, wouldn't we share the National Championship?


On a side note, does anyone know what the rest of the season looks like? Indiana next week, then what?

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Basically USC would have to lose 2 games to be put out, and either OSU and/or MI will have to go undefeated to get to the National Championship. correct? But if we beat MI then they beat us in the national title game, wouldn't we share the National Championship?


On a side note, does anyone know what the rest of the season looks like? Indiana next week, then what?


No, I think USC, if they lose one game, would plummet in the coaches' poll and take a big hit from the computers, which would then effectively remove them from national championship hunt. USC seems to be where they are now only on reputation alone, and I think the country is just looking for an excuse to - rightfully, I may add - eject their asses from up at the top of the polls.


Yes, I think essentially, at this point, OSU or UM would have to go undefeated to reach the title game. Only two scenarios I could think of where one of those two teams could lose and still get in to the title game: (1) either UM or OSU loses next week in a close game, slide down to about five, six or, seven in the polls, then win out big, while several other teams ahead of them (e.g., USC, West Virginia) lose, which then allows whatever team to win the OSU-UM game to slide back into the title game; or (2) both go in undefeated, UM loses to OSU by only a point or two in a VERY CLOSE, VERY GOOD game, and then the voters DONT MOVE UM from the #2 spot, and all the other teams up there (e.g., USC) have a loss as well. In this second scenario, I think it would only work if UM lost the close game, but not OSU - if OSU loses the close game they would drop farther, because (1) they are at home and (2) they were the #1 team going into the game and will be favored to win. Both scenarios are improbable at best. I can only think of one other time in recent history in which a team lost an only fell one spot in the polls, and that was Florida State back in the 1990's when they were #1 at the time, lost to Notre Dame at Notre Dame, and fell to #2, only to have Notre Dame, which got vaulted to #1 with their win, get upset by Boston College the next week (I think), which then allowed FSU to regain the #1 spot. FSU went on to win the national championship that year.

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The only thing I can gurantee is that the tickets for OSU vs M*ch*g*n will be retarded expensive.


my girlfriends cousin plays for michigan (david cohn, freshman QB), and as of right now they have 4x 50 yard line tickets for the game. he is trying to find out if he can get tickets from any of the other players whos family cant make it so i (and a couple others) can go to the game. that would be nice

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You know - as much as I should want an OSU vs Mich title game I really would rather prefer an OSU vs USC or hell even a MICH vs USC title game. Why? Because I'd want to watch a midwest team kick the living shit out of those pansy ass California sucktard girliemen. And yeah I lived in CA for 8 years so I know what I'm talking about. West coast football is to midwest college ball as figure skating is to hockey.
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all i know, is the OSU - Mich game is gonna be bad news this year. especially if they are both undefeated going into it...win or lose...can you say rioting?


kinda sucks, i always go down to campus for that game, i guarantee they have Police out in force, and they'll be dicks too.

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Soo DUFFGTP I just bought me a new gun and some SKI equitment were do you live so i can see those tickets :) <JK> I think no matter what happens it will be a bad mother fucking game. And i hope afterwords i get to laugh in my osu loving uncles face.
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"OSU...win or lose, we flip cars"


Sports Illustrated said that one of the things that every sports fan should experience is an OSU/Michigan game...the zinger? they said you should experience it at The Big House...why the fuck not the Shoe??


I've been to the big house and the experience was nothing like it is at the shoe. Could have been since a friend and me were the only OSU fans in the section. :D But just the whole tailgating scene didn't compare to what we do here.

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