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Well first of all, his numbers are off. We already have 300 million in this country, his estimates placed that at 2012. We are 5 years ahead of schedule.


Second, he is talking about LEGAL immigration. 1 Million is not correct per year. Current numbers indicate between 2 and 5 thousand a day cross over the Mexican border illegally. At 5000 a day we are talking about 1.8 million illegals.

Even if that's high, and we look at it at 2000 a day we are still at 730000 a year. I would like to remind all of you that we took over a sovereign nation with 140000 troops, with a population of now that is a country of roughly 27 million so the ratio of troops to total population is 1 soldier to every 2000 Iraqis.


If his numbers are close and there are 240 million Us born Americans in this country right not and the other 60 million are Mexican immigrants the ratio is 4 to 1. Now I am not sure that is a reasonable number, but I do hear in some circles that it's being noted that many Mexican illegal immigrants and a few legals are attempting to force their culture on the southwest. The states of Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California are seeing this in a major way. As opposed to learning English and attempting to assimilate they are congregating in some area's buying up all the real estate and doing their own thing. Granted this type of grouping together is nothing new. New York and Chicago to this day have polish, chinese, black, and other nationality/race specific neighborhoods. But these were area's with a city, and the numbers were much smaller.


I will say that Americans past, dealing with black Americans was not pretty, and we are to a point to blame because of our hate and fear of black Americans. I don't agree with this hate of Americans, nor do I harbor ill will to a specific race or nationality. I do however have a problem with two things, the first being ignorance to the level of out and out stupidity. The second is directed toward those that would have any group of people committing crimes against this country, especially when it comes to illegal immigration and the refusal to assimilate into our society.

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Looking at the numbers, this is hard to disagree with.


But it doesn't take into account illegals. If less legals get it, will more ILLEGALS get in?? Because illegals are the true burden on our society.


I have no problems with legals at all. I work with legal immigrants. My girlfriend happens to be one. Though lowering the number of legals may help, until the ILLEGAL issue is fixed, lowering the legals isn't going to do much.

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Ohmigawsh, forcing their culture on us?! God forbid we become cultured or learn a language other than english!!!!!!!!!!!!1!11


Ignorant fools.


Have you considered actually thinking about what you are saying, or are you just acting as a mouthpiece for some other non-thinking fuck?


Tell you what, since the queers in this country are now being accepted as normal, how about you let one of em pound you in the ass. I mean after all, it's their culture to do such things, so you should just bend over and accept it right?


Do you think that Germans, or Russians or any of the other nations of the world would all learn English if we were overtaking their border in the numbers that the illegal Mexicans are taking over ours? Hell, do you think if we sent 2000 Americans a day across into Mexico that they would learn English down there? Cuz they sure ain't fucking bothering to do it up here.


And as far as the US being cultured, and accepting this, remember we are being over run by ILLEGAL immigrants that you believe that we need to learn their language. They are not even suppost to be here, so why should we accept their language, or anything else they bring with them as far as culture?


Have you no pride in your heritage or your country? Idiots like you is what keeps me smoking, knowing full well that I will be dead before you get the chance to be in a position of power and able to make desisions about things of this nature.

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Wow... I've never acually been angry about a post before, but the amount of ignorance in yours has actually got my blood boiling.


The gay comment doesn't even merit a response, as you're clearly not capable of rational thought. Are you seriously stating that by allowing gay people to live with less harassment than previously, we as a country are accepting homosexuality as our own sexual preference? Get your head checked, you insecure hillbilly.


When the backwoods folk talk about "Bein overrun by dem messicans," it makes me sick. You know why? How do you think the Native Americans feel every time they see some rich, fatcat politician of british heritage bitching about how the illegal immigrants are doing jobs that no American actually wants to do for shit wages? I'd say the hypocrisy damn near drives them crazy.


Heres the thing about the whole language thing: TONS of other countries teach their children two or even THREE languages from birth. Can you even imagine the social and economical impact that has? If everyone in your country has the ability to converse with another country that produces something yours doesn't, the job markets benefit. Why do you have such a problem with broadening your horizons? Guess how much money people who speak Mandarin Chinese and English make... A fucking shitload more than you do.


As for he mouthpiece comment, I wish I was a fucking mouthpiece. I wish there was a politician (with sufficient power) that would stand up against the redneck voting machine and adress these problems with an unbiased mindset. He'd tell you that what's REALLY causing the job problems with illegals is that the COMPANIES are the ones paying them money that drives your regular old high school graduate american away. It's that same american who isn't working as hard as the guy who replaces him. What happened to America being the land of the free? Do YOU even know what principals this country you so ignorantly defend was founded on?


Go ahead, keep smoking. You've obviously surrounded yourself with walls of hatred, bigotry, and ignorance that no amount of logic, persuasion, or facts will breach. You're doomed to die a lonely, insecure, frightened death unless you realize that we share this country and this world with people different from ourselves. People who have experiences and customs that may seem scary or wierd at first, but may turn out to be incredibly interesting once idiots like you give them a chance.



Ugh, I'm done. No wonder G.W Buh is still president, people like you still find their way to the voting booths every year.


Disclaimer: If there are any typos it's because I'm fucking pissed.

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Just easier to tear apart a bit at a time.


Wow... I've never actually been angry about a post before, but the amount of ignorance in yours has actually got my blood boiling.

Ask me if I care.


The gay comment doesn't even merit a response, as you're clearly not capable of rational thought. Are you seriously stating that by allowing gay people to live with less harassment than previously, we as a country are accepting homosexuality as our own sexual preference? Get your head checked, you insecure hillbilly.

read a bible, better yet take a look at the voting results in Ohio for the gay marriage amendment. I am in a Majority with this, insecure or not.


When the backwoods folk talk about "Bein overrun by dem messicans," it makes me sick. You know why? How do you think the Native Americans feel every time they see some rich, fatcat politician of british heritage bitching about how the illegal immigrants are doing jobs that no American actually wants to do for shit wages? I'd say the hypocrisy damn near drives them crazy.

My mothers side of the family IS American Indian. Had the Europeans not invaded someone else would have, had they not, the indians would still be sitting around beating their drums in loin clothes. All I hear about with that is about the old ways, when they lived in harmony with nature and that bullshit. So I guess the question is would you rather live in the greatest country in the world or a third world nation?


As far as the job thing, it's simple, if you don't have illegal Mexicans to do the low pay jobs, and no one will do he work because the pay is too low, you have to raise the pay. The number of workers here that work for minimum wage or less is so great that companies get away with paying them low wages. If the Mexicans go away, then the wages will go up, because if you have a job to do and no workers to do it, you either fail at your business or you adjust so that you can get the work done. How about playing the video and actually listening to what the guy is saying. And it's not just the low paying jobs either. Construction paid really good at one point, then the Mexican crews got involved and ran the guys that were earning a good wage off because they would work for $6 an hour instead of the $15 an hour that the American construction workers were getting and that was a wage from 10 yrs ago.


Here's the thing about the whole language thing: TONS of other countries teach their children two or even THREE languages from birth. Can you even imagine the social and economical impact that has? If everyone in your country has the ability to converse with another country that produces something yours doesn't, the job markets benefit. Why do you have such a problem with broadening your horizons? Guess how much money people who speak Mandarin Chinese and English make... A fucking shitload more than you do.

I don't have an issue with families doing it of their own accord. What I have a problem with is we will be forced to learn to speak Mexican (yes I know it's suppose to be called Spanish but it ain't the Spainsh forcing the issue) because they come over here, ILLEGALLY, and are going to out number the native population here in about 10 years. This isn't by choice it's being forced, by people that are not even here legally.


As for he mouthpiece comment, I wish I was a fucking mouthpiece. I wish there was a politician (with sufficient power) that would stand up against the redneck voting machine and address these problems with an unbiased mindset. He'd tell you that what's REALLY causing the job problems with illegals is that the COMPANIES are the ones paying them money that drives your regular old high school graduate American away. It's that same American who isn't working as hard as the guy who replaces him. What happened to America being the land of the free? Do YOU even know what principals this country you so ignorantly defend was founded on?

Yeah I do, thing is the of the people for the people and by the people didn't say shit about the people that were entering the country illegally.

Criminals are stripped of their rights to vote, because they are criminals, and it's deemed they have no say for that reason. Giving the illegal aliens a voice is giving criminals a voice and a power they lost because they decided to become criminals.


As far as the companies paying shit wages, read again what I said above, if you do NOT have a work force that will work for $6 an hour then you will have to pay 8 or 10 an hour to get a work force to keep your company for failing.


Go ahead, keep smoking. You've obviously surrounded yourself with walls of hatred, bigotry, and ignorance that no amount of logic, persuasion, or facts will breach. You're doomed to die a lonely, insecure, frightened death unless you realize that we share this country and this world with people different from ourselves. People who have experiences and customs that may seem scary or wierd at first, but may turn out to be incredibly interesting once idiots like you give them a chance.


What logic? I see it's the same logic that passed the new Ohio minimum wage law, the one that says that in 10 yrs that minimum wage will be 10 bucks an hour. So what is going to happen when that happens, the dollar menu at the local fast food place with bee the 2 dollar menu. The groceries we buy will go up in price at a guaranteed rate with inflation as will everything else. Now do you honestly think that EVERYONES pay will increase at the same rate? Don't count in it. And when it doesn't, the $13000 poverty line will be $20000 or more.


Ugh, I'm done. No wonder G.W Buh is still president, people like you still find their way to the voting booths every year.


Disclaimer: If there are any typos it's because I'm fucking pissed.



I do find it amusing that a 20 yr old kid that is still got that silly "gee I'm actually getting laid" face on when you are with a woman attempts to act as if they are worldly. Try again in 15 yrs and see if your opinion has changed a bit.

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In the following quote you discuss how higher wages is a good thing:



As far as the job thing, it's simple, if you don't have illegal Mexicans to do the low pay jobs, and no one will do he work because the pay is too low, you have to raise the pay. The number of workers here that work for minimum wage or less is so great that companies get away with paying them low wages. If the Mexicans go away, then the wages will go up, because if you have a job to do and no workers to do it, you either fail at your business or you adjust so that you can get the work done. How about playing the video and actually listening to what the guy is saying. And it's not just the low paying jobs either. Construction paid really good at one point, then the Mexican crews got involved and ran the guys that were earning a good wage off because they would work for $6 an hour instead of the $15 an hour that the American construction workers were getting and that was a wage from 10 yrs ago.


But in this link you discuss how raising wages is a bad thing. I'm confused. Please explain.

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Raising wages isn't a bad thing,as long as it's not mandated by the government to be raised at a specific amount. Not to mention that the mandated raise is coming on the eve of a major tax increase.


The problem with this is that as the 'low paying job' positions are filled by illegal workers and workers with visa's and gren cards, they work into the higher paying jobs and create a whole nother 'low paying job' market like the construction industry. Like I said before that WAS a good paying industry, now it's not.


Alot of people's mentality is it don't effect me so I don't care. But there is an effect, and it has to do with everyone. Wen people don't see the big picture it becomes a serious problem. Think about how just got the raise, the lowest paid workers, who happen to be the same people that are doing the low paying jobs that no one else wants.

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