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Should I buy some PS3's and Wii's?


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I'm trying to decide on if I should buy a few PS3's and Wii's to turn a profit on. I would guess these will be in hot demand for Christmas, and am thinking I could Ebay the shit out of them. Late shopping soccer moms FTW? The price tag has my scared though.


So, good investment or not?

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good luck getting one!


i plan on TRYING to get 1 PS3 at launch, and i highly doubt if i will be able to get it let alone 2-3!

but if you were to try and get one i wopuld say the PS3 as the Wii will have more than enough from the manufacturing plant, contrary to speculation

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I would pass on buying the Wii's and trying to resell them, go for the PS3. I am not sure how high the demand for the Wii is going to be when it comes out. I mean even if you pick up one of them and sell it for $100-200 more, you still made a profit. And if you want one for yourself just wait a bit and they will be sitting on the shelves again after Christmas.
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I am a everyday ebay user/watcher and I saw all preorder 360s go for up to twice cost and then once they were released, they sold for face value or maybe little profit. My suggestion is sell early as you can and as a preorde (with shipping same day as release).
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the PS3 is waaaay too pricey as it is, so the profit margin would probably be pretty slim.


as far as the Wii goes, Nintendo is sending a vast number of consoles stateside. i heard somewhere near half a million PS3's will be here for launch, and that by the end of the year about 2 million will be released. the Wii's goal for the end of 06 is 4 million, so the abundance could hurt you.

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I wanna see this one..........


Since it all sold out a few weeks ago unless osmoene else puts it on sale or you freeeze yourself waiting...


I took my bet on WII I preordered 2 of them.


#1 xmas gift is what i read on msn

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like i said above good luck getting 2-3 PS3's let alone 1

you know all the stores are gonna have a one per customer limit, and your never gonna be able to go to another store and get another on in time so you better bring a friend!


you cannot sell the ps3 as a preorder item, they took all of them down from the site a few days ago and are threatening to close accounts if you post them after they removed them and put up a reminder, so you will have to have the item in your posession BEFORE you are allowed to post them item, so basically you are not allowed post for sale before launch day


Sony is only shipping 400,000 PS3's for the ENTIRE USA

so think about how many are going to be in each state and then how many each store chain gets, and then divide that by the amount of stores in the chain, and you will come up with a very horribly low #, probably something like 3-5 per store and THAT'S IT!!


however....if i can get my hands on even 1, i see NO REASON why i wouldn't be able to sell the damn thing for anywhere from $1200-1800

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