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V8 Beast

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So I'm out with Balian on the freeway testing out my spray. I slow down to 60, and punch it. The car takes off like a bat outta hell, and I shut down at 130mph. There was only one car ahead of me and they were about a mile or so ahead so I figured it was cool.... WRONG!!! It was a police car. I had already slowed down to about 85, and when I saw that I was passing him I coasted down to 75. I learned never to slam my brakes because its a sign that you were going faster than you should have. While I was slowing down Balian was closing my cutout. So Im coasting and he changes lanes and pulls up beside me. I exit, and he keeps going straight :confused: . Its just wierd that I caught up to a police car that was about a mile away in 20 seconds in a loud ass car and he didnt so much as even look in my direction. +1 for luck!!!!!
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Ryan is carrying 'The Gift' with him for now. I know this after our two close calls on 23 the other night. I still can't believe we didn't get pulled over. lol That's why he's going with me to Dayton tomorrow. He'll be like my skinny Yoda. (Seriously, I used to have a little plastic Yoda on my dashboard and I never got a ticket the entire time he was there. Oh, Yoda what ever happened to you? :( )
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Ryan is carrying 'The Gift' with him for now. I know this after our two close calls on 23 the other night. I still can't believe we didn't get pulled over. lol That's why he's going with me to Dayton tomorrow. He'll be like my skinny Yoda. (Seriously, I used to have a little plastic Yoda on my dashboard and I never got a ticket the entire time he was there. Oh, Yoda what ever happened to you? :( )


Now that you say that when we were out last week we passed about 3 patrol cars, and all of them were while we were in between races. You can have "skinny Yoda" during the day, I'm going to need him at night LOL!!!!


The force is strong with this one.....


Ryan FTW!!!!!!!

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Now that you say that when we were out last week we passed about 3 patrol cars, and all of them were while we were in between races. You can have "skinny Yoda" during the day, I'm going to need him at night LOL!!!!


The force is strong with this one.....


Ryan FTW!!!!!!!


lol, that's great.

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didn't you just pass me downtown in that car? (pass my 'ole 66 gto convertible - white?)


it looked pretty good in the rear view mirror


i already can't remember if it was earlier today or yesterday i saw you

it was your paint scheme, so pretty sure it was you



...was on 670

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didn't you just pass me downtown in that car? (pass my 'ole 66 gto convertible - white?)


it looked pretty good in the rear view mirror


i already can't remember if it was earlier today or yesterday i saw you

it was your paint scheme, so pretty sure it was you



...was on 670


Um, who are you talking to?

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go play the lotto for sure.....my spider senses saved me on more than one occasion too. the worst potential was when I was doing my high speed photography run in my GXP...did several passes on the stretch of road I planned on running and within 30 seconds of returning from 140+mph to the my usual 70-75mph cruising speed I was nailed with laser by a cop just a bit further down the road, just one exit from my run. I wasn't pulled over or anything, but I did ruin a good pair of boxers that night :eek:


would have been heck trying to explain why I had a DSLR strapped to my steering wheel...with several evidence shots of my run...... :rolleyes:

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