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El Karacho1647545492

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Yeah, only naturalized citizens can vote, I should have clarified that when I said "legal immigrants".


What's so wrong with allowing immigrants in this country. Why aren't you an equal opportunity offender. Instead of just saying "fuck the Mexicans that are in this country, deport all the motherfuckers" why not deport anyone that lives or works in any Little Italy or Chinatown across the nation. Lets deport all those good-for-nothing Native Americans, because we're white and we RIGHTFULLY CONQUERED THIS NATION AND ITS FUCKING OURS. If everyone should turn a blind eye to things that didn't immediately effect them (such as you suggest the naturalized immigrants should), then why don't you shut up about this whole issue. Unless, of course, you feel your liberties have been cramped and your wages curbed by the illegals in this country. Then again, if you were concerned about wages it wouldn't be about the avocado-picking Mexicans making $1.50 an hour, it'd be about the everything-making Chinese that can do whatever you do 40 times faster for $.03 an hour.


Besides, sooner or later the Mexican government will realize they have no one left to govern, they'll all move to Aruba, and we'll just annex Mexico and turn it into a giant GM plant and employ all the former illegal immigrants. Then we'll outsource all the production to China, and all the white people will just invade Canada and leave the U.S. for the Mexicans and the blacks to fight over.


If anyone is offended by this and thinks its racist, sorry, because I don't think any less of the races this concerns, I'm just using examples (avocado picking Mexicans...cuz thats one of the possible low wage jobs).



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i agree with most of what you say except the fact that you somehow think that you have more right to be here than they do (granted they are going about it the wrong way) but this reminds me of the 50's and 60's era with the blacks, afro americans, what ever you want to call them both minorities, african american and mexican, want to be able to work and live in peace.


i like that they do the jobs that even i dont want to do anymore, its not like they still dont need done, and the fact that the culture and food that they bring. Its kinda like if you cant stand the heat stay out of the kitchem well if you dont like mexicans dont go to the west side lol


As far as the black racisal issues of the 50's and 60's, those were legal US citizens, and it was hate based. I don't hate Mexicans, I hate that they are illegals and they are milking teh country dry. I have been researching this alot lately, one number I heard that was rather alarming is that the average working illegal sends home $300 a month to Mexico. figuring there are reasonably 8 million illegals, if one fourth are doing this, well do the math. This is money being taken out of our economy and spend in anoher country. I hear people bitch about the war and what it costs a year, it's not that much considering the amountof money leaving our country, and not being rolled back into our economy. And as far as rights, we ahve the rights given to us by our forefathers, The Constution of the United States of America, the Decleration of Independence and the Bill of rights. NONE of these apply to illegal aliens, and the biggest problem I have is that there are members of our own government that think they should.


As far as the culture and food, eat at Taco Bell and watch CHiP's.

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I'd just like to state, I have no problems and welcome anyone that is here legally. But these illegals need stopped, and any letter that works towards that, politically correct or not, is fine by me.


I really dont' think that the letter is going to stop the ingress, or get anyone to leave. I will say that even though I see it as a statement of pure fact, I can't not debate that i was done with political motovations.


As far as sending em home, I will volenteer to drive the bus as long asn I have someone riding shotgun and payin fer the fuel. And to be honest, maybe this is what needs to happen.

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Does this mean we can get rid of all the Mexicans?



Dude, seriously get the hate out of your heart. There are many Americans that are mexican immigrants that are 100% legit. They have just as much right to be here as you or me. This comments smacks of commects about putting blacks on ships and sending them back. Not cool, not cool at all.


This is an issue of people of all races and nationalities coming into this country illegally and taking up residence. They need to get the hell on the bananna boat back home or run across the desert or whatever. And this bullshit of having water stations in themiddle of the desert for them as they come over, screw that shit too.

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Why doesn't the government use tools that are already in place to get illegals out? Start auditing I-9 forms of companies. Im sure if the government "requested" you call in a social secuirty #, 90% of buisness would comply. No work = No money = No more illegals.
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TRex asks a real simple question, problem is the answer is not as easy. First thing is this, companies do use these illegals for cheap labor. They get a 'tax break' by not needing to pay the gorvernment for the employee taxes, second is that they can collect those taxes and keep the money, after all who is gonna bitch? Third thing is there are a number of legals here that are related to all these illegals, these legals vote. The democrats will not act because these voters are their base, the republicans will not act becasue it makes them look bad to a small minority that they don't see as being as small as it really is. Sure there are people out there that would be pissed if we started deporting he illegals as fast as they are coming in, problem is those people are the business owners that are republicans and would not continue to vote in that manner. And teh last thing is EVERYONE is concerned of violating theri 'rights'. This is the one that hangs me, everyone seems to forget that these illegals are not Citizens of the United States and have no fucking rights. So they end up with more rights than we have as citizens and we get shafted.
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Just for the record, this has to ben the most reasonable and sane political issue thread EVER on CR.


33 replies, and no one cursed anyone, got beligerant or nothing. It's a brave new world.

yeah for real...its probably cuz Benz Guy hasn't come marching in yet:D

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