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tonight 11-16


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For thoes of you who havent picked up the 2007 Girls of OSU calendar nows your chance, and for thoes of us that have one, tonight is a chance to get it signed by Alicia Izzo (Oct.06-07) . Im not sure if any of the other girls will be there or not.

The GF will be at Eddie George's Grill in the south campus gateway singing her pictures in the calendar. If you dont have one you can pick one at the signing for $12

Come on out say hey, get a calendar and get it signed, get a beer..whatever

tonight from 7-10

see ya there!


oh and here are some pics of her..just so thoes of you that dont wanna take the chance that it might not be worth your time.




http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e60/standardsta2003/ALICA1.jpg (calendar pic)

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Sometimes girls, especially college girls, like to engage in... what I like to call: social experimentation. Akin to a middle school boy trying on Atheism for size, these girls convince themselves to deny their biological imperatives. They briefly try desperately to believe that aesthetics is not an indicator of superior offspring and that shell necklaces and an absolutely obvious lack of personal style is not an indicator of a lack of status in the social power paradigm.


Eventually, the black nail polish washes of the formerly embittered 15 year old atheist and the busty blonde subconsciously realizes that the biological imperative is supremely important and moves on to more structured jaw lines.





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Question though. Why in the HELLLLLLLLLLLLL would you dress like that to get pics done if your girl is in a bikini? You look like a sporty farm kid.
your answer..like already said..who the fuck is gunna look at me..plus i wasnt soposed to be in them..i was conned in to it.


Sometimes girls, especially college girls, like to engage in... what I like to call: social experimentation. Akin to a middle school boy trying on Atheism for size, these girls convince themselves to deny their biological imperatives. They briefly try desperately to believe that aesthetics is not an indicator of superior offspring and that shell necklaces and an absolutely obvious lack of personal style is not an indicator of a lack of status in the social power paradigm.


Eventually, the black nail polish washes of the formerly embittered 15 year old atheist and the busty blonde subconsciously realizes that the biological imperative is supremely important and moves on to more structured jaw lines.






ok ken so ill ditch the shell necklace and pick up some chromed out aviators like yours...that'll make me cool right? :thumbup:

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