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treo 700w, here.

dont go with the audiovox 6700. the q is a nice phone, and if you like the palm operating system, i actually prefer the 700p.


Thanks. I'm looking for something not too expensive. So I may go with the Q. I've read all the problems people have been having but there are alot of people who say they have had no problems at all.


Do you still work at the Verizon store on Brice?

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Anyone in the know, is Verizon releasing a new phones soon.


My contract has been up for a while, and I want to upgrade my phone soon. There are only 2 phones I've seen that they have that have what I want:

- Camera

- Bluetooth

- MP3

- Flip-phone


The 2 they have have been out for a while. I'd like to upgrade to a new-release if something is coming out in the next month or two (I could roll it into an X-mas present).

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Anyone in the know, is Verizon releasing a new phones soon.


My contract has been up for a while, and I want to upgrade my phone soon. There are only 2 phones I've seen that they have that have what I want:

- Camera

- Bluetooth

- MP3

- Flip-phone


The 2 they have have been out for a while. I'd like to upgrade to a new-release if something is coming out in the next month or two (I could roll it into an X-mas present).


they just released the kazor.

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The Q


jesus christ please do not listen to this advice.


I've had the Q since June and it worked well for a period of time. Slowly the thing just turned to shit. Lockup's are frequent, you can either let it be and it will eventually work (maybe) or turn it off then back on. There's been more than a few time's i wouldn't be able to answer calls, i can see them and know who it is but it wont let me pick up. every few days or so not all your text messaging capabilities will work (ie, no backspace, stuck on CAPS, no punctuation etc...). If that's not enough ive heard horror stories about running updates on them as well. When you do all info was lost, contact names, address, pics, text messages etc... i knew a guy who was on his 4th phone in 2 months b/c of this.


Take all this with a grain of salt, maybe you'll get lucky and get a good one that lasts more than 6 months? who knows? But if it were my money and i had the decision to make again i'd definitly stay away from any Motorola product. Verizon service is good but i've had nothing but trouble from their motorola phones.

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Anyone in the know, is Verizon releasing a new phones soon.


My contract has been up for a while, and I want to upgrade my phone soon. There are only 2 phones I've seen that they have that have what I want:

- Camera

- Bluetooth

- MP3

- Flip-phone


The 2 they have have been out for a while. I'd like to upgrade to a new-release if something is coming out in the next month or two (I could roll it into an X-mas present).


PM sent F-body driver discount will be included in the price of the phone lol

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As for new phones The LG VX-9900 will be out soon.. the White Chocolate is out soon to be followed by the Red (black cherry) and Green ( apple I think)


The flip version of the chocolate will be out later on this month and it looks really really nice.. Send me a pm and let me know what you want to do I'll be at the Verizon Store on Main & McNaughten Thursday 9-4 and Saturday 9-6 and don't worry I'm bringing a 27' HD TV to watch the game on this saturday.

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