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The google spider in our index??


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Well, this is more of a question for the Admins here.. They should know what I am talking about, otherwise they dont need to be admins. hehehehe


Well, why wouldn't you want Google to be spidering (indexing) a website? Are you an admin? Do you understand this concept? Here, read up a little before you ask stupid questions:




We want to be listed in the Google search engine... duh...

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Well, why wouldn't you want Google to be spidering (indexing) a website? Are you an admin? Do you understand this concept? Here, read up a little before you ask stupid questions:




We want to be listed in the Google search engine... duh...


Well there are many theories as to why it will stay in someone's website index, and yes not just for indexing.. While I do not completely agree with what they say I guess I can let this die. lol

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Well there are many theories as to why it will stay in someone's website index, and yes not just for indexing.. While I do not completely agree with what they say I guess I can let this die. lol


Each time Google indexes ColumbusRacing.com, it takes a few days. No joke. There are so many external links that it follows, and over 1 million internal links. When in starts throwing up errors in the apache log, then I worry. Which it as. Its gotten stuck in a loop before. It was funnier than hell. I couldn't figure out why the web server was running so slow on one of my other sites. Checked out the log. Sure enough, it was looping around and around, with a different SSID each time so it thought each was a new page. It was beautiful. If its still there in the index this weekend, I'll worry about it. Otherwise, no worries.

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