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Drifting in the air

Science Abuse

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Those are special built aerobatic planes, but aren't race planes. (Love the guy who labeled that vid acrobatics, btw. I spent the whole time looking for leotards and floor mats. The idiot.)


The reason they can do those manuevers is because they are designed such that the propeller wash itself provides enough flow over the rear control surfaces (and somewhat on the ailerons) to allow them to remain able to move the plane even at near zero airspeed. Regular planes cannot do that. They also have very high load wings. Some rival and beat the F16 in roll rate.


Aerobatics are tiring. It feels just like it looks like it feels. But you do get thrown around in the harness (no matter how tight you make it) so you come back tired in places you aren't used to being strained and tired in.


BTw Eric you need to get yourself to here:


Its not alot of money and you'll have a blast. (Just don't use the term "drfiting" in front of the pilots... ;) )

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