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OSU fans please watch


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Please watch this video and see how fucking stupid some of you are. O-H




Word. I was there. I lived on lane at the time. There is no limit to the stupidity of a sport fan.


It is just a game and you are just a fan. No matter how much noise you make and commotion you cause that blonde with the tight jeans still wont sleep with you.

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Word. I was there. I lived on lane at the time. There is no limit to the stupidity of a sport fan.


It is just a game and you are just a fan. No matter how much noise you make and commotion you cause that blonde with the tight jeans still wont sleep with you.


its a fuckin rivalry... if u still cant muster your simple mind to understand that... its time to get drunk and fukin scream at faggot ass michigan fans... quit being a modest faggot and show some spirit. FUCK MICHIGAN GO BUCKS... (its fun... get it?)

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I was embarrassed to live in Columbus that day.


It's a rivalry yes, but it's still just a "sporting" event.


I grew up a Buckeye fan due to my father being an alumni. I really have fond memories of going to games as a kid. I went to a Michigan game once and that was many years ago, and I don't remember seeing anything nearly this bad.


I was a bigger Buckeye fan when I didn't live in Columbus.

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its a fuckin rivalry... if u still cant muster your simple mind to understand that... its time to get drunk and fukin scream at faggot ass michigan fans... quit being a modest faggot and show some spirit. FUCK MICHIGAN GO BUCKS... (its fun... get it?)


You are a mess.

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:lol: Posting about my mom, and calling Michigan fans faggots, saying it is socially acceptable to leave millions of beer cans crushed on the ground for the city to clean up, to piss in stairwells because you are too fucking lazy and drunk to find a bathroom. Keep proving my point people....who’s next and what immature, high-school shit are you going to post?


The fucking sad thing is that most of you people have never even applied to OSU and went to different colleges and show no support for the school you attended.


BTW I am not a michigan fan, I never went there. I am a fan of pro sports in detroit.

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:lol: Posting about my mom, and calling Michigan fans faggots, saying it is socially acceptable to leave millions of beer cans crushed on the ground for the city to clean up, to piss in stairwells because you are too fucking lazy and drunk to find a bathroom. Keep proving my point people....who’s next and what immature, high-school shit are you going to post?


The fucking sad thing is that most of you people have never even applied to OSU and went to different colleges and show no support for the school you attended.


BTW I am not a michigan fan, I never went there. I am a fan of pro sports in detroit.

I was just stating a rumor a few people told me about you. One guy told me you gave him a half and half for $50.

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Word. I was there. I lived on lane at the time. There is no limit to the stupidity of a sport fan.


It is just a game and you are just a fan. No matter how much noise you make and commotion you cause that blonde with the tight jeans still wont sleep with you.


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Do you understand how much money was made that day, no cares to clean up after a sales day like that? Marty gras is way worse and and that is just a parade, and I assume you have never been any where for spring break, people fight just to fight. The statement I hear every michigan loses to OSU "michigan v. michigan state is a bigger rivalry to mich fans" will soon be true when they can no longer even compete respectively against The Ohio State University!
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"How can you cheer for a school you never went too/applied for/have no relation to?"


Thats they gayest thing that can ever be said, who the fuck cares why someone cheers for a college team they like, I dont have to fucking explain my preferences to you or anyone. We are fans of a college team, fucking deal with it!

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I just peed on a kid wearing a Michigan jersey out my window! High five!


This is the kind of thing that makes sports fans look like fucking retards. How can you have hatred of someone b/c they like a certain team or go to a certain college? Might as well just hate everyone from Africa, or Mexico, or China, and be some stupid white power American.


Michigan is going to blow out OSU, mark my words.

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