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Handlebar shaking


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I was doing a 60 roll (to 65 of course;)) and after a few seconds the handlebar starts shaking back and forth. Lucky I recovered it. What causes this to happen? I think I was over a bridge at the time so maybe I hit a bump and the front tire went into the air some and came down a little sideways???
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yep, when you go into a tank slapper of some sort, it is usually do to the front tire coming down out of line of the rear tire. The bike then tries to straighten itself out and the result is a tankslapper.



You should look into a steering damper. GPR makes a good one.

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that is not true. I can throw an R-6 into the air in third gear. You just have to know the rpms and also how to do a stand up wheelie. Cant be done in a sit down. the purpose of getting back on the gas is to yes raise the front end up, but not necessarily to get it off the ground. Just release some of the "pressure" i guess you could call it.
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A steering dampener will help with headshake but not completely. Normally this is caused by something not being lined up correctly. If you have changed the suspension geometry and this has started happening I would seriously consider changing back to pre-headshake tollerances.
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That bike will do a sit down in second with no problem. I know because I sold it to him. I still have a Scotts damper and mount for that bike if you want it $250. This will fix all your tank slapping issues.



if you read the post that i wrote i said third gear, not second.

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